Wednesday, September 5, 2018

"Protesting the Power of the Protest!"

We are in interesting times!  Every day I get more baffled at the state of our world.  As a believer I have watched things I don't agree with, that the bible speaks against- become laws, I have seen companies rise and fall due to differences of beliefs and I have seen people lose jobs, endorsements and more due to the power of a protest.  Many companies have lost money and some employees have lost their jobs due to protest.  Protesting is powerful, sometimes it is petty, but powerful none the less.  The thing that gets me the most is our freedom to do it.  


In America we are told that we have freedom, but somehow it seems that freedom is going really far.

"The United States Constitution explicitly provides for 'the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances' in the First Amendment."  No human right grants the absolute right to protest, but it is manifested in the freedom of assembly, the freedom of speech and the right to freedom of association. 


There are many things in this world worth protesting and depending on what you believe, you will find them.  I recall a company that was advertising their product, someone thought they should include more same sex couples in their ads and when the company refused... they protested.  It seems that a company should have the right to choose who they want to represent their products, whether same sex, or opposite sex, whether families or singles.  Protesting it was  unnecessary.

We have seen in our politics the need to vote ahead of time in every race. That is the initial way to voice your opinion for candidates.  If anyone chooses not to vote, then they should have nothing to say about the outcome. Protesting  after the fact is not going to work. Once in office, it will call for a legal solution to remove them.  In certain instances in recent days, we have seen protesters rise to the point that a candidate will remove themselves because of the outcry... that is one reason people keep doing it, it works sometimes.  


Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with protesting.  We have that right.  The reason I have issue with some protesting, is the attempt to intimidate. Some people really want everyone to think like they do, act like they do and do what they would do and if they don't... PROTEST!  Make them be what we want them to be, and believe like we want them to believe.  That is when protesting turns to an attempt to intimidate.

When this happens many may consider how their actions can affect their family, job or their money, and they may reconsider, even when we have good reason for their actions.  This is where the rubber meets the road in our daily lives.   Are we willing to take a hit for something we truly believe in?  Or are we only standing when there is no opposition?  They used to say 'if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.'  Regardless to what side you are on, or what you think of his actions, you have to admire Kaepernick.  He chose an action based on his beliefs and went there. Not one time did he back up or give up.  His intentions were misdirected and misunderstood, but he still stood.   He has lost things, he has been blackballed in many ways and yet he stills stands.  (okay, he knelt) 

Psalms 21:4 talks about those who will dwell in God's tent.  It mentions "Those that swear to their own hurt, but change not."  Basically those that stand their ground even when they can be hurt, or lose things.  When they are misunderstood or even isolated; they stand.


The surprise in Kaepernick's story is Nike.  Who thought that their ad campaign would happen like it did.  Do you know what it takes to make that type of stand?  There is a price to make that kind of stand. The funny thing is that is is assumed that this ad is because they agree with Kaepernick, but we don't know that.  Every marketing group has all kinds of people working there to ensure that the ad works for the bottom line of the company.  There are probably republicans, democrats, liberals, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian.... so HOW ON EARTH did they decide to use him in this campaign?  Their stock has dropped a bit, there are protesters all around and many are destroying their products!  Surely SOMEONE on the team saw this happening and warned them BEFORE the launched.  This is not a new company, they know finicky people.  But maybe that was the issue.....


Maybe we need to learn  a lesson from Nike instead of protesting the message.  I believe the issue is US.  The lesson is LIFE.  Many times we sell out when faced with difficulties and we let go of fundamental beliefs when it gets hot.  Ask yourself, "What are you waiting to do in your life?"   "What have you given up on because it got difficult?"  "What are you currently scared to try because of how it will affect you?"  Your life consists of many challenges that you will have to deal with, and if you don't get a backbone to do it before the storm comes, you will not make it.  Some of us stopped raising our children with convictions because we are scared of what others think.  Some have lowered our personal standard because we are on a job that has low standards.  Our nation today is fighting a fight that we pick sides just by default of party or association.  Maybe we need to go in our closet for a moment, think about what we believe and get a new determination to stand for it.  The thing is that your determination may be COMPLETELY opposite someone else's,  and hey they just might just protest- they have that right.  But you also have a right to follow your hear and do what others have thought you couldn't do.  So what if they protest and think you are doing too much.  If you believe it, and it is not putting anyone in danger or harm,  you should stand anyway no matter what they do..   You are made for a purpose, to make a mark in your lifetime, there are things you are designed to impact, changes that can be made to better your life, or the lives of others.  
Don't wait for permission, don't fear the protest.....  JUST DO IT!

"Believe in Something Even if It Means Sacrificing Everything"  ~Nike

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