Sunday, July 24, 2016

Lord, Have Mercilus!

At first glance, you only see what everyone else sees.  A young black man, mid-twenties with a strong build and a striking smile.  If you didn’t know any better, you would admire him, and keep going.  If perhaps you would have the opportunity to get more information about him, you would find that he is an outside linebacker for the Houston Texans. 

This new information would leave you with, numbers, stats and dates.  If you stopped right there, you would be impressed, but you would still be missing the heart of the man.

Whitney Mercilus, is not just a great ball player with striking good looks, he is what some may call a ‘glacier’- meaning that the strength of who he is, is far below the surface.  If you miss this part, you have missed him all together.

Originating from Haiti, Mercilus says his greatest inspiration in life comes from his parents.  Being raised in a Christian household, he does not apologize for his faith, his heritage or his culture.  In fact, all three have made him who he is today.   When asked about his parents and childhood, he speaks highly of how they raised him to work hard and never give up.  He talks about his mother’s prayers for him and how much he values his upbringing. These life lessons of not giving up, have proven to be helpful in his current career. 


During his rookie year in 2012, Mercilus started doing something that he still does today.  He began putting his ‘eye blacks’ on in the shape of a cross.  Since most of us watch from a great distance, we may not know this outward sign of an inward conviction.  It is something to remind him every time he puts on his uniform that God is with him.  We know there is nothing magical about doing this, it does not make you win as a team or avoid injuries. It does not guarantee your future, but God loves when we remember Him.   He tells us to acknowledge Him in all of our ways and He will direct our paths.  This outward sign says in a sense, “Lord, I trust You, and regardless of the outcome, I am still in Your hands.”


The NFL brings a national stage that has had so many poor examples, even if you don’t agree with his faith, you gotta respect it.  Mercilus says his faith is stronger now than it was when he started in the NFL.  Each of us are given a stage every day.  How we function on this stage speaks to the core of who we are; it speaks loudly to our faith and upbringing.  In a world that can afford you instant access to women, drugs and alcohol, it can be a challenge to keep your faith.  It is much easier to go along with whatever  the recognition and fame brings.  But, a strong foundation, laid by his parents, and his heart to follow God every day, is a base that keeps him grounded. (Much like the quarterbacks he sacks)


After getting baptized last year, Mercilus said his faith has grown and is helping him to deal with the realities of life.  For him, a tough camp, injuries, when the season may not be the best, and all the things that can be discouraging on this national stage and in his personal life.   His faith keeps him hoping for better on every hand, keeps him working hard to achieve better, and also keeps him out of a lot of trouble!  When it comes to his fans and strangers that he may meet in passing, he says that life is way too short to assume bad about others and miss connecting with them. That would explain his easy going nature when he meets people.  I have seen him in action and he looks like a natural!   He has a genuine heart as he reaches out to people. Along with the charities that he supports that serve children diagnosed with cancer, he is also working on his own foundation to serve underprivileged kids raised with disabilities. He also has a heart to reach his home in Haiti.


There are a lot of athletes that get  so much attention from day to day, some good and some not so good.  But for me- I want to hear the encouraging stories that lets us, especially as believers- know that God has His kids in every arena, working behind the scenes to do their best and give Him glory at the same time.  It might not be that you will go to work with black eyes, but what is your outward sign of an inward conviction?  What can people look at to know that behind all your success, or challenges, there is still someone who relies on God on every hand through the good and the bad.   It is one thing to do your job on the court or field, it is another thing to hold to your convictions, love your parents and treat people right.  This is what I found in the man Whitney Mercilus.  If by chance you ever happen to see a young black man, mid-twenties with a strong build, a striking smile and dark crosses under his eyes, it just might be Whitney Mercilus.  It is just an outward sign that...

The Lord Has Mercilus!

For all of you out there who constantly pray that your team wins, understand this.  On every team there are Christian Athletes and fans that do that same.  So if God answers for one team, which of His children will He disappoint?  God does not roll like that!  The bible said “Faith without Works is Dead”.  Meaning you can pray all you want, the inside work and practice is what will bring about the difference.  Good to have guys on the team who understand FAITH and WORKS!  Go Texans!