Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Celebrating My "Would Be" 25th Wedding Anniversary!

I remember well the day I was proposed to. It was a beautiful day and the proposal was extremely unexpected as it happened during a Sunday service. It included 3 Dozen roses.  Red for love, Yellow for friendship and White for purity.  A rendition of "You Bring Out the Best In Me" was sung by a favorite artist.  Many who were there that day would tell me about how excited they were.  The children I was serving in children's church were the first to see the ring up close.  The wedding itself was memorable too, we did what we wanted.  We made the bouquets, decorated, and family prepared the food. After the wedding I chose not to throw my bouquet into a group of single women,  since  I never believed relationships were a whim, they should be purposeful. So I presented it to a young woman along with words of encouragement.  Soon we left the wedding reception to enjoy a meal with our driver at a spinning restaurant.  The next day, we  left Houston headed for San Francisco for our honeymoon.  I remember those days well.....

September 18th would have been my 25th Wedding anniversary!  But I am celebrating ...ALONE.  See as of 2014 I am now divorced.  You may say "What is worth celebrating?"  "What is worth talking  or blogging about?"  "How can you possibly encourage anyone after they find that you failed after 20 years of marriage?"  
"What can you possibly have to say?" 

Well first of all, I am here!  I am doing well, I am not bitter, angry or seeking revenge.  I have pushed forward in my purpose and continue to encourage others to do the same.  I have great ideas for tomorrow and have recently taken on a purpose assignment that I have LITERALLY dreamed about for years!  I have published 4 books after the divorce, and I have a good relationship with my EX and his wife.  We don't hang out and go places, but we can at least make it to heaven and not feel like God did one of us wrong!  More than anything I can think to say, God has been faithful.  God has provided like the good Husband He said He was, and has been there through thick and thin! 

With my prior marriage I inherited two beautiful girls, 3 and 9.  They had huge personalities and were strong willed.  We had a few tough days, but I would not change it for anything!  Today they are more beautiful, more powerful and great wives and mothers. I like to think I helped a little with that.   That union also awarded me two kids of my own, both that I am so proud of!  One is adventurous, galloping around the world doing ministry, and is now married to a man that she can enjoy that with.  My youngest is still hanging with me for a few more years.   He has moments, but hey... we all do.   See everything about the past 25 years is meaningful. Life gave me a choice, I made it and lived it.  There is not a single year in my life that is not worth celebrating! 


Many times we allow life's discouragements and moments to make us into something we were never designed to be.  Every year should make us better, stronger and more able to perform our purpose.  This world is accustomed to holding grudges, making people pay for hurt they've inflicted, fussing and fighting people on our job that don't understand us.  We spend time talking about our pain and pulling together a posse of folks who 'feel our pain.'  That is a total waste of time and talent.  Life is life.  You have to live it and play the hand you are dealt.  The sooner we learn to let the difficulties be steps to a better place, the sooner we put them behind us. 


The best part about the last 25 years is the presence of God.  He has been there through challenges, hurtful moments, bankruptcy, death and health issues.  But He has also been there to usher in joy, peace, understanding, patience, forgiveness and love.  Scriptures reminds us that life sends rain on the just and the unjust, you can choose to stay in the rain and complain, or take your shoes off ...and dance!  

I would like to encourage you to not allow days, memories, or even dates on the calendar to mess up your moments.  We only get so many moments and we shouldn't waste a single one on anything we cannot change.  You have a choice everyday as to how you will respond to every memory, every experience , every trial.  Choose today whether you will wallow in pity, or rise up every day with a smile.  Today as I reflect on my life and where I am now..... I  Choose JOY!  Plus.......It feels better!

Yay Me!


  1. I really love that post. It is encouraging and gives me hope that no matter what, a valuable lesson can be learned and growth can happen if U want it

  2. Awesome! I totally agree with your stance on life and your outlook on it. I adopt it and employ it when I intend to do just what you’ve spoken. And the moments I fail to, I can at the very least say that I get better and better at stopping myself in my tracks, realizing I’m wasting time and breath, recognizing life is far too short, precious, and valuable to squander MYmoments, regroup and move on!

    Girl, you make me want to write! Because of dark moments
    passing in and out of my life the past few years, I haven’t written in years! Thank God a new day is dawning for me!!!

    #itsmytime #can’tstopme
    Love you,lady!

    1. Love you Donnetta! You have earned the RIGHT to WRITE! The world is is your time!!

  3. Thank you for a LIFEtime of Wisdom!!! Love you!!!
