Wednesday, July 6, 2016


I awoke this morning to the news of another man being gunned down and killed by the police.  My heart is heavy and saddened once again.  I found myself thinking:

“I wonder how they are going to explain this one.”  

Don’t get me wrong, I am not by any means against police.  My mother was a deputy sheriff in El Paso for many years.  She befriended many that she apprehended, they would come to our house and she would help them get their lives together.   I recall reading (without her knowing) reports of her having to apprehend offenders while transporting them to jail. Some freed themselves and had to be contained again in the van they were riding in.  I couldn’t imagine my mother doing that! Not only did I grow in concern for her safety, but I also grew in respect for what she did every day to provide for us as a single mother.  
I understand the daily concern for safety and not knowing what someone is thinking or planning when police approach someone.  But I also understand the same feelings today when being approached by the police or by anyone for that matter.  So when I said “I wonder how they are going to explain this one” It is a real question.  They will be called on to determine why a man on the ground pinned by two officers, was shot and killed. Why their cameras somehow fell off during the scuffle.  It was said there was a gun in the deceased man’s pocket, but not in his hand. 

I hope that all responsible people will take time to pray for everyone involved, for the family that just lost a loved one; for the process to determine what happened, and for the city that is on edge.

I am not going to talk much more about this incident, since it is in the beginning stages and more info will surface, but I will share something that has been in my mind for quite a while.

Resisting Arrest

Who knows HOW NOT TO DO THIS?  So many reasons have been given for excessive force being used because someone was resisting arrest.   When I hear that a person apprehended pulled back or pulled away, maybe they tried to lift their head or torso from the ground, they twisted their body when their arms were pinned behind their back.  Who knows HOW NOT TO DO THIS?
I will tell you who knows how to NOT resist arrest- the learned criminal.
Honestly, every day I hear about someone being beaten or shot because they resisted arrest, I have asked myself.  How do they know how not to resist? 
  • It is in our makeup if we are pushed down, we pull up. 
  • If someone aims for our head, we raise our arms to block.
  • If something surprises us, we get in a Kung Fu stance.  (at least I do)
  • If we are chased, surprised, or think danger-  we run or, we may advance. 
This is normal behavior for all humans- every race, every gender. 
The only ones who resist with ill intent are the learned  criminals.  The rest of us don’t really know how NOT to resist arrest.  We are not accustomed to having our hands pulled high behind our backs, we are not used to being told to get on the ground without asking questions.  And being forced on the ground with a knee in our back is not only uncomfortable, our bodies will not just relax and let it happen.
I wish that you would take note. Understand that the average person does not have a record. Some of us look like we do, but that is called profiling.  (I was told many times that I look like I can sing.)
We don’t respond instantly to someone telling us to get on the ground or chasing us- even if you have a uniform on.  (Nowadays, especially if you have one)
NOTE FOR THE REST OF US: I have heard many say, “They shouldn’t have resisted.” 

Don’t get it in your mind that it is automatically acceptable to shoot or beat someone who is said to be resisting arrest.  Unless we begin to think like a seasoned criminal, we may one day be roughed up for the same reason.  
Just something to think about.....

Please take time now to pray for the family of Mr. Alton Sterling, for those involved, and for Baton Rouge.

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