Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Three Best Gifts I Got for Myself!

This is one of my least 'spiritual' blogs!  Not because it will not have a spiritual lesson in it, but because it really is about the three best gifts I got for myself!  After a life of giving and making sure others were okay, it dawned on me one day, 'Why are you not taking care of yourself, or not benefiting from the hard work you do everyday?'  

I realized it is understood that I am going to honor God, try to be a blessing to people and take care of my family; but sometimes I do it without thinking about myself. This is not a selfish thing either, I need to stop waiting for others to give me what I can get on my own, and stop thinking that it is selfish to do it.  I have learned to give to others without expecting too much in return.  I can make sure they are okay, but I need to be sure I am too.  Instead of waiting for people to think about me and take care of me, I have learned to take care of myself!  If you can afford it, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself. 

I am about to share the best gifts and why I gave them to myself along with why I recommend them to anyone else.  Some of you have already heard this and many have purchased some- if not all of these items for yourself.  I have gotten good feedback from people who are enjoying the benefit of having aquired some of these items - some say they cannot imagine life without them.  

Here are my three gifts that I recommend to you!


The first gift I got for myself was a robotic vacuum.  After realizing that my house was getting emptier, no young kids and not as many hands to help with the cleaning... I was told about a robot vacuum that really worked.  So I went online,  googled it, shopped around, read the reviews and found the best one for me.  There were others on the market that were rated higher, and some less expensive.  But if I was getting a gift for me, it needed to meet my needs.  So NEATO was my choice.  The things that made it stand out were simple, first it dealt well with pet hair, second it could get corners a bit better than the round ones and lastly and the biggest selling feature was that after going back to the dock to charge, it will pick up where it left off!  That was huge for me since I didn't plan to watch it and put it back in it's place.  This has been a great help at home, I can actually work on something else and the house is being vacuumed at the same time.  If you have small children, it might not be best since it looks like a toy, but the dog just moves when he shows up.  Since it has a timer, I can schedule it for the days and times I want it to clean, I have to empty the dust canister, but other than that.... I am enjoying my Neato!   (Thank you SS!)

The Air Fryer

I like fried foods.  I have not been eating them the way I did in the past because... well... the grease.  Some think grease tastes good, but I  just like crunchy food.  I wanted to lose the grease but still enjoy the fried taste in a healthy way.  That brings me to the second gift I got for myself, which  was an Air Fryer.  I saw someone post something about one, and sent them a message inquiring about theirs.  After getting the info, I began my search.  I googled, shopped around, read reviews, I watched You Tube videos and I finally made my decision.  The first thing I tried in it was chicken wings; after all... that is what I had been missing the most.  I must say, it didn't disappoint.  With just a little bit of cooking spray and seasoning, I had a crunchy wing that was tasty and juicy. I did try one with flour on it, but since I don't really eat them that way, I can't answer if it was as good.  I am pleased that I can now eat my air-fried potatoes, chicken and more.  An added bonus was being able to reheat restaurant left overs that were fried without them being soggy.  If you like fried foods, but don't want the grease, this I highly  recommend! (Thank you SW)

The Pressure Cooker 

The last gift I gave myself was kind of unexpected.  I was talking to a client and they mentioned that they were thinking of getting one.  I had not heard too much about them but it sounded interesting to me.  So there I went... you already know.  I searched, I googled, shopped around, read reviews from others who already purchased the various brands and soon I found the one that met my needs at a price I could afford and click... I made the purchase!  This has been the most interesting and most used gift I have given myself! (outside my water flosser- that is another story)  I have made gumbo in just 20 minutes, beans from scratch in just 45 minutes, turkey legs fall off the bone in 20 minutes and more!  It has seven different features including a slow cooker, soup and stews, it saute's and has a yogurt maker!  I can cook meat that is frozen on days I forget to take something out of the freezer and because it is pressure cooking the seasoning goes IN the food, not just on it.  It works with a timer that slow releases on it's own, and warms once time runs out.   If you are someone who cooks all the time, but it is hard during the week due to your schedule, this is a time saver!  I takes the PRESSURE OFF OF COOKING!  I highly reccommend it!  (Thank you JD!)

The Gift I Couldn't Give Myself

Those are my three gifts I got for myself.  My son laughs at me.  He says that every time someone comes to the house, I start talking about that pressure cooker, or the air fryer.    I told him that was not true, but then I started noticing, and I realize I do.  The same thing happened Christmas day when I began to tell everyone I was making my gumbo, but it would only take me 15-20 minutes.  My son started laughing and reminded me again that I ALWAYS  talk about it. 

 I laughed then turned to him and said: 

"Whenever you find something that impacts or changes your life, you can't help but share it!" 

Well isn't that the truth!   

So here I go again... 

There is one more gift I want to talk about. Many of my friends have tried it, and they swear it is the best gift they have ever received.   Now I won't pretend that I was not skeptical and I won't pretend I didn't doubt at first, because I did.   I did what I typically do, although I couldn't google back then, but I read for myself, I listened to testimonies of others who  received it already, and I waited to be sure I was serious about receiving this gift- and I accepted it.  The best part is that it had a lifetime guarantee- actually eternal life guarantee; and get this.....I couldn't beat the price because it was already paid for! This gift is SALVATION!  

I have to say, I am one happy kid.  I walk every day - never alone, I have a priceless gift that I only have to feed, cultivate and yield to every day.  The peace that comes from it, even in the midst of storms, the love even when hate is so prevalent, and the forgivness I am granted even in the midst of my wrongs. I am truly blessed.

I am enjoying living this life, I can't imagine my life without Him, and more than a time saver, Jesus is a lifesaver!  So excuse me, if on more than one occasion... I just  keep talking or blogging about this eternal gift that cost more than I could afford,  I could not give it to myself, but I got it for free!  (Thank You JC!)

NOTE: Each gift I got for myself was reccommeded to me by someone else.  I have used their inititals to thank them... including JC (Jesus Christ) He used others much like you to tell me about His wonderful gift!  Thank you to all who shared!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Uninvited Guest! RSVP

Our parents were both born and raised in North Carolina and as a young military family they traveled a lot.  Some of this journey was seen in the five places their five children were born- Arizona,  Ethiopia,  New Mexico, New Jersey and El Paso, Texas; where we eventually settled down.  To this day we call El Paso home and have had great friends on base and off that frequented our home; but the one thing that was missing was family.  Don't get me wrong, we had great times and gatherings at our house, but we had no cousins, uncles, aunts, or grandparents who lived there with us.  It wasn't until I was grown and married that I realized how that simple truth had affected me. 


When I graduated high school and moved to Houston, it seemed that on more than one occasion people would just "Drop By."  If we left the garage open, people would just come inside.  If the door is unlocked, a family member who was in the area may knock once, then  just walk in.  This was very new to me. I was a bit offended early on until I realized I was the one who was different. Everyone was used to being around family, and used to going to each other's  homes, looking in the refrigerator and getting food -without asking. This difference in my thinking was also seen in family gatherings during the holidays.  When I married I found that it was assumed that we were automatically invited, but somehow my mind didn't work that way. I still waited for an invitation even after being given an open invite. This was a direct result of my childhood where there was no family around and invitations were always given by non family members.  I had carried that through my life and even today, without realizing it, my upbringing still says... BY INVITATION ONLY.

When I think of my upbringing, I can't help but think of the many people who you know, that I know who will be alone this Christmas.  Not because they want to be, but they are waiting on an invitation.  Many times people who have been raised with everyone 'dropping by' may not be accustomed to having to tell someone they love that they are invited to come over, or to join them for an event.  But for a moment, think about how it may feel to show up somewhere not knowing if you were supposed to be there or not, verses knowing that you have been invited.  It makes a huge difference.  If you know someone who is alone during the holidays, it is worth the extra effort to formally speak to them, send a note and let them know that their presence is welcomed.  A general invite or open invitation does not always  work for those of us who have never just drop by other's homes, we actually need to know that this time, we are invited again.  It might seem unnecessary, but that is only to those who don't understand what may trigger that need. We are accustomed to people saying "Call before you drop by."  but remember others are just wondering... "Can I?"  During this holiday, take time to invite and reach out to those that you love but you may seldom see. 


While on this topic, we may as well look at this spiritually!  It works the same way when inviting people to church.   It feels one way to show up at a church or event for the first time, and the person who gave you the 'general' invite is not even there!  You may enjoy yourself, but it can kind of feel like you are at a gathering -uninvited.  In contrast, there is  joy in knowing that someone EXPECTS you to come and they are actually looking for you, waiting for you and they are going to take time to introduce you to others in their life that attend the same church. There is a slight difference between a visitor and a guest, one implies expectation due to invitation, the other just showed up. Remember, if we want people to respond to the invitation, we have to first give it.  


Jesus says that He stands at the door knocking, if anyone hears His voice and opens the door, He will fellowship with them.  This is the greatest invitation of all times, and God is still sending it out.   He sends it through church services, through His kids who touch and reach people every day.  He sends this invitation by simple posts or blogs, He is always calling for you, calling for me.  In the midst of everything you deal with this holiday remember to send invitations to  those you want to fellowship with you, and remember to respond to His invitation for you to fellowship with Him.  He is still the reason... Enjoy your holidays and don't forget to RSVP !

NOTE: For those who know me, as an extroverted introvert...this is not an attempt to get an invite! Just a reminder to look for those we may unintentionally overlook, and to know that Jesus is still knocking at the door of all hearts.   

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Failed Implosion! Having done all...STAND!

I recently watched a segment on the news dealing with an implosion that went wrong.  A particular building was targeted to be destroyed and because of where it was located,  plus the cost and time it would take- it couldn't just be torn down.   So, implosion was the plan. The only problem was that it didn't work. 

It can take years to prepare a building for implosion.  After deeming the facility unsafe, or after agreeing that it has 'seen better days',  the decision may be made to implode it.  Since the facility may be surrounded by vibrant and up and coming buildings, the plans have to be specific as to not damage those around it.

Strictly speaking, an implosion is an event where something collapses inward, because the external atmospheric pressure is greater than the internal pressure.  For example, if you pumped the air out of a glass tube, it might implode.

The day came, the  cameras were ready and the explosives went off.  There was a gust of smoke all around it, but the building stood.  Everyone realized their time of planning failed, now they had to go back to the drawing board.   As usual, this small news segment made me think...


The bible talks about us being "a building not made with hands.."  We have heard about how we are built and crafted by God, we are a tabernacle of God.  After a while if we are not careful, we can begin to think that we are not needed, nor are we useful.  We can think we have "seen better days."  But I want to remind you to stand firm, keep renovating, keep growing and keep working until the day that Jesus comes.    

We all have the same enemy and his tactics are not new.  He desires to steal, kill and destroy us from outward measures or inward ones.   Sometimes it is easier to see the outward attacks, whether by friends, church folk, coworkers, haters or even strangers on the street.  We sometimes fight those outward attacks more because we can see them.  We can even get other people to join us in the outward fight.

But what about the inward attacks?  What happens when your own thoughts and actions towards your shortcomings or less appealing features beat you up?  That is when the enemy knows he can help you destroy yourself...or you can help him.   He tries that by taking the breath out of you.  When you lose the inward fight, that is an implosion. Sometimes we allow hurts or unrealistic expectations to build up in us to the point of breaking. We lose our breath and it does not seem like we will ever catch it again.  We allow what people think about us to affect how we think of ourselves.  We may even think that God agrees with our worst inward thoughts. 


We have to know that we are a great people.  We have to know that we have been targeted to be destroyed but we are built strong!  We have an enemy that does not want us to be where we are, doing what we are doing and touching or reaching the lost. Since he can't get us from the outside, he is trying to make us self destruct.  But his plan again, has failed.  It has failed because he underestimated the strength of your roots, the fabric of your being, and the Maker of your soul.  He failed because of how you are built.

I want to encourage you to build yourself up!  Here are three ways to do it: 

1) The Holy Spirit   Jude 1:20 talks about 'building yourself up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit." Never forget the power of the Holy Spirit to build us up.  He is there to strengthen us in areas we may not know we need strength.   He is the 'breath of life' that keeps us from breaking down, He stops the implosion.  When the Holy Spirit prays, it is not mixed with our insecurities, He only prays what God has said, and what God's plans are.  We can't sabotage His prayers for us with self doubt!

2) The Body of Christ:  We must also remember the fellowship of believers.  There is nothing like being around people that encourage you and help you even when they don't have everything together. Take time during this season to encourage someone, but also allow them to encourage you. It seems like a small thing, but this is one way we strengthen each other.  It is not pride to need help, it is pride to think you don't. 

3) The Word of God:  They say the best defense is a great offence.  If you KNOW what God says and what He plans for you... You are less likely to feel that your actions discount you from His grace or mercy.  He can rebuild us in a moment, and cause what looked like failure to be a great victory!  He can work things that were meant for evil for our good and His glory.  Study and know the word of God about your life, know what the promises of God are.  Remember even though a thousand may fall at your right side.... it shall not come nigh thee.  Live like you know it!


During this season many become heavily discouraged for various reasons.  As we approach a new year we may feel we have not accomplished all that we should, or we may feel that we have wasted time.  But don't forget that God has a great investment in you, He never gives up on His kids.   You can be no more valuable than the day He sent His son to die for you.  You are HIS investment.  NO matter how much you deem yourself as up for destruction, God still resides in you, working with you to will and do His good pleasure.  Yield your thoughts to His and allow Him to renovate your inner man.  God still wants to use you and He still dwells in you richly.  You have everything you need to stand because the greater one resides inside you...  SO STAND!

Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?  

1 Corinthians 3:16

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

When Wisdom Speaks- But You Don't Listen!

Have you ever had a  decision to make and everything in your mind looked right,  but you chose wrong?  I have.  It is almost funny to me sometimes that my business is 'Wisdom Speaks Today' because sometimes wisdom speaks, but I don't listen. 

I can't count the times that I have missed it or 'heard wrong'.  In one moment we can have more trouble than its worth because we think we know what we are doing, because it makes perfect sense at the time.  Years ago I asked God for wisdom.  I believe He answered that prayer and others that I have helped have told me the same.  God helps me help others by giving them a little wisdom from God's word, but when it comes to something that deals with me and only me- I can completely miss it.  Sounds like someone else I know...


I remember well the story of Solomon.  (1 Kings 3) 
He was known as the wisest man in the world, born to David and his wife Bathsheba after they lost their previous son.  God loved Solomon so one day He appeared to him in a dream and told him to ask what he wanted and it would be given to him.  Humbly, Solomon asked for wisdom to judge the people.  He stated that he was a child, unlearned and  he was not sure how to judge God's great people. God was pleased with his humility and told him since he didn't ask for long life or wealth, He would give him what he asked for and all that he didn't.   As a young believer, I was intrigued with that story and believed that he  must have already had some wisdom even before being asked. 

Through his reign we hear about his wisdom, but the most popular story was the  account of two women with one dead baby, and one live one.  (1 Kings 3:16)  He made what was a difficult decision in a very unusual way, everyone knew then that his means of judging was different. God's wisdom was evident.   But then other things showed up in his life... like 300 wives and 500 side chicks.  It seemed like a good idea since he made alliances with various kings in the region and was able to avoid war. (although God already told him he would build, not fight.)  As a result the 'high places' were built, to accommodate the various religions of his wives.  This was a blemish to the relationship the children of Israel had with a jealous God.   So what seemed like a wise decision, backfired. 

I found that Solomon, the wisest man in the world had great wisdom to rule others, but not always wisdom to rule himself.  That is how I feel at times.  


One thing I have learned over the years is that the area of your greatest strength can also be the area of your greatest weakness.  If we are not careful, we can get prideful in the things we do right, and it becomes a vulnerable place that the enemy can use against us.  This is not just true for those who walk in wisdom, but also those who are full of joy- they may battle depression more than you think because it becomes a challenge to keep the face of joy if it is not coming from God.  Those who may be great teachers may be challenged with accepting and walking in actual truth, our understanding can be tainted by our constant research and our own reasoning.  Some who may be worship leaders may be tempted to worship the gift instead of the Giver of the gifts.  Before you know it, God is not invited to our concerts or worship experiences.  Those who love order and structure may be out of order in how they enforce it.  It goes on, and on.  So what do we do?


The best way to overcome the battle between your strength and weaknesses is to yield both to God.  Walking around like we are exempt from failure in the area we thrive in, is a breeding ground for defeat- because the bible says if we exalt ourselves we will be abased. But at the same time allowing our weaknesses to defeat us... is already a defeat.  We have to be diligent about going to God and asking Him daily about things we are 'good' at, while trusting His grace in the things we are not.  I was once in the daily habit of asking God for wisdom,  I am not sure when I stopped, but based on some decisions I made during that time, it had to become a habit and a constant prayer again.  I encourage you to be great at what you are great at, but yield it to God so He has the final say and gets the glory from your gift. Always yield your strengths and weaknesses to Him understanding that without Him, it is not a gift at all.   Allow His grace to govern your life in every area, not just the area that helps or blesses others. 

Walk in your strength knowing that the weak side of it is never far away.