Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cooperating With God!

It is hard to get anything done without cooperation.  We see that in our families, in our school system and in our government.  Everything that gets done, gets done by people who work together and do their part towards a common goal.  Rarely will we accomplish anything completely alone, we need each other.  We know this when it comes to our everyday lives, but what about our spiritual life?

The definition of cooperation is to 'act jointly, to work toward the same end, or to assist someone or comply with their requests.' Isn't that a simple definition?  Almost too simple. I want to give some insight on how we can be more cooperative towards what God is wanting for us in 2018.


First thing we need to pay attention to is WHO and WHAT we are cooperating with. Since the objective is not to just get what we want, we have to know and understand the overall goal.  As believers, we want what God wants and we have given up our will for His.   So we know WHO we are cooperating with. The WHAT can sometimes seem unsure, but we should realize we are not trying to get God to sign off on what we want.  The best way to determine what the WHAT is, is to look for His promises. That way we are working towards the same end result and common goal.   His word holds more than we can imagine, every thing God has provided for us is found in His word.

A promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing, or that a particular thing will happen.  If we stopped right there, then it would seem easy!  God just has to do what He said He would do, and we can go on with life abundantly.  Somehow that has not been my reality, and I am certain it has not been yours. Every promise that God has made, He says "yes" to, but His overall goal is not just that we are healed, or prosperous, or even at peace.  His ultimate will is that we KNOW HIM, and go back with Him when He comes. That we operate by His love towards each other.  So sometimes those promises are delayed as we grow in faith and in love. The good thing is that as we cooperate with His will, He works things out for us according to it. 


God has promised to finish the work He has begun in us.  The salvation that He is working in us, the peace that He promises and the purpose that He ordained.  Some of us are struggling in the process, but we only need to cooperate with the work He is doing in us.  Once we have received Christ, this promise goes into effect.  Only problem is that we are made with a free will.  So though the promises of God are in Him- Yes and Amen... we can prolong or stop the manifestation. God is going to do His part, we need to do ours.   Here are a few promises that we need to cooperate with.  I am sure you have others that you can add to see how you are cooperating with God.

Salvation:  This work was finished on Calvary.  The way we cooperate with God is by growing in grace.  Reading the word of God, treating people right, sharing our faith and trusting Him as we live this out.  We can't make ourselves any more saved than the work God has done, seeing it in our everyday life is how we cooperate with Him. Allowing Him to lead us everyday... 

Healing:  We often think that if God has healed us, it is so and that is it.  But cooperating with God may look like doing the things naturally that bring health to a body God has already healed.  It looks like resting when you need to, perhaps even taking medication when you need to.  Just because you take your meds, does not mean you are not trusting God any more than staying on a job would say you were not trusting Him to provide.  We do what we can and faith allows us to trust Him to do what we can't.  

Peace:  We know the word of God promises us peace if we keep our mind on Him.  Somehow it does not always seem to come easily.  But the word of God is true, keeping our mind on Him is not just in  a moment.  It is knowing that everyday I am fully aware of His presence and His provision.  So I am not devastated by unexpected things that show up from day to day.   I hold onto the ONE who is ever present.  This helps me maintain peace, even in  storm. 


If we want to see success in any area in our life, we will need to consider the promises from the word of God,  We need to consider HIM and the part He has already done and continues to do.  Then consider what we are willing to do to see it come to pass.   I often would remind God that He promised to complete a work in me, and He lets me know "Yes, I did... and what are you going to do to cooperate with that work?"  That is my challenge today and every day.  So today I invite you to challenge yourself to not just know the promises of God, and quote or memorize them,but also cooperate with the Promises of God. 

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