Our parents were both born and raised in North Carolina and as a young military family they traveled a lot. Some of this journey was seen in the five places their five children were born- Arizona, Ethiopia, New Mexico, New Jersey and El Paso, Texas; where we eventually settled down. To this day we call El Paso home and have had great friends on base and off that frequented our home; but the one thing that was missing was family. Don't get me wrong, we had great times and gatherings at our house, but we had no cousins, uncles, aunts, or grandparents who lived there with us. It wasn't until I was grown and married that I realized how that simple truth had affected me.
When I graduated high school and moved to Houston, it seemed that on more than one occasion people would just "Drop By." If we left the garage open, people would just come inside. If the door is unlocked, a family member who was in the area may knock once, then just walk in. This was very new to me. I was a bit offended early on until I realized I was the one who was different. Everyone was used to being around family, and used to going to each other's homes, looking in the refrigerator and getting food -without asking. This difference in my thinking was also seen in family gatherings during the holidays. When I married I found that it was assumed that we were automatically invited, but somehow my mind didn't work that way. I still waited for an invitation even after being given an open invite. This was a direct result of my childhood where there was no family around and invitations were always given by non family members. I had carried that through my life and even today, without realizing it, my upbringing still says... BY INVITATION ONLY.
When I think of my upbringing, I can't help but think of the many people who you know, that I know who will be alone this Christmas. Not because they want to be, but they are waiting on an invitation. Many times people who have been raised with everyone 'dropping by' may not be accustomed to having to tell someone they love that they are invited to come over, or to join them for an event. But for a moment, think about how it may feel to show up somewhere not knowing if you were supposed to be there or not, verses knowing that you have been invited. It makes a huge difference. If you know someone who is alone during the holidays, it is worth the extra effort to formally speak to them, send a note and let them know that their presence is welcomed. A general invite or open invitation does not always work for those of us who have never just drop by other's homes, we actually need to know that this time, we are invited again. It might seem unnecessary, but that is only to those who don't understand what may trigger that need. We are accustomed to people saying "Call before you drop by." but remember others are just wondering... "Can I?" During this holiday, take time to invite and reach out to those that you love but you may seldom see.
While on this topic, we may as well look at this spiritually! It works the same way when inviting people to church. It feels one way to show up at a church or event for the first time, and the person who gave you the 'general' invite is not even there! You may enjoy yourself, but it can kind of feel like you are at a gathering -uninvited. In contrast, there is joy in knowing that someone EXPECTS you to come and they are actually looking for you, waiting for you and they are going to take time to introduce you to others in their life that attend the same church. There is a slight difference between a visitor and a guest, one implies expectation due to invitation, the other just showed up. Remember, if we want people to respond to the invitation, we have to first give it.
Jesus says that He stands at the door knocking, if anyone hears His voice and opens the door, He will fellowship with them. This is the greatest invitation of all times, and God is still sending it out. He sends it through church services, through His kids who touch and reach people every day. He sends this invitation by simple posts or blogs, He is always calling for you, calling for me. In the midst of everything you deal with this holiday remember to send invitations to those you want to fellowship with you, and remember to respond to His invitation for you to fellowship with Him. He is still the reason... Enjoy your holidays and don't forget to RSVP !
NOTE: For those who know me, as an extroverted introvert...this is not an attempt to get an invite! Just a reminder to look for those we may unintentionally overlook, and to know that Jesus is still knocking at the door of all hearts.
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