Everybody dreams. Whether we realize it or not, we dream often. We dream of being better than we are, smaller than we are, larger than we are, more popular than we are, more anointed than we are and definitely more wealthier than we are. There is nothing wrong with dreaming as long as we don't get into unhealthy comparisons or allow a dream to drive us away from our purpose.
One of the most common types of dreams are the unrealistic ones. These are the dreams that we have because everyone else has it. There is nothing wrong with the dream itself, it is normally a great goal that is supposed to lead us to happiness and peace. But the problem with this dream is that we often forget to measure it by what God is saying for us as individuals, not by what everyone else deems as the "American Dream." One example is home ownership. I have heard about very successful people who choose not to own a home, not because they can't afford it, but because they have found a lifestyle that works for them, and because they manage their finances, in such a way that they don't need the write off. I am not saying don't plan to buy a house, I'm just saying you are not a failure if you choose not to. Making decisions as God leads us helps us to not waste time or money on things that He plans to move us from in the future. Only He knows what the future holds. Any dream should be given to God to determine if it is right for you; that includes decisions about marriage, singleness, job opportunities, college , or even investments in people or products. God does care about our lives, and He promised to give us guidance when we seek Him.
In my younger days, I really liked scary movies. I liked the intrigue of not knowing what was behind the door, or what was lurking in the dark. After getting saved that changed a bit. I still like thrillers but don't like things that are evil. I don't like seeing people kill with pleasure from evil intent or demonic driven fear. I have never watched the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. It was about someone in your dreams coming to life! I was curious about them, but opted out because to me dreams ARE real. I couldn't afford to get those thoughts and images in my dreams. I am not a typical spiritual dreamer, but God has shown me things before in dreams so I guard what I allow in my mind.
Like I said, we all dream, but some of us have been having nightmares. Those nightmares trick us into believing there really is something in the dark to stop us, and there really is something lurking under every bed, behind every door, in the midst of every innocent moment. The nightmare comes to awaken you from the good dreams, to throw you and stop your progress...but remember they are not real.
As a kid I had numerous reoccurring dreams. One in particular was a nightmare of a faceless man coming after me in a house. Every corner I turned he showed up, every door I opened, he was there. Can you imagine what this nightmare could have done to me when I worked in prison ministry? It could have halted any progress in writing to my 40+ pen pals due to fear.
I continued to have this dream until I started taking charge of my nightmares. One night I found myself in the midst of the worst part of the nightmare, and just when I was about to be grabbed... I woke up, looked around realizing where I was, said a quick prayer and went back to sleep. Then I CHANGED THE DREAM! (seriously) I picked up at the scariest part and made a door for me to escape, other times I would all of a sudden gain my wings and fly out of a convenient window that appeared out of no where. Then I would wake up, and consider the dream finished- on my terms. Selah. I don't know why this worked. I know this sounds odd, I have even told it to counselors and they look at me as if it is impossible, one told me I must be very controlling... I didn't really care what anyone thought about how I handled my nightmare, I was the one suffering and losing sleep behind them. I may seem controlling, but it was better than having a nightmare control me. I refused to allow MY dreams to torment me with fear. I don't know what you are dreaming about or what faceless obstacle the enemy has placed in your path, but I encourage you to take charge of your own dreams. Don't wait for a knight in shiny armor to show up unexpectedly in a dream you can change yourself. Give God your dreams and allow Him to govern the way of escape He has for you in every area.
I have a dream, it may not be the American Dream, but I really want to give God glory. I want Him to one day say "Well Done". I live today, not to gain more things, but to gain more of Him; to walk in His word, bless people and in the midst of all of that, I know He will bless me. Yes, I have a home, but I may sell it. I am currently single, but I may marry. I am working a job I love, but God is in control. I am open to the Giver of Dreams. I give my dreams to Him because ultimately He is my dream.
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