Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"Give God What He Gave You!"

Before I got on social media I had a talk with God about what my purpose in it was. I knew that it was not to be grand or run after followers.   I'm was not on here to buy followers, or to like and attend every event.  I am not here to talk bad about churches, or government. (even if it is trending)  I'm not on here to shame people, to ridicule them, or to make them feel like they're not pleasing God.  I am also not here to figure out every algorithm, and plot to be successful in social media, I'm trying to be successful in life!   Deciphering all the secrets of social media is a job I didn't apply for, and a waste of my time and talent. 

My purpose is really to encourage people to live for God, to follow Him in their every day life,  to seek wisdom daily in His word, to treat others right, work towards healthy relationships, honor and trust God with their finances, and to enjoy this life while preparing for the next one.  My job is to seek God about what I post, and trust that He will let the person or people see it that needs to.  

Recently I started to question my presence on social media because I noticed that I am not really 'out there' like so many are.  I have a simple platform that comes from who I am, not who others think I am or want me to be.   The things people are doing seems fun and cutting edge, but I am not that person.  Without realizing it, I had begun questioning my purpose and wondering if I needed to do more.  I'm grateful to God that He reminded me that I'm doing what I am called to do, and that's all that He requires of me. 


In Matthew 25:14 the bible gives the parable of talents.  I know there are so many theological ways we can go with this, but I am keeping it to the simple interpretation God gave me the other day while I was reading it.  I love that God's word is living, powerful, and pertinent.  

In the story a man gave talents to three people.  To one he gave five talents, to another he gave two, and to the last person he gave one talent.  Then it says  "each one according to his ability."

When the man returned, the person that had five talents, gave him back five more.  The person with two talents gave  back two more, and the person with one talent only brought what he had been given before.  The men who came back with more were rewarded,  but the one who hid his talent was cast out. 


Each of us have been given talents 'according to our ability'.  We are not required to work outside what we have been given, but we are required to do something with what we have been given.  God simply wants us to give Him what He gave us. The man with five gave back five, the one with two gave back two....

After my talk with God, I sat and wrote down all the talents that I have.  I came up with ten things that I absolutely know that I do well.  Most I am doing now and continue to do, one is pending and another one was on hold because fear gripped me! (which led to my video series on overcoming fear)  Allowing fear or insecurity to grip us is like having the one talent and deciding not to use it because God can get the glory without our input.  It is time to recognize that every talent, every gift given, is to be used!  

I encourage you to make a list of what you do well and first thank God that He has made you so awesome!  Then see how you are using your gifts for God's glory and to help people.  Every talent is based on YOUR ABILITY, the ability that God has already given to you.  You are not called to compete with anyone else. Your gift may not be for social media, some gifts are to be used at home, with family, one on one, or even on the job, but every gift given, should be used! You don't have to join a group, a club, you don't have to buy followers or be a social media guru.  Just trust that God equipped you for a reason and for this time.  Pray, keep His word in mind, then you just have to give back to God, what He has given you... God will handle the rest!

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