Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I am In LOVE (can you believe it?)



I am IN Love!  What a great feeling to know that after years of searching, or doing without, one day I would find someone who fulfills my desires and cares about me more than anyone ever could or would.  There is something liberating about it. There is something about knowing no matter what I go through, we will work it out.  No more secrets or arguments about who is right and who is wrong.  Since we both want the best for our relationship, we will find a way.  Pride is not in the midst.  Neither of us tries to make the other feel bad with "I told you so's."  When a mistake is made,  an apology is due, and accepted without hesitation.  I love that because I make ALOT of mistakes.  


There was a time that I thought I was really doing good in a relationship, but that proved not to be good.  I was caught off guard by more than I want to go into right now.  I decided I was on my own and I was okay.  I said I was not going to be hurt again, so I made plans to go it alone, not realizing I was still hurting myself.  That proved to not be the best course of action because I still had something on the inside of me that wanted to love and be loved even though I had experienced hurt.  So when I say I am loving this life, I really mean it.  I was not planning on it, but introductions were made, and here we are!  I am ever grateful for the person (you know who you are) who introduced me to this Man despite my rejections and mean looks.  I am so glad you were persistent.  I am sure there is a great reward in heaven just for you!  I love and appreciate you more than you know.


I used to assume that if someone's relationship was not in turmoil that they should be happy.  If a couple is not fighting/hurting each other, one should rejoice.  But to be IN Love!  To know that there are greater days ahead for us, and we are walking towards them together is epic.  I love the thought that every morning, I can wake up with an assurance that someone is right beside me.  The surprise conversations during the day, whispers in my ear, the gentle embraces through the night, the thoughtful gifts and surprises without reason.  I am past settling for mediocre, I am expecting great!  I am planning for the best, not settling based on past experiences.  Oh yes, I am IN Love!


I have a desire to make this relationship work both ways.  I don't want Him to be doing all the work.  So I am stepping up my game.  When I realize I am saying things that hurt Him, I will have to admit it and correct it.  Words of Affirmation is the 'Love Language" most men have.  So telling Him how much I appreciate Him and how well He takes care of me is necessary! He is a great Provider. I don't want a day to go by without Him knowing how much I love Him and how much He means to me.  The funny thing is I know that my words encourage Him to do even more.  I can't lose when I remind Him, I benefit!   
Even when I don't really feel like talking, I have to come out of myself, this in particular has strengthened our relationship. I fight it sometimes because I am tired, or I know the conversation is going to be something I need to fix, but because I really love Him, I MAKE myself talk it out.  Everything is not fixed in one conversation, but just talking  and hearing His thoughts about my situation makes me feel better.  I feel safe that no matter what we face, we will face it together and we will both do our part to ensure our relationship is healthy and strong.  So I'm stepping up my game!


Because I love Him and He loves me, I plan to do the things I know He loves.  I need to listen more and pay attention to Him so when something hurts His heart, I am quick to adjust or to move towards removing that hurt.   This requires a sacrifice on my behalf, but when you are IN Love, it does not feel like a sacrifice at all.  He has sacrificed so much for me, His reputation, His home - He left it to come reside with me.  He sacrificed His relationship with His father.  (His daddy didn't approve of my lifestyle) And He even confronted His father and let Him know that if he loved Him, He had to accept me on His behalf because He was in love with me!  Can you imagine that!?  I am still trying to wrap my mind around that and I'm trying to live up to that kind of acceptance and love.  Today, we are good, His father has accepted me, I so love my Father in Love! 


We finally made it official even though we were kind of living together for awhile.  He was so set on having me as His own, He actually moved in!  I know that is not the way it normally goes, but I tell you, He had me at "Hello".  I finally signed on the dotted line and committed my life to Him and only Him.   Because of things we really wanted to do, we have postponed the honeymoon, but since this is our one and only love, we will have all eternity to enjoy heaven on earth!

He already has children so I am in a blended family.  I have made up my mind to love His children like He does, and He has an everlasting love for them.  He is a good, good Father.  I look forward to learning to love better, laying aside any prejudices I may have been raised with and embracing them ALL... even those that are a bit wayward right now.  We are raising up kids that will be productive and purposeful in life.  I am happy, I know you are happy for me.  I hope and pray that one day, you will have a love like this, I can't wait for you to meet Him.
I love this life, and  I  am SOOOOO  IN Love with a wonderful Man, His name is Jesus! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Lessons for Life- After Death

You Only Get One Mother
You may have had someone who helped raise you or even actually raised you.  But you really only have one mother. Not everyone has a good memory of their mom.  I have great memories of mine.  Not every memory is fluffy and sweet, I also remember some of the hard things she taught us.  But somehow after she passed I seemed to get more clarity and understanding concerning a number of many lessons I had the great privilege of being taught. Many lessons that didn't happened face to face. 
It's been 5 years now, and I'm still implementing things she taught me.  The funny thing is that these lessons came after she died.  I noticed how she managed her finances, how she took care of various family members.  Her check book was filled with evidence of her heart towards many people, some I didn't even know.  The memo in her check book simply said 'GIFT'  or "HELP".  Because of her, I have learned to value people.  That lesson came from seeing so many people who knew her  in a way that her children didn't, but they all had a part of her that she chose to share. 
It was not until she passed away that I realized that I am somewhat in control of some things and need to plan, do better.  I only got one mother, and my kids only get one too.  So there are lessons that I want them to discover not just now, but also when I am gone. 
Whether you had a good or bad experience in your childhood, plan to give your kids gifts they cannot break; lessons that follow them long after you are gone. Below are a few things I learned from my mother about life, after her death:


Love your children and love your family.  You don't have to agree with them, but be sure they know you care.  When you can, help them,  if you can't because of lifestyle issues or you don't have it to help, it is okay.  Just be sure they still know you love them.  Teach your kids about life and death.  Help them understand what they will need to be successful with or without your help. Teach them to work and to have values and standards in their life. Expect great things from them.  When it is all said and done, they may remember how hard you were, but they will also be able to say without a doubt, that you are missed, and they knew you loved them.


Do not leave this earth unprepared!  Some think that preparing a will means you are dying next week.  That is foolish, but what if you do die next week and don't have one?  That is the real fear.  Taking time to prepare helps the family work together towards the same goal when you are gone.  Being fair and honest about what you want and where you want things to go.  Talking ahead of time so family is not left wondering if you were coerced at the last minute helps.  Take time to do things that help put your finances in order before you leave this earth.  Pay off your bills, keep your credit decent, consider a P.O.D. (Payable On Death) with your bank along with payoff insurance for vehicles or credit cards. Be aware if you put anyone on an account with you, when you pass, that money defaults to them.  They are not required by law to share, divide it amongst the family, or use it to pay bills.  A priority is having life insurance and  a legal will with your desires for your burial and property.  An "In the Event Of" folder can hold a list of your current bank accounts, credit cards, insurance policies,  as well as any social media passwords.  Overall you want your family to be informed.  Encourage conversation not because you are planning to die, but because one day unless  you are raptured... you will.    


The bible says that to have friends you must first show  yourself friendly.  It was such a blessing to see how many friends, known and unknown to us that loved our mother.   Many of them were there for her services, they called, offered to feed us, drive us and so much more, all because we were her kids.  She had so many people on her handwritten Christmas Card list!  We made efforts to follow up on them after she passed and today we still get cards from them on occasion, because we are her kids.
The lesson I learned is to be friendly!  When you are gone, people will remember how you made them feel.  You never know who will be there on your behalf to bless your kids long after you are gone.  Your family is often extended by your friendships.


Growing up we knew our mother was not the most religious person.  Not just because of the shoe that whizzed past your head in a moment of anger.  But as the years went by,  she always recalled the faith of her mother... our grandmother- Mama Tansy.  In her latter years, she drew much closer to God.  She was a great supporter at her church and was loved.  I had an 'Aha" moment one evening while sorting through her belongings.  I ran across a test she took at church.  She must have been part of a bible study that gave the participants a test after completion.  There was so much that she wrote on there that let me know this was not an easy test, but she passed it!   I love the thought of my mother studying the scriptures and answering questions about it.  We didn't know that lady growing up, but we are thankful that God answers prayers and does not forget our loved ones!  Somehow the faith of our grandmother followed her, and when  our mother died, she and  all of her children were Christians.
Have a faith you can point your kids to.  We understand that we are not the standard, God's word is, but if you give them something that is sure to outlive you, you can rest assured that they have something to hold onto in your absence. 


No matter how much we try to avoid the thought, death happens.  The best way to deal with it is to prepare for it.  Prepare by treating people right, handling your finances, loving your family and friends and putting things in order to assist those who are left behind to make decisions when you are gone.  
Over all, the best preparation comes in knowing God.  Preparing to meet Him when you leave this place.  Some people still think that day is somehow still far away, ... but truthfully.... do we really know?  Do you know what to expect?  None of us really do.  Faith keeps us in a place that at least we have done well by people and have tried to please God.  Our faith in God pleases Him, trust Him with your tomorrow.

Departed Friends~ Good Grief  by Jacqui Hill Goudeau  (available on Amazon or Kindle)