Wednesday, April 8, 2020

“What Is Easter To You?”

What is Easter to you?
Is it coloring Easter eggs bright orange, yellow and blue?
Is it Easter egg hunts or a bunny or two?
Is it going to church that one time every year?
It is buying nice clothes for the ones you love dear?
Is it hats, is it ties, is it flowers and bows?
Is the meaning forgotten, does anyone know?
Has the blood been forgotten have the scars been erased?
Now stories of Easter bunnies, my Lords been disgraced
As my mind goes way back to that day long ago
The memory of Easter, the real story I know

As my Lord was convicted and unjustly tried,
For your soul and my soul He willingly died.
But thank God today that my soul He has cleansed,
He has loved me, and kept me and forgiven my sins.
I thank Him, I love Him for the blood he has shed,
For without my Jesus, my soul would be dead.
On the third day He rose with the keys in His hand,
With the victory completely, my Lord is so grand!
Since He has the keys to death, hell and the grave
Now we who He died for can surely be saved

To me Easters the victory, the joy and the love,
To me it’s the Gift that God sent from above.
To me it’s the blood on the cross that He shed,
To me it’s the raising of Christ from the dead.
To me it’s the knowledge of God’s love for me,
To me its just knowing He set my soul free.
If you still think Easter is eggs and fine clothes,
You need to be talking to someone who knows.
So lets send our minds to that day long ago,
The memory of Easter, the real story we know.

He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,
Luke 24:6

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