I was standing in a valley walking on an endless road,
Headed for the mountain, carrying my usual load.
I walked very slowly; so I wouldn’t tire quick,
On my back a giant bundle, in my hand, a walking stick.
As I walked through the valley; headed for the mountain base,
I felt myself grow weary, even at my slow pace.
So I stopped to examine the large load upon my back,
So many things I couldn’t believe I took the time to pack.
I began to throw away all the things that hindered me,
Many things that were hidden there I had never even seen.
All the sins and weights that so long had held me down,
I felt the freedom come as I threw them to the ground.
Then I picked up my stick and began my walk again,
Feeling the weight lifted cause I set aside my sin.
I climbed the mountain with patience; forgetting all that
was behind,
I pressed and fought the hardships with a clearly made up
Finally as I reached the top and felt the victory!
I turned and looked how far I’d come with my Savior guiding
That valley seemed at one time to be such a trial to me,
When all along my sins were all that hindered me.
I thank God for that valley, where a victory was won,
I realized not just how low I was, but learned how far I’d
I look ahead and see higher mountains that I must climb,
But I’m deeply inspired by the victory I left behind.
So as I turn towards my new goal, I smile then I stop,
To take a deep breath of victory, upon the mountain top.
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily
ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at www.wisdomspeakstoday.com
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