Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Eating the Last Pea...Purpose Fulfilment


I was always a strange kid.  I have done some really weird things and every so often I recall them.  One memory I have from my childhood, had to do with a time that I ate everything on my plate except for one small pea.  I looked up and said- "I'm Full!"  We laughed at the thought that after eating everything on my plate, that one little pea would not fit in my belly.  I remember picking up that little pea, looking at it like it was the biggest thing ever, popping it in my mouth, then laughing at the foolishness of it.  Recently I thought about that little pea, and how it made no sense that anyone would leave it on the plate, alone, unused.... unfulfilled.  A lot to think about for a small vegetable, but what about us?


Although my "Pea" story was a little joke I did as a child, it points to another issue I have.  I realize that I have a problem with waste, I expect to use things to it's fullest before I toss it.  Unlike my pea joke,  I notice when someone leaves just  a little bit of juice at the bottom of the glass, a little soda in a can, a little peanut butter in the jar. It is not like they didn't drink most of it, I notice the fact that they left a little bit unfinished.  I do the same with my make up.  I don't know if others do this or not, but when the lipstick is too low to go on my lips, I have a retractable brush that I use so I can get every bit of lipstick out of there!  Don't get me wrong, I'm not cheap, I have often already purchased a replacement (or two) I just like to use it for what it was intended instead of watching something just go in the trash and never fulfill it's purpose. When the lipstick is done and there is nothing else to get from it, I (weirdly) say "Thank you" and toss the container in the trash.   I rinse out my body wash dispenser when it is done, much like I rinse my dish detergent container clean so I can use the very last bubble.  I pour the last of the chips in the bag in my hand and eat every last chip.  The way I see it, I have paid for 4oz of whatever is in that container; I should be able to use every last drop, every blend of color, every bubble and every piece of the chip!  I know, I have issues...  But what does this have to do with us and our lives?


I am a believer that each of us are here for a purpose.  Many have found and are walking in what they are called to do, others are still discovering purpose.  Either way, don't you think God wants every drop of talent that He has given you used?  Every book written, every word spoken, every song sung, every person you are called to reach...touched?   I know I have issues, with wanting to use all of something, but God I am sure has plans for everything He has put in you and I.  
God chooses us, He gives us everything that we need to glorify Him and help others, and then some of us die, or choose to leave this earth still full, or half used. What a waste. I may not know everything I am going to do, and I may not be at my full potential, but my prayer is "Lord use me up!"   Even the word fulfillment says "full" and "fill" we are "meant" to leave our purpose in  this world, full and filled.
I don't want to leave the last pea on the plate, I don't want to leave a little juice in the jar, I want to use everything I can think of to give God glory, before this 'old container' is tossed aside. I have more things to say, more videos, blogs to do, more books to write, more people to reach.  Getting older does not mean you are empty, just like being younger does not mean you don't have enough in you.  If you keep pouring out, God will keep pouring in!  There are talents and pieces of you in  areas you may not have explored yet. God has hidden treasures inside you, open your mind to ask Him for additional direction and trust that He will put people on your path to help you accomplish even more than you thought or imagined.  You are and have been a great blessing, but you are not finished yet.  There is still color in your container, you still have juice in you and you are not so full that you cannot eat the last pea on the plate!

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