I was living in a world of sin, full of junk and grime.
A world of hatred and coldness, a world so full of crime.
That world was completely dark, no light was ever there.
People were walking in darkness, but it seemed that no one
One day some of us saw something we’d never seen before.
A light, at the end of a road that shone bright around a
Behind the door was knocking, someone anxious to get in.
People around were fleeing, cause the light was showing
their sin.
I still could hear the knocking as my hand reached for the
Friends of mine were laughing, but I didn’t care anymore.
As I turned the knob and pulled the door towards me, it
opened wide.
I saw the light and glory that was on the other side.
As my eyes adjusted and I looked deep within,
I felt the darkness lift and felt myself get rid of sin.
The feeling was really beautiful, but nothing was as grand,
Nothing could compare to seeing the pair of Outstretched
They seemed to be so loving, anxious to reach and hold.
They made me feel like I’d never sinned, like my bones were
made of gold.
Behind those hands was Jesus, dressed in white and full of
The love that shone inside His eyes removed my fear and
As I fell into those loving arms, my eyes filled up with
I thought of all the wasted time; the days, the months, the
Yet, when I heard the knocking and opened up the door,
The love and peace caught hold of me, as it never had
If you are in a world of darkness that seems like no one
Remember the knocking on the door and the feeling that I
But most of all, remember the love and the light that was so
And if you open up your door, you will see those
Outstretched Hands.
“Behold I stand at the door and
knock, If any man hear My voice and open the door; I will come in and sup with
him and he with Me.” Revelations 3:20

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at www.wisdomspeakstoday.com
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