We just had opportunity to hear the State of the Union address given by the sitting President. Regardless to how you feel about it, it seems that this is as good a time as any to examine ourselves. As individuals we should take time to ask the questions, "What is good, what is bad and what still needs work in my life?" It is a new year and here are a few areas I know I am examining:
I start here because I realize that everything hinges on our spiritual walk. Everything that I need to be successful is connected to how I entreat God and follow His word. If we seek Him first, He promised to add all things to us. So for the state of our union with God, we should examine again what is good, what is not and what needs improvement. This can be seen in our prayer life, our time with God, our study time, or whether or not we are really living by faith. Faith is the only thing that pleases God, so living not by what we see, but what He says is key. Loving people like He does is also key, we can't connect with Him and not connect with others... which bring us to the next area...
Sometimes we think being spiritual excuses this area, but it does not. We need to connect with people in a good way if we want to connect with God. Forgiving, being kind, genuine concern and genuine love. God says "How can you say you love Me, who you have not seen and do not love your brother that you always see?" It takes more grace in this area because sometimes people don't act lovable. (neither do we) Instead of building walls to keep people out, find how you can connect with them in a peaceful way. You can't let everyone in your circle, but that is not required for you to love them, believe the best and pray for them. The same for our marriages and close relationships. Loving each other even when it looks so familiar, finding ways to be a blessing and to minister to the needs of your spouse, children and family that may be kind of distant. If we want a successful year, we must examine the state of our social unions.
One area that can be missed as we examine our unions, is the one with ourselves. How are you taking care of you? You need rest, fun, peace, food, exercise, time away and outlets. If you are not taking time for you this year, you will be successful in some areas, but YOU will suffer for it. I take my vacation every quarter. I have been teased about how timely I am at submitting my request and leaving, but I know how much I give and plan to give everyday at work, at home and to those I mentor; so if I am going to be on top of it all, I have to replenish. The same with you, if you have a vacation you do not take, start taking it. Take time to adjust your eating habits, exercise and do things that make you feel good. The job will be there, the responsibility will be there and the world will go on... you need to take time to relax, restore and replenish.
Budget, Budget, Budget. It almost sounds like a bad word! But we have to ask ourselves, "What is the state of my finances?" This area I have been looking at near the end of 2017 and I am making adjustments to change some things this year. I am looking at where I am going and I need to pay attention to what is ahead. Someone once told me they count their money every morning. ( meaning they check their accounts) I started doing that and noticed when something went out that was not supposed to, or something had NOT gone out that was. It pays to pay attention. Checking things includes spending, saving and giving. As believers we know that honoring God is key. I can't tell you how many times He has brought me through financial issues in ways I could not have thought of, just because I honor Him in my giving. Never discount God's ability to take little and make much. He keeps his promises when it comes to your finances, because He is a God who keeps His promises and He cares about every area of your life.
I left this area for last mainly because I realize, if the other areas are good, sometimes this can be also. It is hard to deal well with people if your mind is worried about relationships, finances or you are having physical challenges. God promises to keep us in perfect peace if our minds were stayed on Him. So peace is one area that deals with our state of mind; the other is being challenged to do more, learn more, take in more to make ourselves better. I recently spoke to a friend who is challenging me to do something that I have been avoiding for years, this is the first year that I am actually thinking about it. It is scary, but if I allow God to work in me in this faith project, I know He will work out the details and I will be better for it. So along with a peaceful mind, it is also good to challenge yourself, by trying something new or different in 2018.
So what is the state of your unions? Are they strong? Are you ready for this great year and all that it may hold? If not, take time to talk to God about building yourself up as a total person, not just one area or the other. We want to be WHOLE. Bottom line you should ask yourself, "What is good, what is bad and what just needs more work?" Then work on it! Surround yourself with people who mean you good, and you them. Do what is necessary to ensure that at the end of this year, you have met some if not all of the goals you set.. successfully. God has a plan for us, it is great. Make sure you are doing your part to see it.
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