I remember the first time I flew on a plane. I believe it was from El Paso, Texas to Frankfort, Germany. Quite a long distance for a first flight. I don't recall much since that was in the early 70's and I was a lot younger. I do know that my 4 siblings and I behaved. (mainly because we traveled with our mom.) When I first traveled, the flight attendants dressed nice, they were pleasant, easy speaking and accommodating. The passengers wore their Sunday's best and everyone seemed engaged, calm yet excited. Since that time, I realize either that was only in the eyes of a child, or something has changed. Now when I travel, I can see nervousness, irritation, anxiety, sadness and disengagement due to personal electronics. Another thing that has changed is the clothing. It used to be a privilege to travel, we actually dressed up for it, but now you might see a passenger in actual pajamas or gym shorts and sandals with no evidence of usage of a comb or brush. Things have changed a lot from the times we were invited to "Fly the Friendly Skies."
We have seen it. Customers pulled off flights, others fighting each other, children being removed from flights, flight attendants spoken to or speaking badly. I'm not sure what exactly has happened, but our skies are not so friendly now. I don't fly often, but I don't recall things ever being this bad. Not only are the passengers stressing, apparently the staff is too. We have become distrustful, disrespectful, angry, defensive, scared and just plain mean. Many passengers and crew can't seem to get on a flight without something to soothe their minds and calm their emotion. Sure, some may have always needed help, but it seems like things have escalated. We fight over seats, giving them up, we fight over arm rests, restroom times, luggage placement, and even things that can't be controlled -like bad weather. But when we really look at what is happening, the skies are not what has become unfriendly, we have.
Proverbs 18:24
A man that hath friends must show himself friendly:
This world has so many 'unfriendly' people in it today. I realize that scripture says to have friends, we should be friendly. I know when flying or in the grocery store we may not be looking for a friend at that time, but there is a law of sowing and reaping. Even though the person in front of you may not be someone you are trying to befriend, we are still sowing, and subject to reap. Everything we do connects us for better or worse with others mailny because it says something about us. How we treat people speaks to something inside US, not them.
Unfriendliness is not limited to the airline industry. In fact it is not limited to any industry. People by far at more insensitive, more suspicious and hard on others than ever before. Just this week, right after the bombing in Manchester, a reporter made a crude joke about the artist and her concerts. Something about almost dying at her concert, right after talking about how many had actually died in the bombing. Another's account had harsh things to say about the concert goers, as if their being in attendance was why some were injured, and others died. It is so troubling to me that we can joke about life without regards to the fact that these are real people- lives. What makes us think the worst about people, especially when they are already hurting? I always wonder what the comments would be if it was their family member laying in the street. Whenever we decide to treat other's like we want to be treated, our skies, our schools and our homes will be much more friendly.
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6
Probably much like the people I am talking about, there are times that I find myself wanting to comment on a topic that sounds dumb to me- but 9 times out of 10, I will refrain. (often after I have typed up my thoughts, then stop to reread them) That's when I will tell myself, "NO... you don't need to comment on this, you are adding no value to the conversation, no solution to a problem and nothing you are saying points anyone to God." Sometimes it can be hard to not say something, but if I really want to follow God and help people, I shouldn't say just anything. I would encourage you, as you hear things that are going on, choose your words wisely. Some things we can never take back, and the hurt we can cause goes much further than we think. It can affect your reputation as a believer, as an employee and even as a human being. So though our skies may seem unfriendly, understand this, as in all other things, are the people problem, I choices in how we respond is the issue. Until we connect well with God and care enough to connect with each other, until we think about what we do and what we say... we are all subject to being downright... unfriendly.
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