Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016-2017: Protecting Betty!

2016 has made its mark in our hearts.  

This year  has claimed Gene Wilder, David Bowie, Alan Wickman, Maurice White, Nancy Reagan, Doris Roberts, Merle Haggard, Prince, Garry Shandling,  Muhammad Ali, Garry Marshall, Arnold Palmer, Florence Henderson, John Glenn, Alan Thicke, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Natalie Cole, George Michael, Carrie Fisher and others.
The only thing that connects their lives- is their deaths.   How they died, was not a factor, who was with them, how old they were, or what they did for a living, was not a factor.  Their main connection was dying in 2016.   

But don’t fool yourself, beginning day one... 2017 will start its own list. 

When we look at the list of celebrities and performers that have passed away this year, it is almost too much!  It is not that this year has been the only year to claim someone, it is just that there were so many that we’ve lost.  The focus on celebrities does not minimize the personal losses that you or others may have experienced.  The difference is that when someone notable passes away, it is not just their friends and family that mourns, the world mourns with them.
Death… it really bothers us. It kind of has a STING.


As a result of this year’s losses, a man set up a GO FUND ME page to protect our beloved Betty White, the last surviving Golden Girl.  She has outlived all the fake death notices that shocked us for a moment, but with just a few days left in this year, he is not taking any chances!  He has almost reached his goal and has said if Ms. White does not want his help, he will donate the funds to charity. 
It is a noble thought, flattering even. 

But if he is going to follow Betty to protect her, who will follow him? 

If it was that easy, we all would have put our money out there to protect the ones we love.   It just does not work that way.  


Somehow when we think of death, we still get it wrong.  We have to be reminded that we are spiritual beings.  When we remember that, then we know that: death is not the absence of breath, it is the absence of God. 
Before Adam and Eve sinned, they understood they would die if they ate of the tree. Well, they ate anyway,  and continued to ‘live’ for years after that.  Scripture records that Adam lived 930 years!  Did God lie to them to keep them from touching the tree?  We know that God does not lie, and even though they naturally lived a long time, they immediately died spiritually. 


Think about a rose bush, the moment a rose is cut off from the vine, it dies.  How long it looks alive depends on the care it gets.  How we water, feed, trim and care for it will determine it's longevity.  But it is already dead.
I am not one who really likes to receive flowers as a token of love.  I know many women treasure  it.  Not me, because even though I receive them gratefully, it soon dawns on me…  I have to now take care of these flowers!  How long do I have to keep them?  Does aspirin in the water really help?  Am I supposed to trim the bottom of the stem?  What about when they begin to smell weird, can I discard them then? Too many questions for a flower that is technically already dead.

This natural body is much like that rose. 

No matter what we do, one day-  just like that rose, this body will see the evidence of a death that has already happened.  We have been born separated from the Vine, which is God.   Some of us will look wonderful when we go, others will look haggard and tired.  It depends on the care you give your body.  But after a while, it does not matter what special water you use, or how good you are eating, the exercise you do daily… you will fade, much like the rose.  Natural death will continue to happen until Jesus comes!  
Natural death has got a bad rap, while Spiritual death is the one that lasts forever and brings the most pain.


“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.”  Hebrews 9:27

Spiritual death is the only one that can be avoided.  Life without God is not really life at all.   Death without God is tragic. We are all born spiritually dead, and most of the time we focus on this natural life to keep us motivated and happy.  But if we would understand and live like our Spiritual being in more important, we could not only encourage ourselves, but we could benefit others  as well.
2016 really should remind us that natural death can come at any time.  It does not respect your status, your money, or your pleas.  If you are not connected to God spiritually, then you really die.


We will cry when someone we love dies, but will we cry when they 'live'  without God?
“..remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.”  James 5:20
If you want to support a cause that can help your loved ones and others avoid death, in the final days of 2016,  into 2017 and beyond....  EVANGELIZE!   Reach out to people, introduce them to a God who took on death, and won.   We will all have to face natural death eventually, but we can prepare for and conquer SPIRITUAL death now.  For believers, there is no sting in death.


Hope for tomorrow:

I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.  Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”  The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.     1 Corinthians 15:50-58

Goodbye 2016.  We are ready for you 2017!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Virgin Birth? UNBELEIVABLE!

I remember hearing a story about a young girl who found out she was pregnant.  When confronted with the reality,  she told her parents it happened in a swimming pool.  Not too many people believed her!  We understand that most of us who have had children, basically got in that state one of a few ways.  Traditionally, medically, accidentally, violently or intentionally.   Not many will try to say it happened Divinely.
Yet one woman did. 
Faith is one of those things that is required from believers.  God asks us to trust Him even though there is pain in our body.  He asks a little boy to give up his lunch even though that was all he had and  he was far from home.   A widow is asked to give her last to a prophet and she watched God feed her and her son.  But a virgin birth?   The greatest story on earth begins with something that is basically....UNBELIEVABLE.
 Lets run through the bible real quick to see WHY this was necessary.


Let's start in Genesis.   First of all, God is never caught off guard by man.  He knows our frailties, our poor judgment and our out right sins- So when Adam and Eve sinned,  He already had a plan of redemption in place for all of us. 
When Adam and Eve were confronted by God, He  tells the man that from now on, he will have to work hard, the woman will bear children in pain and the serpent will travel on his belly. 
He also tells the serpent that the seed of the woman (offspring)  will bruise his head. 
This I imagine was quite troubling for the devil, he probably understood that it was not a blow to is physical head, but to his authority that he wanted so badly.  So ever since then, the enemy has been trying to find this 'seed of the woman'.  He sets out to destroy this seed that will ultimately destroy him.  His attempts are seen in Egypt when Pharaoh orders all little boys killed.  It is seen when Jeremiah says that people cry for their babies, but they 'are not.'  It is seen in Bethlehem when King Herod orders all baby boys killed in an attempt to stop this baby that was prophesied to be born the King of kings. But it didn't work.


"In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

Hebrews 9:22

We also know that the soul that sins, shall surely die. 
The wages of sin is death.
All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God....  WE WERE DOOMED.

Since the scripture says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, sacrifice has to be made, blood had to be shed.  But if we died for our own sin, it wouldn't do us any good... cause we would be ...dead.  
So sacrifice was necessary.  We saw the sacrifice for sin in the garden of Eden with the animal that was slain to cover their nakedness.  It continued every year when the priest would offer an innocent animal for sin sacrifice.  But not just any animal would do, it had to be  the best, without blemish.


Remember "The Seed of the Woman" in Genesis?
There is still this promise and threat to the devil that the offspring or seed of the woman would bruise his head.   He has searched for the seed and killed many, but without success.   Obviously some things were overlooked, like the fact that:
How can a woman bear a child without seed?   How is God going to pull this off?  This was not going to happen in the traditional way.  Killing all those kids with earthly fathers didn't work.
The only legal way to enter this earth is through birth.  God follows His own guidelines, so to get His Son here, He would need to be born, legally.
Imagine a young virgin being visited by an angel.  She is told she will have a baby, but she does not understand the process.   He lets her know she will be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and in turn be with child.  He not only talks to her, but He also talks to her betrothed husband- Joseph, the man who would ultimately be Jesus' step father.  Joseph and Mary care for this child as their own, but this child was different.

 Final question:  Why a Virgin?


Because of the great fall that took place in the Garden of Eden , all mankind are born in sin.  We all have the bloodline of our fathers, which began with Adam.  If Jesus was born with the seed of MAN, He would carry the bloodline of man and be born in sin just like the rest of us.  Which means, He would not be a lamb without spot or blemish, He would be a man in need of a Savior. That would disqualify Him to be the Lamb of God.
The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she bore a child.  Since our bloodline runs through our father, Jesus' is now the Son of God.  His  blood is now from a Holy God, and He was born without spot or blemish!  He is now qualified to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  Mary was simply a vessel that God used to fulfill His plan of redemption for us.  He already committed to send His only Begotten Son to die for the sins of the world, the process of getting Him here legally was the only thing that had to be decided upon.  So Yes, it may be hard to believe, but God has a purpose even in things that seem unbelievable.

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said,

“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. 

 John 1:29

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but don't forget why it happened.  You may not be able to get everything you want, you may not be able to do everything you want. This time of year might even be a bit difficult for you... but remember:
Your greatest need was met through something hard to believe.  The most wonderful story of love and acceptance began with something that was quite... UNBELEIVABLE.  Hang in there, your miracle, your change and the thing God has promised you will happen even in the face of those that think it is impossible.  God will work around the traditional plans to bring His word to pass for you.  Legally!


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

EXTREME Makeover: Spiritual Edition

Makeover shows, we love them.  They allow us to see the worst turn into the best! 
We are often introduced to a man or woman who is struggling with their self image.  Life has affected their appearance, whether it is due to sickness, bullying, depression, weight issues or loss of loved ones.  The process is different depending on the show, but some shows simply fix the obvious.  They dress you better, change your hair and make you up.  Then REVEAL time!  The contestant is paraded in front of a group of family and/or audience members with a before picture in plain sight. 
BAM! what a makeover!  Weight loss, teeth fixed, hair done, clothes that fit and tears of joy.  We love our make over shows!  I have always felt there was something redemptive about the end result. 

One day I watch a show that had the same basic format.  It was not just a makeover show, but an EXTREME MAKEOVER show.  The idea was to spend months helping a person with their mindset and their looks.  It involved counseling, dental work, a nose job, surgery to remove excess skin after weight loss and much more.  They talked about their hurts and things that caused a downward spiral in their life.  The ideas was to broadly improve the life of the contestant  as oppose to a minor quick fix.   At the end of the show, they did the parade, but it was different.  It was for their family and friends who had cheered them on, some who may have been part of the hurt and some who were just happy to see them get help.  Such an emotional debut.  There was not a dry eye in the house. 
As I was looking through the crowd of happy supporters, I couldn't help but notice the person's children.  This made me think....


The children were smiling and happy for their parent, they grinned with tears falling from their eyes.   I watched both of  the two week episodes so I happened to see and hear the dilemma this individual  had experienced since childhood concerning their nose and how it looked.   They had features that they didn't like and a nose job was one of the things they had done to change their look. They chiseled and changed the nose, chin and other things around the face that they always disliked about themselves.  When I saw the children in the audience, it dawned on me.... THOSE KIDS HAVE THE SAME NOSE AND CHIN!
No matter how much  they changed, their children had not.  Any children they have in the future will be born with the parent's original facial features, not the newly acquired ones.  Regardless of the outward changes that were made, no biological changes were made.  Unless we have changed on the inside... we will always reproduce after who we REALLY ARE.  Those children were born based on what the parent really looked like, and their grandchildren will be the same.  Regardless to the outward changes that were made, it did not change and will not change how we reproduce.

  Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me. Psalms 51:5


The bible reminds us that we are born in sin and basically shaped in iniquity.  Which means that the features that we pass on to our kids are formed at birth.  Our natural features like our nose, ears, chin line.. basically how we look,  does not just adjust later, we are born with these features. Those are the characteristics that show up when we reproduce.
Being BORN AGAIN gives us an opportunity to take on characteristics of a Holy God that we pass on when we win others to Christ.  When we reproduce. 
We are called by God to reproduce.  We are called to evangelize and make disciples.  That is all part of the great commission.   If we only change what people see or hear from us, ... it does no one any good.   Unless we really give God our lives and are born again, we will always reproduce after who we are. 


A bitter angry believer who refuses to forgive or treat others right, is like a person who has changed their clothes and make up, they want to be better but have not given themselves to what really needs to change. When you go to reach out to others, the real you will show up.  You will not only draw those that look like you, but you will also draw those that act like you.  As born again believers should want God to change us from the inside out.  We should long for His hear and His ways, so when we reach out to others, we inevitably point them to HIM.  In turn we help others to seek after His image, not ours.  
In the same sense, sometimes we are moved by what we see on the outside.  We assume that if someone does not LOOK the part, there is something missing.  But when a heart is changed and a born again person yields to God, they can reproduce after God's image.  They can pray for others and change happens.  They can reach others and they feel the presence of God.  The same with a person of obvious talent.  You may be able to sing till the ceiling cracks,  that is wonderful and cannot be ignored, but never forget only the anointing destroys yokes.
So  looking good, going to church, being nice, doing random acts of kindness, praying for people at work or wherever opportunity presents itself ... is good.  But if you REALLY want an EXTREME MAKEOVER that produces after God.  Bottom Line:  we have to allow Him to change us from the inside out.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Rooted and Grounded- Good or Bad?


I knew it wasn’t going anywhere. 
I could feel my dentist  tugging and struggling to get it out.  My wisdom tooth had a mind of its own and it was not giving in.  After about twenty minutes of trying,  I knew it was over when he  asked if I could feel the tooth lower than the other teeth.  After affirming his concern, he placed marking paper in my mouth and had me bite down. He finished by filing the hard headed tooth to the level of the others for my temporary comfort and referred me to a surgeon.
All of this for a tooth that I really didn’t have much problem with, that is until it broke. 
The  surgeon was a bit more optimistic.  His specialty was for reconstructing jawlines and such after an accident or incident.  I was assured that he could handle it because the hardest thing for my dentist to do, was the easiest thing for this man.  
He had that tooth out in less than fifteen minutes. Of course he had to break it into  separate pieces, then pull the root out.  As he sewed the stitches in, he  explained that the root of the tooth was so long, that there was no way it would have come out in the ordinary way. 
This was my first tooth extraction, so I was just glad they got it out!  The swelling,  medications and food restrictions were another experience in itself.  

As always,  life’s moments cause me to  think. 


The part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.
When we think about roots, we also think about the origin of something; or the connections to something that is growing. 

Roots belong to something that is growing.  "All our life,"(In  my Oprah voice) "we have developed roots".  We have roots that  grew from our parents, our neighborhood, roots that came from our educational experiences and relationships.  Think about your life, YOU have roots, we all do. 

What roots do you have?  Which ones do you need to keep nourishing? 
Which ones are ‘broken’ and need to be uprooted?

After experiencing my first tooth extraction,  I realized I have many roots in my life that are just as stubborn as that tooth.  I have so many things that I do that are uniquely ME.  Some of these things are harmless, just simple preferences that help me do my life easier.  Other things can almost be shackles.  The things that are good, I need to hold on to, those that are not,  need to be uprooted.


Photo Credit: Sharon Hill Morris

They say that pain is an indication that something needs to change.  

What are you holding on to that you know needs to be uprooted, but it is familiar and feels RIGHT?  How much pain are you willing to endure until you admit that something is wrong, until you reach for help?   Is the thing you are struggling with worth the pain it is causing? 

Interesting thing is, the tooth was genuinely mine, it belonged right there in my mouth.  Something that at one time served me well, was now broke. In its brokenness, it was now hurting me instead of helping me. There was not really an option, it had to come out.

Some extractions are not your idea.  Life happens and someone else makes a move that leaves you broken.  Other times it is from poor care or lack of nourishment.  Whatever brings you to the realization that change is needed, don’t ignore it.  The root begins to support emotions like anger or depression.  It might support unforgiveness or habits that never allow you to get out of a rut.  Some roots are nourishing bad attitudes or a poor self image.  It may have started in innocence, but once things  break, they are  no longer beneficial to you. Depending on how deep the roots are, you may need a specialist.

We all know that God specializes in things that seem impossible. 

His word will guide us through eliminating habits and things that no longer work for who we are or who we are becoming. You didn't choose your roots, they came with your upbringing and environment.  But if you have or do anything that is harmful to you, or others, whether it is a habit, moods, a way you deal with family, or even rituals that you refuse to look at that might offend others.  We need to think about it.  Just because it was part of what looked like your origin, who you are and who you are designed to be  is greater than that.

Sometimes  we say, 
“This is who I am, I have always been this way.” 
"My mom/dad were the same way, it runs in our family." 
"I don't think I am the one with the problem, they hurt me."  

That tooth was the same.  It was mine.  I grew it, I nourished it over the years, and it didn't bother me until it broke and I felt the pain.  Keeping some habits and mindsets can prove to be more painful to your future, and the places you want to go.   

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord rescues them from them all.      Psalms 34:17-20

Know that God provides a way for us to deal with every pain in life.  First we need to acknowledge it and trust Him to fix it. He is the Specialist.


Not everything that seems to be broken is.  Sometimes we just have not used it the way we were supposed to and need to get back to our roots. Our roots are in LOVE.  God is LOVE.  No matter what we go through in life, love finds a way to remain when we hold to His word. When we love people, sometimes we adjust ourselves to better serve them.  That is not being walked over, that is considering others in love.

When His LOVE remains, His JOY remains.  

No one should be able to move us, discourage us or cause us to doubt the love of God for us or His love for others.  In our world today, if we are not rooted in love, we will lose it.  But let's get connected to our spiritual roots!  
What you see on TV should not uproot you.  Talk of racial divides and unfairness in our political or justice system should not uproot you.  No matter how much the enemy tugs at your life, financial concerns and relationships, don't be moved. God is in your roots, stay connected to Him and His word.  After having done all to stand....STAND.

I will leave you with what the word of God says about His commitment to stay connected to you.

Ephesians  3:16-21 says:  

I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, He may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through His Spirit,  and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.    I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth,   and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine,  to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Colossians 2:6-7  says

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him,  rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Psalms 62:6

He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved.

Psalms 16:8

I keep the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved

Just like that stubborn tooth, there are roots that we have in God that should not be easily uprooted. 

Stay connected to God!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Love Your Neighbor?



He was really cute.  You could tell he was just a puppy from the kind of happy look on his face as he knocked a hole in the fence. Even though his face showed innocence, his actions were that of a full grown boxer. Not only could he go THROUGH  the fence, he could also jump up and down (standing in place) and clear the height of the fence,  even jump OVER it!   Let’s call him Zeus.
As cute as Zeus was, he was a real threat to my garden, potted plants,  Zoe- (my dog) and any and everything that might unexpectedly find itself in his path.  
The first time he made his way over the fence, like a good neighbor, I went to his owner’s  to inform them that Zeus had cleared the gate.  There were at least 3 cars in the driveway surely someone was home.  No one answered .  After knocking for awhile, I proceeded to go back home, and write a note to put on their door.   I walked back around the corner, to their house and attached the note to the door and went back home. Once I got home, I went to check on Zeus to be sure he was not into anything, just to discover he was gone!  The neighbors had removed him during my trek back to their house.  So, they were home.



As we continued having issues with Zeus, jumping the fence, we would often hear his owners fighting with him, trying to get him under control.  He was a puppy but strong.  We even heard one day that he was loose in the neighborhood, we were safe inside, but he was scaring the kids as he looked for someone to play with.  One day Zeus decided not to go over, but through the gate.  The hole was gaping, it would need repair and once again Zeus was in our yard sniffing around.  I took my neighborly walk to the house again, fewer cars, but this time I could hear the kids playing upstairs, that is…. until the doorbell rang.  Then, NOTHING.  I thought maybe they didn’t hear it, so I rang again. Still, NOTHING.   I stood for a moment in case they needed to see who I was, then left again, back to my house around the corner.  When I got there, I could hear someone fighting with Zeus to get him inside.   Later, I could see the image of …let’s call him ‘Wilson” (tool time neighbor) as he repaired the fence.  
Then it dawned on me…. They'll probably NEVER answer that door.  Why, I don’t know.  There are plenty of reasons neighbors might be leery of each other.   We don’t want people in our business, we don’t particularly like to be bothered with people once we get home from work or maybe we have other issues that make us avoid each other, deep rooted issues.  Either way, God told me to love my neighbors.  So, I tried not to think ill of them, they have a right to their own privacy.  As of today, Zeus either ran away to find a better challenge, or they got tired of him getting in trouble for antagonizing the neighbors on the other side.  Now Zeus is gone, but our neighbors remain.



Recently I noticed something odd in my back yard.  I came home from church, and there it was… an umbrella.  Not the kind we use for rain, an outdoor patio umbrella laying in my yard.  I instantly recognized it.  It belonged to Zeus’ previous owners.  The wind kicked up and must have moved it from its base, and there it was, in my backyard.   My first thought was to trek to the neighbors house to let them know it was back there, but then I remembered.  They don’t answer the door.  So I thought, maybe I can close it and place it on their front porch.  Or I can do nothing.  I chose to do NOTHING.


The temptation now is,  what  shall I do when they discover the umbrella is missing and look over the fence?    I can go to the door and pretend I am not home!  At least for the afternoon, or even a few days...  Whatever shall I do?  Will I finally see “Wilson’s” face? 


 A day or so later my doorbell rang early in the morning, and I answered it.  The ruffled woman had a really weird look on her face.  Almost like she pulled the short straw.  I greeted her, and she began telling me about the umbrella.  I chimed in nicely and invited her into my home.  Then we walked together to my back yard and I grabbed the umbrella and kept it closed it as she balanced it.   It was a brief encounter, but one that I am glad I had.  She apologized for the mishap and I quickly shrugged it off and blamed it on the inclement weather we had been experiencing in the area.   We chatted briefly about my hammock and umbrella that also  lost their bases.  We went back to the front door, she thanked me, and I smiled as I closed the door.
God tells us to love our neighbors.  He does not tell us to agree with them all the time, nor does He tell us that we will like each other.  But loving people should be easy for those of us that believe because Love resides within us.  In less than 10 minutes, I didn’t change her opinion of all her neighbors; I don’t expect an invite to her family reunion or Christmas party.  But for a moment, her perspective of me, no matter what it was at first, had opportunity to be challenged. Next time she still may  not answer the door, and that is okay.  Changing how people think of you means being willing to allow them to think what they want, and if you get a chance, you show them more. Don't expect a follow up blog saying that we are now shopping buddies!  But whenever you have an opportunity to enter someone's space, allow His face to be seen. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Raising Responsible Kids in an Irresponsible Time!

The Umbilical Cord

I remember when my first child was born.  I vividly recall having a serious talk with her as she tried opening her eyes. I simply told her “You know they cut the umbilical cord.  That means you are no longer totally dependent on me.  Don’t get scared, I am not kicking you out!  I still have a responsibility to feed you, cloth you, ensure you are trained to handle life, and all, but, now you have to be totally dependent on God.  He is the only one who will be there at all times, I will do my part, and part of that is getting you to trust Him to do His.”
Since that day, I have echoed that conversation to her.  We have talked and laughed about me doing that to a newborn, but more than anything else, I have reiterated it to her by actually  actually DOING IT.

Gifts They Can’t Break

We really love our children, at least MOST of us do.  We like talking about who they look like and how sweet they are.   We love to talk about the strides they've made beyond their months or years.  We are proud when they take first steps, or start eating solid food, the first birthday cake mess, even when they make their  first touchdown.   Sometimes we show our love by the gifts we give them: expensive shoes, toys, electronics and clothes.  But what gifts  might we be neglecting to cultivate in them?
How about the gift of Love, Patience, Consideration, Gentleness, Wisdom, A Prayer Life, Respect of authority, Balanced self image, the Ability to make decisions governed by God.
If we give them these things, they will surpass us in this life.  If we give in to the climate of today that allows them to  think and act like everyone else, we have allowed this world to mold them.    Make a list of the qualities that you know cost much more than things, and give them those gifts.


When it comes to kids, we have to talk about social media.  I see young children who have better phones than I do!  Not a problem, if that is what you choose.  But what are they really getting with the phone itself?   Are they learning responsibility or discernment as they use them?  That tangible gift alone can be broken and it can break them.  It can turn into a means that allows your child to take in more info and images than they are mature enough to handle.  The question has been raised:  How do you govern them and still trust them?  My answer, you have to do both.  First have a good relationship with them, be open and honest about what can happen and what dangers they may encounter.   Give a child responsibility based on their age, wisdom and understanding.  As they grow, give them more.  I have the passwords to both of my kids phones, (they  have mine aa well) and they know that at any time  I will ask to see what they are doing.  But then after a while that fades, because they have earned my trust. 

Roots and Wings


If we want our kids to be successful as we lend them to God, we must learn to give them roots.  Give them a home base that they always can run to, and it isn’t at your address!  It is in God.  They will need roots that go deeper than their relationship with you because one day you will be gone.  And truthfully we are not the standard for their lives, God's word is.  Our mistakes can give them excuses, God's word will give them a way out. His word will them  maneuver past our mistakes and will also help them avoid the generational pitfalls.   
We also have to give them wings.  The ability to dream and jump!  Following their heart as God gives them directions.  Some of what they may do might be scary, especially to us.   You may have to spot them according to the roots, but allow them to try their wings then enjoy watching them fly.

 Cleanser On the Sink

On occasion you can walk in a bathroom in my house and find cleanser with a sponge on the sink.  Because I am told that I am “A” type, you know it was not left there on accident.  It is a message to my kids that your sink needs to be cleaned.  I know when it is done because the cleanser and sponge will miraculously appear again under my sink. 
There is so much we can and should teach our children.  But in the midst of the spiritual lessons, don’t forget the natural lessons like bathing and cleaning!   Our children are not so fragile that they cannot clean, learn to cook, make their beds or help around the house.  Again, one day they will be on their own and you will not be there to cover them.  Around the age of  2, it was time for my kids to pitch in!  It started with picking up toys, putting their clothes, s, back packs, as well as putting  dirty clothes in the hamper.  This is not child abuse!  It is raising kids.  I told them there was a place for everything and helped them find or decide where it was.  I would sit with them in their room and give instruction or point to where things went.  This helped them learn with supervision so later on I could have them to do it without me.   Once everything is in place, the space is clean.   If we continue to do everything for them, they will never know the joys of a job well done, nor will they realize they too are responsible for their life.

 Challenge Your Children

If social media has taught us anything, we have learned that kids like challenges.  Whether the water challenge, cinnamon challenge, duct tape challenge, whatever it is, they like the feeling of belonging by meeting a challenge. Some challenges have proven to be dangerous and/or hurtful, but  nevertheless they've tried them anyway.  They may not have the wisdom to decide which one is good, but they like either knowing about, or participating in one.  We should join in as parents.  Challenge our kids!  I recall helping a family once who was having a difficult time with their child, I bribed him.  Told him I would take him out to dinner, his choice… if he did better in school.  He did, we ate and he continued to do well.  People don't like bribes so call it 'incentives'.  Either way, he is now in his twenties and working his purpose.   I remember when my son finally got out of the car seat, the challenge was “Every time you put your seat belt on before I ask you.. I will give you a quarter.”   I lost a little bit of money, but one day he said “Okay mommy, you don’t have to do that anymore, I get the picture.”  I now have automatic seatbelt wearers in the house. The world has caught on to the appeal of challenges, we should too. Do what you can to challenge your kids to do what is right.   

Lend them to God

“I prayed for this child,  and the LORD has given me what I asked Him for: Therefore  I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he lives he will be lent to the LORD....” – (1 Samuel 1:27-28)

I used hear  that children are ‘LENT” to us by God.  But when I studied for myself the scripture really says that WE lend them to God! 
Who would lend something precious  to someone who you knew would ruin it?  If you are a reckless driver, you will NOT be driving my car.  So it is not that God lends us His children, but we lend them to HIM.  When we do, He gives them back to us better than they would ever have been without Him.  He has the resources and knowledge to mold them into people that we never thought they could be, but He always knew they would.   Sometimes we get so caught up on giving them what we never had, we neglect to give them what we did have.  We try so hard to give them freedoms that we didn’t have and don’t consider that they  may need more structure.  We have to consider raising them by lending them to God.  By allowing His word to guide them, pointing them to Him, the only ONE who will be there for their entire journey.  He knows and will always do what is best for them, He loves them.
I encourage you today, whether you are a parent, guardian, or perhaps you are a mentor or person of influence in the lives of children... Take time to teach them responsibility and love for all people.  Teach them God's mind about authority and how to have peace in a land that might feel divided.   If we leave them to themselves, we have lost them. 

Our greatest natural resource is our children.