Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Bargaining With God- "A Flea Market Approach"

I am not good at flea markets.  I know people who go in ready to fight, they go to garage sales or other businesses ready to negotiate a price that they want to pay.  I stand in awe at the nerve it takes to go and ask someone to change their price.  I found that I am not that bold!  

The first time I watched someone do this, it stunned me.  I stood and observed what I thought was a singular incident - they went back and forth.  When they were both slightly satisfied, they shook on the deal and exchanged money for product.  I admit, I left there slightly embarrassed because I had no clue that this was normal, or even expected at a flea market.  See, when I go, I  look around, see what I want and decide whether or not I am willing to pay the price they are asking.  Without speaking to them, I will make a decision and either pay or keep looking.  I always assumed that people set a price to PAY, not to negotiate.  I must really look like a novice, because sometimes they will stop me and offer me a lower price, and if I am willing to pay that new price, I do... or I thank them and keep looking.  I realize now that I am the one not in the loop, I just felt that if a price is set, it should be set to sell.  I shouldn't have to negotiate to change it.  That is probably why I don't frequent flea markets......


So if we are used to being able to set or change the price in the natural, is that something we carry over to the spiritual?  It seems that things we do naturally somehow show up in our spiritual lives.  Whether you are like me and just accept the price advertised at a flea market, or by God, or whether you prefer to negotiate is neither here nor there.  You see it's nothing wrong with wanting to negotiate, but if the final price has already been set by God's word, can we really change it? So many times when we find ourselves in a bit of trouble, we tend to start telling God what we will do if He does what we want... 

"Lord, if You pay this bill, I will start honoring you in my giving!"   
"Lord, if You heal my friend, I will start telling others about Your goodness."  "Father, if You help me get this job, I will start going to church regularly."  

All of us have had times that we have tried to bargain with God, whether out of  habit, or in a moment of need. There is nothing wrong with that, we have learned that behavior as kids or as flea market shoppers, in sales and in life.  But is that what God the Father wants from us?  Is that how His promises are realized- can we just tell Him what we are willing to do?  No, not so.


The thing with God is that He has already set the price for everything He has promised us.  Obedience. Loving each other, Repentance, Faith...these are things the requirements needed to uphold our end of the promise.  If we live a life that values the foundational things that God has commanded us, we won't have to try bargain with God to receive them.  The difficulty for us is realizing that He has already paid the overall price, our obedience to His word and taking steps to live them out is our portion required for the things in life we desire. 

His price is set, and His price is fair, but it is not fair because we can afford it, but it is fair because it is required from everyone, and look at this.....  HE GIVES US GRACE AND FAVOR in the process.  That is like someone setting a price, then giving us additional money to meet it.  So in this life we always have the advantage if we are connected to God. 


Just because the price has been paid, does not mean that we will always walk away with what we are asking for.  We are not in a flea-market or a place of business, this is life.  His promises deal with our purpose - finding and doing what God created us to do,  and trusting Him to do His part.  Every true child of God understands that we are not our own and many times God will use life's unpleasant circumstances to make us better.  That means sometimes you will want a prayer answered, and God makes another call.  That job does not go through, or that bill is not paid;  that is when we have to realize that our FAITH has to kick in.  That is when we trust that we are His and He has us in His hands.  Remember Romans 8:28 says that 'All things work for our good..'  even when we don't understand it. 

So if you happen to be one of those negotiating folks who knows how to talk people out of anything, learn how to also receive from God.  His prices are set, and even if you fall short, know that He is not negotiating the price down, He will require us to rise up and meet His offer. But don't walk away, pay the price!  Your faith and trust in Him will remind you that His grace is always sufficient!

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