Thursday, November 7, 2013

Don't Let Go!

Over the years I have had the privilege of meeting so many anointed people.  Not all of them were licensed ministers or working in a church.  Just everyday people who loved God and chose to serve Him.

Within the past few years,  I have noticed that many seem to have been discouraged by life, love or even... they may feel... by God.  It seems they have given up on their faith and turned away from what they once boldly taught,  sang about or at one time boldly lived. 

When I see this, It makes me pray.  Yes for them, but also for myself.  It makes me cherish even more the fact that I still believe God.  I still love Him and I still am willing to lay down my desires and my ways for His.  Is it easy?  Not at all!  This world is so easy to follow.  It's as easy as following the natural flow of a river.  What is hard, is going against the tide.  Pushing against the "natural" flow and going against the grain. 

But if the bible says that His yoke is easy, then why should it be hard? 

It's only hard when we are "unequally yoked".  When we are trying to live for God and hold hands with the world at the same time.  When we want to believe God and trust Him for our daily lives, but we are so beaten up by the world and scared to offend anyone because we ACTUALLY BELIEVE THE BIBLE!  That's what make it hard.  So what do we do?

While driving home from work one day, these were the thoughts that flooded my mind.  I had to do as David did and "encourage myself in the Lord".  How do we stay focused when it seems that there are so many blurry lines in the Body of Christ?   So many who once ran with convictions, now walking with the world's view?  Here is the encouragement I gave myself while driving home.


I remember December 1980 when I stopped running and ran into His arms.  I remember the relief and the joy..... I still remember!  When I think about it, tears cloud my eyes because I can still feel His presence like I did the first day.  I still feel the excitement of adventure in faith.  I wish I knew more about what God was doing with me, but each day is a new realization that He is in control. 

No matter how many people turn from the faith, none of them were there when God saved you.  Don't allow anyone to take that away from you just because they no longer choose to live for Him.   God has set before us death and life, He tells us to choose life.  Me and my house, we choose Him!

So be encouraged today, know that you are not alone, you were not saved by accident, your fight today is not by accident either.  God has a purpose and a plan for you.  The only way we see the end results that He has is that we stay in the game! Keep holding His hand! Don't let go cause He won't let you go....

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I enjoy working with kids, I love gardening and art and decorating. I like to talk (I am told), I like solving problems, I like understanding. When I add all of what I love doing together, I find myself doing just what I am doing now! A part of what I know God has created me to do is to impart or encourage people to know and follow Him. I love working with the children at my church and seeing them get an understanding about God. I love the look on someone's face when they realize their sin has not kept God from loving them. And I really love the process of release. 

That happens after we help someone find the way, I love releasing them to God! Knowing they are fully able to go to Him and live their life without my constant intervention. (this may also have to do with the fact that I am really NOT as social as I may appear to some! 
                   WE ARE ALL GIFTED
When Moses was born, his mother knew he would die if she didn't do something.  So she made a basket with a waterproof bottom and sent him down the river with his sister close at hand.  When the princess found him, she decided to keep him, but knew she couldn't feed him.  They coudn't run down to the corner store and get the most popular baby formula!  So when the princess inquired about who she could get to feed him, there was his sister to tell her she knew a woman who could.  So at that time, his mother became his wet nurse.  She became his nourishment, and got paid to do it!  
How much more natural could a purpose be than that?  Think about it, God has created you to do something as natural to you as nursing your own child... and you can get paid for it!   Many of us spend a lot of time trying to find out the  top ten paying jobs, and we plan our education and life running after that.  But how much happier would you be it you actually did what you were MADE to do, and got paid for doing it? Or at least were able to enjoy our lives much more because we were fulfilled in our innermost being. 
We spend a lot of our time making a living but not making a life.   
Jeremiah 39:
The hardest thing about this is, knowing what our purpose is.  God has called all of us and has given each  of us a specific gift that is supposed to be a blessing to us, and a blessing to others.  Finding out what that gift or purpose is, is key to living a life that is fulfilling. 
What do you enjoy doing?  If you could solve any problem in the world without thought of resources, what would you solve?  What do you enjoy doing for hours and it actually replenishes you when you should be tired?  Is there a reoccuring dream of solving something or helping with something that you have? How can that thing or those things benefit others?  How can it benefit you?  BIG QUESTION:  Will it glorify God??
Answering these questions will help you find out a little more about what you may actually be called to do.  And knowing is half the battle!  then comes trusting God to help you bring it to pass.
That is great!  There are some who seemingly,  without God, find their niche in life and enjoy it!  But it can still seem like there is a void.  Why is that?  One main reason is that God called us to bring glory to His name, and to touch others.  We may be doing part of what we were created to do, but if we do it without fully connecting to Him, something is still missing.
If you are not aware of what God has created you to do, begin asking Him!  Look at what you naturally enjoy and talk to someone who can help you identify what you do well.  People who get into mischief and find themselves depressed even when life is going pretty good, need to know what they are here for.