Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mother's Day "Why I Wish You Were Here, But Glad You Are Not!"

On a normal week leading to Mother's Day, many of us would be running to stores trying to find the perfect gift.  We would no doubt be looking for flowers, her favorite perfume, planning a dinner, or buying a plane ticket for a surprise visit.  So much that we would normally do we are currently unable to do because of this pandemic.  I can't imagine how it feels today trying to figure out how to honor a mom that you genuinely love, amid all the hindrances that we are facing.  However, many of us still wouldn't be able to imagine it, because our mothers are no longer here. 


Even though I really miss my mom there are so many things that I'm glad she missed.   Since my mother was very patriotic, I'm glad she missed the turmoil in politics that we've seen over the past few years.  I'm glad that she missed the embarrassment and breakdown of respect from other nations that we are facing.  My mom was also a deputy sheriff  in El Paso, Texas, so I'm glad she's missed the escalation in violence from officers and towards officers in our nation.  She missed the Walmart shooting that took place literally blocks from our house in  El Paso, the very one that they shopped at most Saturday mornings.  And I am really glad she's missed the Corona virus. 
My mom was the type of woman who was selfless.  As a single parent of five, she would go and do so much to help people, and would put herself out there to ensure her friends were well.  She purchased extra gifts just in case someone stopped by and it fit their need.  If someone needed a place to stay she got to work.  She helped decorate rooms for veterans and organized fundraisers for them as well.  I couldn't  imagine my mom being alive today, practicing social distancing while trying to ensure all her kids, grands and great grands were well. As much as I miss her, I am so glad she missed this. 


I fully understand that our parents who have passed away actually survived and dealt with so much more than we know about in their lives.  I'm not glad she missed this time because I think she was weak or unable to handle it.  I actually think she would be a strong and involved as ever.  Throughout her life, she handled  every issue that she faced.  Yeah, sometimes she complained, but she made it through them all- still loving people and still working to ensure her family and others were well.  I had  a front seat view for many years before she passed.  From every struggle, every loss, every challenge, she stayed in the game until the game was over.  There is nothing like life lessons especially when they come from a mother you love.


Even though she isn't here right now, I have an example of someone outliving life's problems.  Corona is here today, and I am glad that she is not here to deal with it, but I know what she would do it she was.   First, she would cry for a bit, then gather herself and deal with it.  She would  adjust where she needed to adjust, check on all of us to be sure we were following guidelines. She would check on her friends and any neighbors still living. She would mail us food, (we probably wouldn't need because she taught us how to use deep freezers), and she would send us money 'just in case'. The biggest thing she would do would be to come out of it without the smell of it.  She would come out happy, whole and making sure others did the same.   So this week, I don't have a gift to buy for her, but I still have the gifts that she left us... A lesson in living and knowing that this too shall pass.  

So the gift I have, I give to you... On behalf of my mother, I pray that you will remember God in the  midst of this pandemic.  I pray that you will watch out for each other and know that someone has your back.  I pray that you will remember that others have survived worst and we are going to be okay.  We are in this together and we will come out not smelling like it!  

Happy Mothers Day Mommy!  I kinda wish you were here, but I'm really glad you are not.  Enjoy your rest, it's our turn to learn... With the help of God, we got this!   

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