I saw you walking just the other day,
I saw you very clearly as you went on your way.
I know, no matter what anyone may say or do,
I know I saw a Man standing next to you.
A car was coming down the street at a tremendous speed,
That Man held up His hand, did you thank Him for that deed?
The way that car stopped instantly sure seemed really hard.
It is good that Man next to you was really on His guard.
Then one day I saw you, you were at the grocery store,
Your basket was full, your bank almost empty. You knew you needed more.
And I know no matter what anyone may say or do,
I know I saw that same Man, standing next to you.
As you reached inside your wallet to get what little you had,
I know I saw Him slip in more, I know that you were glad!
I even saw your children as they went out for the day,
And I know it was that same Man that followed them along the
Then that week that you were sick and stricken to your bed,
The doctors had all given up and said you’d soon be dead.
When I went to visit you late one-week night,
They said you would be asleep, but I know I saw a Light.
As I opened your bedroom door, I didn’t know what to do!
Cause there was that same Man, praying next to you!
The room was lit in glory, light streaming through the place,
I squinted but could still see tears rolling down His face.
Soon you were healed and thanking God you were free,
Only then did I finally notice, He also followed me!
Very soon we will be caught up to meet Jesus in the sky,
And I know He will look familiar, but I may not realize why.
We will walk between the pearly gates headed for the throne,
And I know I will recognize the Light that in your room had
And I know, without a doubt or what anyone may say or do,
We will walk in and see that same Man that stood by me and
Lo, I
am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at www.wisdomspeakstoday.com
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