Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Failed Implosion! Having done all...STAND!

I recently watched a segment on the news dealing with an implosion that went wrong.  A particular building was targeted to be destroyed and because of where it was located,  plus the cost and time it would take- it couldn't just be torn down.   So, implosion was the plan. The only problem was that it didn't work. 

It can take years to prepare a building for implosion.  After deeming the facility unsafe, or after agreeing that it has 'seen better days',  the decision may be made to implode it.  Since the facility may be surrounded by vibrant and up and coming buildings, the plans have to be specific as to not damage those around it.

Strictly speaking, an implosion is an event where something collapses inward, because the external atmospheric pressure is greater than the internal pressure.  For example, if you pumped the air out of a glass tube, it might implode.

The day came, the  cameras were ready and the explosives went off.  There was a gust of smoke all around it, but the building stood.  Everyone realized their time of planning failed, now they had to go back to the drawing board.   As usual, this small news segment made me think...


The bible talks about us being "a building not made with hands.."  We have heard about how we are built and crafted by God, we are a tabernacle of God.  After a while if we are not careful, we can begin to think that we are not needed, nor are we useful.  We can think we have "seen better days."  But I want to remind you to stand firm, keep renovating, keep growing and keep working until the day that Jesus comes.    

We all have the same enemy and his tactics are not new.  He desires to steal, kill and destroy us from outward measures or inward ones.   Sometimes it is easier to see the outward attacks, whether by friends, church folk, coworkers, haters or even strangers on the street.  We sometimes fight those outward attacks more because we can see them.  We can even get other people to join us in the outward fight.

But what about the inward attacks?  What happens when your own thoughts and actions towards your shortcomings or less appealing features beat you up?  That is when the enemy knows he can help you destroy yourself...or you can help him.   He tries that by taking the breath out of you.  When you lose the inward fight, that is an implosion. Sometimes we allow hurts or unrealistic expectations to build up in us to the point of breaking. We lose our breath and it does not seem like we will ever catch it again.  We allow what people think about us to affect how we think of ourselves.  We may even think that God agrees with our worst inward thoughts. 


We have to know that we are a great people.  We have to know that we have been targeted to be destroyed but we are built strong!  We have an enemy that does not want us to be where we are, doing what we are doing and touching or reaching the lost. Since he can't get us from the outside, he is trying to make us self destruct.  But his plan again, has failed.  It has failed because he underestimated the strength of your roots, the fabric of your being, and the Maker of your soul.  He failed because of how you are built.

I want to encourage you to build yourself up!  Here are three ways to do it: 

1) The Holy Spirit   Jude 1:20 talks about 'building yourself up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit." Never forget the power of the Holy Spirit to build us up.  He is there to strengthen us in areas we may not know we need strength.   He is the 'breath of life' that keeps us from breaking down, He stops the implosion.  When the Holy Spirit prays, it is not mixed with our insecurities, He only prays what God has said, and what God's plans are.  We can't sabotage His prayers for us with self doubt!

2) The Body of Christ:  We must also remember the fellowship of believers.  There is nothing like being around people that encourage you and help you even when they don't have everything together. Take time during this season to encourage someone, but also allow them to encourage you. It seems like a small thing, but this is one way we strengthen each other.  It is not pride to need help, it is pride to think you don't. 

3) The Word of God:  They say the best defense is a great offence.  If you KNOW what God says and what He plans for you... You are less likely to feel that your actions discount you from His grace or mercy.  He can rebuild us in a moment, and cause what looked like failure to be a great victory!  He can work things that were meant for evil for our good and His glory.  Study and know the word of God about your life, know what the promises of God are.  Remember even though a thousand may fall at your right side.... it shall not come nigh thee.  Live like you know it!


During this season many become heavily discouraged for various reasons.  As we approach a new year we may feel we have not accomplished all that we should, or we may feel that we have wasted time.  But don't forget that God has a great investment in you, He never gives up on His kids.   You can be no more valuable than the day He sent His son to die for you.  You are HIS investment.  NO matter how much you deem yourself as up for destruction, God still resides in you, working with you to will and do His good pleasure.  Yield your thoughts to His and allow Him to renovate your inner man.  God still wants to use you and He still dwells in you richly.  You have everything you need to stand because the greater one resides inside you...  SO STAND!

Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?  

1 Corinthians 3:16

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