Wednesday, November 1, 2017

#MeToo- Battling Sexual Assault: "Somebody's Gonna Pay!" #3

In our nation today, we have a lot going on when it comes to sexual assault. Every week it seems, we hear about another encounter that happened years ago  that has been brought to light.   

Scary.... at least for those who have been abusers.  It seems a huge cover has been pulled off, and anyone under the blanket of sexual misconduct, is running for a new cover.  I can't imagine how it feels to know that if your victim is still alive, they can simply sit at their computer and out you. Scary.... 

One thing that seems evident is that people are not timid anymore about making you pay for your actions.  The climate is such that they know they can be heard and believed.  Sometimes within 24 hours, decisions have been made: jobs as risk, opportunities dropped, endorsements removed and money lost.   What a  price to pay  for something that is supposed to be natural turned wrong, turned perverted.   If you are someone who enjoys the chatter and sexual banter at work or in other areas outside a committed relationship, you may want to consider your future and make decisions past the moment.  Take note, because in this climate.... Somebody's gonna pay. 


I think one reason why it is so much easier to bring someone's wrong to light is because people are tired.  Tired of carrying it every day, tired of the powerful getting away with things that are supposed to be unacceptable.  You might think the victims are exaggerating, or jumping on a band wagon, or perhaps they are just an angry group of people trying to get back at someone years after the hurt ... and you may be right.  But don't forget WHY.

Aside from the abuser paying later,  many others who were victims have had to pay the price of Sexual Assault since day one.  See there is a hidden cost that is no longer acceptable to put at the end of a bad experience in small print.  People are realizing  the price they have paid in silence. Not BECAUSE of their silence, just in the midst of their silence.  Many a marriage has ended, family relationships severed, opportunities for love lost; not to mention the mental anguish or sleepless nights. The years of feeling something is wrong with you and believing it- without any proof.  Some of the price that has been paid is purpose that was not realized or fulfilled because something in the back of your mind says "Not You".   If you are someone who has suffered in your life due to memories that you can't shake, I want to encourage you to push for healing, push for peace.  It's not easy, but why would you choose to pay for someone else's actions? Even if you have no intention of 'outing' the abuser, or perhaps they are dead and gone... you have a right to own your life and live without paying for their wrong.


I have talked about this before and I'm really funny about some things.  I don't like allowing others to carry my reputation. As one of many Christians, we can't help it, we are stuck with the reputation of what someone who 'call' themselves a Christian does.  In the name of Christianity, people choose to hate, to ridicule, judge and treat unbelievers in ungodly ways.  I am stuck with that reputation until people see a difference in me.   Daily I pray I can carry the reputation of Jesus Christ in a positive way. 

Some believe sexual assault can leave you jumpy, distrusting anyone, unable to connect emotionally with someone else, angry and vengeful.  As a survivor of sexual assault, you have to make your own rep.  You don't have to allow the same narrative to be true in your life.  You can live, love and enjoy your relationships. I know that depending on the type of assault, the person and how close they are to you daily, it can be difficult... but carry your own rep.  Be the kind person you are made to be, be the giving, and loving person you are capable of being.  There is no reason to be vindictive, angry, suspicious or sad, that is a reputation that you do not have to own.  


We may not be able to change what was done to us, but we become more than conquerors when we can change the affect of it on our life.  That is the victory that no one can take from you, the fact that what was meant for evil, didn't work.  Own your life, live your life, make it good and remember...

"The best revenge is living good."

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