Wednesday, May 13, 2020

"NO REGRETS! Okay, maybe a few..."

We don't like failure.  We don't want to look like failure, feel like failure, or even give a hint of failure.  Truthfully there is nothing wrong with wanting to be on the winning side, we all want to be.  But over the years,there are things we have done, things we have said, and things that we didn't do, or say, that can feel like a failure.  Those things often turn into regrets.  

A regret is defined as -a feeling of sadness, repentance or disappointment, over something that happened, was done, or a missed opportunity.' 

Regrets often manifest because of our choices, not the choices of others. We can't control what others do, but when we are part of the decision, or the action...or if we walk past an opportunity,  it can cause regrets.   


Over the years we have been told to not live in regret.   We talk about past things in a way that allows us to almost ignore them. See. regrets are mood killers.  INSTANT mood killers.  As positive people we like to learn from our mistakes instead of admitting them.  But it's almost impossible to learn and not admit at the same time.   We are quick to say what good came out of something negative,  instead of acknowledging the bad we got stuck with because of it.  We have been taught that the glass is half full is better than admitting that it is also half empty at the same time.    

I am an optimist.  I look for good in people, and in myself, as well as circumstances, but even though I too refuse to live in regret, I do have many.  There are times I could have payed more attention to,  when raising our kids, information and I could have attained early about finances and investments. Money I shouldn't have spent, and credit cards I should have cut up.  Yes, there are always relationships issues I could have avoided, circumstances I should have walked around, and words that should never have come out of my mouth!  All could be regrets.  So when I say I don't have any regrets, what does that mean?


But the power of regrets is often found in admitting them, while not being governed by them.  Yes, who you are today came through the good and bad that happened in your life, we learn from both.   I can say I have no regrets when it comes to the ones I have already allowed myself to evaluate.  The ones I have learned from.  Some regrets however are out of my hand.  What was done is done, and when I see results of it in people I was in contact with, I remember to pray.  I can't go back and redo what was done, but I can  there to help them not have to have and live with the same regret I had.  It is almost like paying it forward. 

The apostle Paul said it this way: 

"Of course, my friends, I really do not think that I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead.  So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above.  " Phil 3:13

Today is here, it is yours and you are well equipped to handle it.  If you let yesterday's regrets stop you today, you will probably live to regret it.  My encouragement to you is to admit whatever it is that you may feel regret about, pull the lessons, and the actions needed to help you move forward.  Then PRESS past anything that tries to keep you holding onto yesterday and conquer your today!

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