Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Adam: Life Lessons of Old!

The last few blogs have had to do with life lessons from the Old Testament.  I know it might not be fun for everyone, but I have always LOVED the Old Testament!  I'm not referring to all the ' begats',  the rules or even the laws, but I have always loved reading about the people.  They had just as much drama as we do and then some!  I love reading about how God loved them, gave them promises, they go wayward and God finds a way to bring them back to His promise.  Does that sound familiar?  It is all about relationships and this is where my next Life Lesson comes from. 


The bible talks about a man referred to as the first Adam, which was Eve's husband, the first people recorded as being on earth.  We know the story of Adam and Eve, the creation, the purpose, and the Tree.  Adam was created by God and given a job to do.  After awhile God realized that after naming all the animals, Adam was really alone, so God created Eve from his rib.   God then commanded Adam not to eat of the fruit of the tree of life or he would die.  That instruction was given to Adam, so when Eve ate of it and gave it to him, it started messages that we have heard for years... "Eve was deceived but Adam was disobedient."  At a glance that may be true, but after hearing a  message recently, I got another angle.


A friend sent me a video with a message about  Adam, the first and the last. He talked about how Adam  made a choice to eat of the fruit with Eve for better reasons that I could have imagined.  He talked about the covenant of love and that he knew she had disobeyed God and  would be judged and if she was going, he was going with her. The speaker gave a glimpse of Jesus Christ- The second Adam... and how He loves us.  Knowing that we have fallen away from God, knowing that He was had no sin, but He became sin for us and took on our judgment.

How many times have we forgotten that we are the bride of Christ?  We tend to forget that He has made a covenant with us, not just those of us who are walking upright, but even those of us who stand in the midst of a garden of blessing, and take a wrong turn.  No matter where you are in the story line, remember that Jesus won't leave you to go through this alone.  He already took on our sins, He already paid the price, the only thing we have to do is accept Him!


 If you know someone who is struggling or dealing with obvious sin?

Instead of standing in judgment, stand in the gap! God has given us a ministry of reconciliation.  That ministry is not needed because we are walking close to God, it is needed because we are not.  Be willing to stand with someone when they least expect it and walk them back to the feet of Jesus.   The scripture reminds us that LOVE covers a multitude of sin, our and others!

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