Wednesday, September 26, 2018

"Trouble Won't Last Always- Deal with Your Pain."

When I write about the victory we find in the midst of difficult issues, I also find a few that misunderstand that victory.  Their pain is such that they think somehow it is easy for others to have victory because they cannot understand  pain- or better yet didn't experience real pain. That however is not the case.  Many have endured and came out of things that I personally could not imagine.  They dealt with pain well, not because it didn't hurt, they just had a different focus in the midst. See, like them, I believe that all things REALLY do work for good.  I don't believe it because I understand how it will work out; because real pain can have you second guessing God's process... but I believe it because God said it.  That belief does not make one more spiritual than another, it does not make one stronger than another, it just makes God move.  God is moved by faith,  and when we trust Him with what we can't change or fix, it activates something in the heavens.  Faith is the substance of things we HOPE for and evidence of things we DON'T SEE. So our pain may not be any different when we activate our faith in God.  We just have to  trust Him enough to deal with our pain. Here are three ways to help.


The first thing I would tell you is to understand that yes... you have been hurt.  Your pain may not be your fault or you may have contributed to it; that does not matter.  Hurt is hurt and we have to acknowledge it.  Sometimes it is hard because we feel isolated, violated or think we may be overreacting.  But if you are not dealing with your pain well, do something about it.  Find someone to talk to, get counseling, surround yourself with a positive and uplifting atmosphere at home and in general.  Some may have to take it to another level because there are imbalances in their body... don't be embarrassed by a temporary emotional set back in your life.  If you believe God, you will always have the backdrop of the fact that trouble will not last always!   We just have to outlive the difficult moments and surround ourselves with hope and help.  Push to attend services, events and have good conversations that speak to your future, not just to your pain.  Acknowledging your pain does not mean feeding it, remember if you feed it, it will grow. 


The second thing I would encourage you to do is to understand that pain has purpose.  It is often hard to see how when we are in the midst of it, but purpose can be seen in every pain.  It can be as simple as helping someone who is dealing with what we got out of.  We find people who join groups, set up foundations, speak publicly about the issues or losses that caused their pain.  The enemy thinks our hurt will be strong enough to stop us, and to discourage us  to the point that we have no strength left.  But God has provided us with His spirit that will boost us, and people who will uplift us.  Allow yourself to see past today and find hope in tomorrow.  One of my favorite scriptures deals with Jesus and His cross.  The verse says....

Keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith.  
For the joy that lay before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame, and is sitting at the right hand of God.  Heb 12:2

Jesus endured the cross because of what was coming after it; what was promised because of it. The cross was supposed to be a death of shame, He pushed past that because of what was in His future.  We all have a cross to bear, your cross may be fighting to have hope after losing a loved one, another may be hope after divorce or abuse, some may even be as simple as not feeling good about themselves, a dysfunctional childhood or maybe a life that looks grim.  Regardless to what your cross is, understand that overcoming it holds POWER! That power allows you to sit down in a place of authority, and influence.  Enduring through faith allows you to now sit next  to our God who  then let's your testimony and experience be a help to others.  Look for purpose in your pain so you can endure it.  Joy is found in knowing that your trouble won't last always, there is a purpose in the midst of this.  So plan not just for today, but plan and think about tomorrow.


Lastly, I would like to let you know from a personal point - I get it.  I understand pain, hurt, insecurity, lack, doubt, temptation and shame.  I understand fear,  loneliness, uncertainty and loss.  But thanks be to God, I also understand hope, joy, forgiveness, redemption, provision and healing.  I know a God who has no respect of persons, He will do it for you like He did it for me and for so many others.  God loves when we look at Him and call on Him in the midst of our worst moment, He is not saying "Oh, now you want to talk to me?"  He is saying "YES!  Now I have his/her permission to move on their behalf!"  God is waiting for us to do like the Prodigal son and shake ourselves and remember Him.  So feed the part of you that needs Him, that remembers Him, that trusts Him.  Feed your future with Him, your future with others and your future with you. Plan to be better than you have been, stronger than you feel and more effective than ever!   Find someone who needs what you needed, someone who can benefit from what you have learned and feed them!  Remember the joy that is set before you and endure this  difficult moment, because your trouble will not last and your future is BRIGHT!

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