Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018 In Review!

This has been a good year, a challenging year; a year of discovery, disappointment and Joy. 

It is interesting to me how much can happen in a year.  We begin the year with new hopes, some times with new resolutions and plans that this year will be better than the one before.  Does that ever really happen?  I mean, there are some things that I wish were the same as last year, or things  that I wish I had a chance to do over, but that is not life, that is not real.   Here is my take on 2018.


I accomplished some things that I said I wanted to do this year. I planned, spent, thought, prayed and it happened!  It was exciting... at first, then reality stepped in.  Now I'm  having to work it!  The dream was good, but the work is... well it is work. Some things we desire require more than we imagine.  Whether it is a business, a relationship or an improvement in our living, they all require more than we may have added in our 'cost counting'.  When new 'bills' show up, that is when we have to make the payment, or throw in the towel.  I am still making my payments on some things I dreamed about and told God I wanted to accomplish in 2018, and  I am still committed to finishing it.  What about you?  Along with any unexpected challenges, are you still sure enough, committed enough to stay in there?  Then the next question is- should you?


One thing I have learned during this time is that just because we follow a desire to do something does not mean we have to keep doing it!  I believe there is a lesson in every desire we have, everything we do.  Sometimes we just have to pull the lesson out of it, cut the strings and go on.  It reminds me of my Cadillac.  I have always wanted a Cadillac.  That is the only car that I recognized on the road and I just wanted one.  Then I got one!  It was everything I thought and also much more than I could thought.  I knew I was a down home kinda girl, so whenever I wanted to put bricks in my car, it felt wrong...  Who puts bricks in a Cadillac!?  When spring came and I bought plants and mulch, it felt wrong again putting that  dirt in my Cadillac.  After awhile, I got the Cadillac out of my system and got me a SUV.  Just because I had a desire for it, does not mean that I have to commit to a Cadillac future.  It is okay to move on! 
Lesson:  if you started something in 2018 because of a dream to do it, and you find that it was really just something you wanted, not your purpose, not your gifting, or it does not fit with who you genuinely are... you can still change.   I found the cost of my dream car was more than I wanted and I prefer spending extra money in more purposeful places, not my gas tank or repairs.  Don't get so locked in you don't examine your life and make the change.


I have always been pretty healthy, but this year had me getting a biopsy and having a procedure based on the results.  That was not in my 2018 plans. When we are faced with talking to doctors and them calling you in to talk about test results, we can forget things we have been saying for years and focus on the uncertainty.  All of a sudden you feel the fear that others can, or you pull on faith that others have.   When the diagnosis ended up not being as bad as it could have been, it had me examining myself to see if I would have given Him glory, or thought "Whew, dodged that bullet!"   (You know we do that sometimes.)  We sometime forget that bad things happen to good people, and serving God does not guarantee that we will not have challenges in life.  I realized  that I either trust Him or I don't.  Trust is not just in good times, in fact, it is often seen in the bad.   So, I thanked God for His grace and mercy towards me, and I know that whichever way it could have gone... He is God and not only do I love Him, I trust Him.   


Like I said, this year has had ups and downs, but I STILL love each New Year! Not because I get to start over, I am already on this road in life, I can only go forward from here. It is not because I get a do-over, I don't;  I have to deal with what I have already done, or where I currently am. But I  do get to start a new year with hopes and  dreams, with plans and purpose.  I get to watch God move in every challenge, every disappointment, every discovery and every joy. AGAIN!!  It is a fantastic journey and I never know what the next day holds.

To me what makes every New Year great, is that I am still holding onto God's hand, and trusting Him. Yes, I am ready for 2019 and all it may hold, simply because I know Who holds me!

2019... we are ready!  Booyah!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

“What is Christmas All About?”

Twas the evening of Christmas, such a beautiful night,
A manger is lit with a glorious light.
The animals are quiet, no one utters a word,
Only the praises of angels can softly be heard.
Many people have come, they’ve all gathered near,
Such joy in their hearts, and their eyes full of tears.
What is the reason for the joy felt within?
The Savior is born, the Redeemer from sin!
He is here to save us, so there’s no need to fright,
The evening of Christmas what a beautiful night!

33 years after Christmas, on a hill far away,
Our Savior is crucified, what a mourningful day.
He is scourged He is spat on and unmercifully beat,
Nails are driven in His hands and in His feet.
The animals are silent, no one utters a word;
As He is pierced in the side by the edge of a sword.
The sky is black, dark clouds hang down low,
The ground is shaken the wind ceases to blow.
But three days after this, what a glorious morn!
Just as the day Jesus our Savior was born.
He is risen, alive and He’s glorified!
Interceding for us on the Father’s right side.
He is the Truth, the Life and the Way,

Three days after Calvary, what a glorious day!
One day from the sky will arise such a clatter!
A trumpet will sound and the clouds will all scatter.
And who to our expectant eyes will appear?
Jesus our Savior with a Joyous cheer!
And placing His foot gently upon the land,
He will call for His church, with outstretched hands.
We who know Him and are waiting, will go meet the Lord,
And the praises of saints will surely be heard!
If you’re cleansed by His blood and redeemed from sin,
You can rest in His promise, He’s coming again!

Christmas didn’t end in Bethlehem that beautiful night;
Cause even now we are looking for that marvelous light.
Be ready and look for Him, He’ll be here with a shout,
And you’ll find just what Christmas is all about.
In parting with you I would just like to say,
Merry Christmas to you all, and hope to see you that day!

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given.
Isaiah 9:6

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

“The Lord Nudged Me”

One day I saw an old man, sitting, shivering in the street.
His clothes were old and ragged, he had no shoes on his feet.

His eyes were dark with circles, so much sorrow I could see,
As I looked into his lonely eyes, that was when the Lord nudged me.

I was a little doubtful, but my heart was burdened down.
I couldn’t just walk by and leave that old man on the ground.

So I talked to that old man, then I took him out to eat.
I fed him, then clothed him, and put new shoes on his feet.

All along I spoke of Jesus, I told him all about my Lord,
He listened very silently, but took in my every word.

At the end of the day, he wanted to be saved, a bit to my surprise;
Right then he repented, and God saved him, with tears of joy in his eyes.

When I left that old man, he was smiling joyfully,
He said for the first time, he saw a picture of Jesus- in me.

The last time I saw that old man, they had put him in his grave,
I thanked God through tearful eyes that his soul at last was saved.

Now I rejoice to think of that old man, sitting in glory,
And I thank God that I responded, when the Lord nudged me.

But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 1 John 3:17

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

"Who Was That Standing By You?"

I saw you walking just the other day,
I saw you very clearly as you went on your way.
I know, no matter what anyone may say or do,
I know I saw a Man standing next to you.

A car was coming down the street at a tremendous speed,
That Man held up His hand, did you thank Him for that deed?
The way that car stopped instantly sure seemed really hard.
It is good that Man next to you was really on His guard.

Then one day I saw you, you were at the grocery store,
Your basket was full, your bank almost empty.  You knew you needed more.
And I know no matter what anyone may say or do,
I know I saw that same Man, standing next to you.

As you reached inside your wallet to get what little you had,
I know I saw Him slip in more, I know that you were glad!
I even saw your children as they went out for the day,
And I know it was that same Man that followed them along the way.

Then that week that you were sick and stricken to your bed,
The doctors had all given up and said you’d soon be dead.
When I went to visit you late one-week night,
They said you would be asleep, but I know I saw a Light.

As I opened your bedroom door, I didn’t know what to do!
Cause there was that same Man, praying next to you!
The room was lit in glory, light streaming through the place,
I squinted but could still see tears rolling down His face.

Soon you were healed and thanking God you were free,
Only then did I finally notice, He also followed me!
Very soon we will be caught up to meet Jesus in the sky,
And I know He will look familiar, but I may not realize why.

We will walk between the pearly gates headed for the throne,
And I know I will recognize the Light that in your room had shone.
And I know, without a doubt or what anyone may say or do,
We will walk in and see that same Man that stood by me and you!

Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

"Lord Change Me!"

So many times we look and see faults in one another,
Then we lift up our eyes and whisper, “Lord, change my brother”
You see how you didn’t agree with all that he may do,
But have you ever stopped to think of how others may see you?

We’re so quick to find the many ways others could be wrong,
Sometimes even knowing we do the same things all along.
But if we’d stop, look at ourselves and really try to see,
We would lift up our eyes and whisper, “Lord Change Me.”

Change the things not like You, things I say and do.
Change my mind, change my heart and my motives too.
Change the way I see my brother and the life he may lead,
So I can look past what I see, and only see his need.

Help me be the man or woman you want me to be,
Lord I yield my all to You, Lord please change me!
When we reach the place we see ourselves and the mess were really in,
We’ll see the motive of our hearts and see all of our sins.

We’ll see were not perfected and not living all right,
We’ll see we have many faults that show under the Light.
So when you look at your brother, trying to see what you can see,
Remember, then lift up your eyes and whisper, “Lord Change Me!”

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye? Luke 6:41

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"I Thank God for The Valleys"

I was standing in a valley walking on an endless road,
Headed for the mountain, carrying my usual load.
I walked very slowly; so I wouldn’t tire quick,
On my back a giant bundle, in my hand, a walking stick.

As I walked through the valley; headed for the mountain base,
I felt myself grow weary, even at my slow pace.
So I stopped to examine the large load upon my back,
So many things I couldn’t believe I took the time to pack.

I began to throw away all the things that hindered me,
Many things that were hidden there I had never even seen.
All the sins and weights that so long had held me down,
I felt the freedom come as I threw them to the ground.

Then I picked up my stick and began my walk again,
Feeling the weight lifted cause I set aside my sin.
I climbed the mountain with patience; forgetting all that was behind,
I pressed and fought the hardships with a clearly made up mind.

Finally as I reached the top and felt the victory!
I turned and looked how far I’d come with my Savior guiding me.
That valley seemed at one time to be such a trial to me,
When all along my sins were all that hindered me.

I thank God for that valley, where a victory was won,
I realized not just how low I was, but learned how far I’d come.
I look ahead and see higher mountains that I must climb,
But I’m deeply inspired by the victory I left behind.
So as I turn towards my new goal, I smile then I stop,
To take a deep breath of victory, upon the mountain top.

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"Even When I'm Hurting"

Even when I’m hurting, with me Oh Lord, You’ll be,
Ever present, ever loving, ever watching over me.

Even though I may be broken and feeling deep despair,
You will ever be beside me keeping me within Your care.

When death or life may shock me with pain I never knew,
My true and greatest comfort will come from time with You.

Though my heart is barely beating and breathing hard to do,
You are sending me great people with a heart to see me through.

At times anger engulfs me, and I don’t know how to feel,
But Your word gently reminds me that one day I too will heal.

Guilt sometimes will show his face, he taunts my weary mind,
But if I keep Your focus, even then Your peace I’ll find.
Through my loss I’ve not forgotten, as my loved ones went away,
Your goal is not me forgetting them as I heal from day to day.

But Your goal is that I remember You, even though I feel this pain,
By doing that I choose to love and learn to live again.

Lord, You are ever near, seeing me through every day.
Ever keeping, ever pulling, and ever coaching me along the way.

So even when I’m hurting, with me I know You’ll be,
Ever present, ever loving, ever watching over me.

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
 Isaiah 26:3

Introductory Poem Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Departed Friends: Good Grief"
Available at 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"Outstretched Hands"

I was living in a world of sin, full of junk and grime.
A world of hatred and coldness, a world so full of crime.
That world was completely dark, no light was ever there.
People were walking in darkness, but it seemed that no one cared.

One day some of us saw something we’d never seen before.
A light, at the end of a road that shone bright around a door.
Behind the door was knocking, someone anxious to get in.
People around were fleeing, cause the light was showing their sin.

I still could hear the knocking as my hand reached for the door,
Friends of mine were laughing, but I didn’t care anymore.
As I turned the knob and pulled the door towards me, it opened wide.
I saw the light and glory that was on the other side.

As my eyes adjusted and I looked deep within,
I felt the darkness lift and felt myself get rid of sin.
The feeling was really beautiful, but nothing was as grand,
Nothing could compare to seeing the pair of Outstretched Hands!

They seemed to be so loving, anxious to reach and hold.
They made me feel like I’d never sinned, like my bones were made of gold.
Behind those hands was Jesus, dressed in white and full of light.
The love that shone inside His eyes removed my fear and fright.

As I fell into those loving arms, my eyes filled up with tears.
I thought of all the wasted time; the days, the months, the years.
Yet, when I heard the knocking and opened up the door,
The love and peace caught hold of me, as it never had before.

If you are in a world of darkness that seems like no one cares,
Remember the knocking on the door and the feeling that I shared.
But most of all, remember the love and the light that was so grand,
And if you open up your door, you will see those Outstretched Hands.

“Behold I stand at the door and knock, If any man hear My voice and open the door; I will come in and sup with him and he with Me.”   Revelations 3:20

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

OPEN INVITATION: Join the Family of God!

Growing up l heard about a HOLY God who would not always strive with man.  We heard messages about a God who did not dwell in unclean temples and who could not be in the presence of sin.  As an adult, I realize all of that is still true! But we forget that this HOLY  God  made provisions for an UNHOLY people.  Us.  Because of this knowledge, I appreciate this next thought from Old Testament.

I used to like following bible genealogy.  It was just interesting to me to follow how someone's kids turned out,  and whether or not they did right in God's sight.  Most genealogies are found in the Old Testament, but if you read in the New Testament, there is another genealogy listed...Jesus'.  This one caught my interest as well....See if you read through it, you will find a few names that seem out of place.   Most of the time, the listing will be based on the fathers naming their sons, but in this listing it includes five women that are worth looking at... the names of Tamar, Rahab, Uriah's wife, Ruth, and Mary.  


Tamar was a scorned woman who couldn't keep a husband because they kept dying!  After marrying two sons in the same family and both dying, she was being ignored by her father in law, after he promised her a younger son.  So she dressed as a harlot and slept with her father in law to get an heir. She later blackmailed him  when he tried to judge her for being pregnant and unmarried.  


This woman was a for real harlot who worked the men who visited Jericho.  One day some men of God showed up and she helped them in a different way, and saved herself in the process.  By marrying one of the men she met, she also earned a place in Jesus' genealogy.


This woman was not named- she is recognized by her husband name, forever connecting her to a murderous plot.  She was the woman that David slept with after seeing her bathing on a rooftop.  She was known by the kings actions after she became pregnant.  As the story goes, David had her husband- Uriah killed and later David married her. Their child died, but she too was listed in the genealogy of Jesus.


This woman was found to be faithful because of her heart to help her mother in law.  She was a widow that had no home, but purposed to help no matter what. She said to her mother in law: "Your God is my God, your people, my people and wherever you go, I will go."  Her deeds were not secret and  she became the wife of  a wealthy man who later cared for her and her mother in law.   You would not think a poor widow would make it in Jesus' genealogy, but she did,


Last of all, a virgin named Mary, she was not even supposed to be a mother, but yet she is the mother of Jesus, thereby in His genealogy.


You may think this is interesting, but what does it mean to us today. You might say that genealogy is just ... genealogy, you can't help who you are related to; and that would be right.  That person that you think will never make it in to God's kingdom, may be your little brother!  That woman that has habits that embarrass you, may be your sister. 

Well, no matter where you are or what you deal with in life, you are not exempt from being a child of God.  God has made an invitation to all men (and women) and no matter what people think about you, or what you have or don't have, what you have done, or failed to do.... you have an opportunity.  If we wanted to make a lesson of their lives, I would say it like this.

Know your rights, some things have been promised to you!~ Tamar
Don't let who you have been stop you from being who you can be!  Rahab
No matter what you have been involved in, there is still hope! ~Uriah's wife 
Treat people right, and good will follow! ~ Ruth
Allow God to do in you, what only He can explain! ~ Mary 

For many of us who are already in the family of God, we have to remember who we were.  Nothing about us meant we deserved to be included.  And much like these women, there may be more that should keep us out.  So be aware of those around you that you feel should die and go to hell... it should really be all of us.  Know that God has an open invitation for everyone to join the body of Christ!  Will you deliver it?

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Adam: Life Lessons of Old!

The last few blogs have had to do with life lessons from the Old Testament.  I know it might not be fun for everyone, but I have always LOVED the Old Testament!  I'm not referring to all the ' begats',  the rules or even the laws, but I have always loved reading about the people.  They had just as much drama as we do and then some!  I love reading about how God loved them, gave them promises, they go wayward and God finds a way to bring them back to His promise.  Does that sound familiar?  It is all about relationships and this is where my next Life Lesson comes from. 


The bible talks about a man referred to as the first Adam, which was Eve's husband, the first people recorded as being on earth.  We know the story of Adam and Eve, the creation, the purpose, and the Tree.  Adam was created by God and given a job to do.  After awhile God realized that after naming all the animals, Adam was really alone, so God created Eve from his rib.   God then commanded Adam not to eat of the fruit of the tree of life or he would die.  That instruction was given to Adam, so when Eve ate of it and gave it to him, it started messages that we have heard for years... "Eve was deceived but Adam was disobedient."  At a glance that may be true, but after hearing a  message recently, I got another angle.


A friend sent me a video with a message about  Adam, the first and the last. He talked about how Adam  made a choice to eat of the fruit with Eve for better reasons that I could have imagined.  He talked about the covenant of love and that he knew she had disobeyed God and  would be judged and if she was going, he was going with her. The speaker gave a glimpse of Jesus Christ- The second Adam... and how He loves us.  Knowing that we have fallen away from God, knowing that He was had no sin, but He became sin for us and took on our judgment.

How many times have we forgotten that we are the bride of Christ?  We tend to forget that He has made a covenant with us, not just those of us who are walking upright, but even those of us who stand in the midst of a garden of blessing, and take a wrong turn.  No matter where you are in the story line, remember that Jesus won't leave you to go through this alone.  He already took on our sins, He already paid the price, the only thing we have to do is accept Him!


 If you know someone who is struggling or dealing with obvious sin?

Instead of standing in judgment, stand in the gap! God has given us a ministry of reconciliation.  That ministry is not needed because we are walking close to God, it is needed because we are not.  Be willing to stand with someone when they least expect it and walk them back to the feet of Jesus.   The scripture reminds us that LOVE covers a multitude of sin, our and others!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Samuel & Eli: Life Lessons of Old!

This is another Life Lessons from the Old Testament that have learned from over the years.   I believe in being real with God.  I don't pretend that I am perfect, even when I get something right, (especially when I get something right) and I realize that regardless to any title, position, or how long I have been walking with Him, I STILL need Him.  Any bit of success we have,  comes from Him.  I also understand the laws of sowing and reaping.  Some things I have done in my life had consequences, and I adjusted myself when I prayed to God.  I don't pretend that someone is being mean to me, or that someone is not being gracious or spiritual; some things are simply 'I sowed, I reaped'.  That is why this next character taught me a lesson that has been helpful to me. 


We love telling our kids about how God spoke to a child.

BACK STORY:   Hannah was barren and prayed for a son and when God blessed her with Samuel, she told God she would give him to the church and she did, literally.  (Talking about tithe or first fruit! )  Samuel was raised by Eli a priest in the temple, but Eli had some bad parenting issues with his own sons.  According to the bible he allowed them to run wild and they blatantly did things that they knew were wrong and Eli didn't correct them... so God did.  God spoke to Samuel late one night telling him to tell Eli that he was going to be judged for not dealing with his kids. (The full story is great, but you will have to read that part for yourself!(1 Samuel 3:1-10)  Samuel was confused with hearing God call him, he thought it was Eli.  After three times Eli told him it was God and to respond to Him, and he did.   The next morning Eli asked Samuel what God said to him and Samuel was reluctant to tell his mentor, this man of God, that God was going to judge him because of his lack of disciple with his sons.  After Eli got Samuel to fess up, he told him what God said.  Eli's response puzzled me... he basically said:

"He is the Lord, Let Him do what is good in His eyes."  1 Samuel 3:11-17  

As a result in the next chapter not only did Eli's sons die, but he did as well.  

Okay folks, I get it.  I told you that I am really analytical, that I understand consequences and sowing and reaping, I understand that some things I have dealt with are because of my own actions and I can't blame people when judgment comes.  But as much as I know and understand God's wrath, I  also know God's love, His mercy, His grace and His plans are good for me.  I know that He is more gracious than man, more willing to hear our cry and more available to us when we think He should be far away.  God is never wanting us to perish, He prefers repentance!  God has plans for us and even when you realize consequences are coming, you can still call on a God who loves you and has a plan for your life.   Here is an example for those of you who are harder on yourselves than I am....


Hezekiah was sick, Isaiah the prophet came and told him to put his house in order because God said he was going to die.  Hezekiah could have said "Be it unto me according to Your word."  But He didn't.  Instead he turned his face to the wall and called on God.  He reminded God of his faithfulness to Him and he wept bitterly.  Before the prophet left the gate, God sent him back with this message.

"Go tell Hezekiah, "This is what the Lord the God of your father David,  says: I have heard your prayer and seen your; tears I will add fifteen years to your life and deliver you and this city..."

Two different situations  but both heard a negative word from God.  You may say that Hezekiah had faithfulness to work with, but as long as you have breath, you can talk to God and ask for His help in building faithfulness anew.  It is worth the try instead of dying a harsh death in disobedience.  


So what the story of Eli and his sons taught me, is not to be so analytical that I just accept the reaping for my sowing without asking God to help me uproot the plant.  I would rather have to change my ways and rely on His grace and help to do it, than to accept something less than what God really wants for me just because I feel I  deserve it!  So....

For every negative confession 
"Lord I repent for lying!"  

For every bad seed sown
"Lord, forgive me and help me uproot my bad seeds and plant good ones so much that it chokes out the bad.  For  anyone affected by my bad sowing, I pray they reap only good and live a prosperous and peaceful life!" 

For every act of disobedience... 
"Lord, I need Your help to honor You.  I yield my will to Yours and ask You to govern my life. Help me to obey You!"

In Jesus Name, Amen!