I remember hearing a story about a young girl who found out she was pregnant. When confronted with the reality, she told her parents it happened in a swimming pool. Not too many people believed her! We understand that most of us who have had children, basically got in that state one of a few ways. Traditionally, medically, accidentally, violently or intentionally. Not many will try to say it happened Divinely.
Yet one woman did.
Faith is one of those things that is required from believers. God asks us to trust Him even though there is pain in our body. He asks a little boy to give up his lunch even though that was all he had and he was far from home. A widow is asked to give her last to a prophet and she watched God feed her and her son. But a virgin birth? The greatest story on earth begins with something that is basically....UNBELIEVABLE.
Lets run through the bible real quick to see WHY this was necessary.
Let's start in Genesis. First of all, God is never caught off guard by man. He knows our frailties, our poor judgment and our out right sins- So when Adam and Eve sinned, He already had a plan of redemption in place for all of us.
When Adam and Eve were confronted by God, He tells the man that from now on, he will have to work hard, the woman will bear children in pain and the serpent will travel on his belly.
He also tells the serpent that the seed of the woman (offspring) will bruise his head.
This I imagine was quite troubling for the devil, he probably understood that it was not a blow to is physical head, but to his authority that he wanted so badly. So ever since then, the enemy has been trying to find this 'seed of the woman'. He sets out to destroy this seed that will ultimately destroy him. His attempts are seen in Egypt when Pharaoh orders all little boys killed. It is seen when Jeremiah says that people cry for their babies, but they 'are not.' It is seen in Bethlehem when King Herod orders all baby boys killed in an attempt to stop this baby that was prophesied to be born the King of kings. But it didn't work.
"In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
Hebrews 9:22
We also know that the soul that sins, shall surely die. The wages of sin is death.
All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.... WE WERE DOOMED.
Since the scripture says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, sacrifice has to be made, blood had to be shed. But if we died for our own sin, it wouldn't do us any good... cause we would be ...dead.
So sacrifice was necessary. We saw the sacrifice for sin in the garden of Eden with the animal that was slain to cover their nakedness. It continued every year when the priest would offer an innocent animal for sin sacrifice. But not just any animal would do, it had to be the best, without blemish.
So sacrifice was necessary. We saw the sacrifice for sin in the garden of Eden with the animal that was slain to cover their nakedness. It continued every year when the priest would offer an innocent animal for sin sacrifice. But not just any animal would do, it had to be the best, without blemish.
Remember "The Seed of the Woman" in Genesis?
There is still this promise and threat to the devil that the offspring or seed of the woman would bruise his head. He has searched for the seed and killed many, but without success. Obviously some things were overlooked, like the fact that:
How can a woman bear a child without seed? How is God going to pull this off? This was not going to happen in the traditional way. Killing all those kids with earthly fathers didn't work.
Imagine a young virgin being visited by an angel. She is told she will have a baby, but she does not understand the process. He lets her know she will be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and in turn be with child. He not only talks to her, but He also talks to her betrothed husband- Joseph, the man who would ultimately be Jesus' step father. Joseph and Mary care for this child as their own, but this child was different.
Final question: Why a Virgin?
Because of the great fall that took place in the Garden of Eden , all mankind are born in sin. We all have the bloodline of our fathers, which began with Adam. If Jesus was born with the seed of MAN, He would carry the bloodline of man and be born in sin just like the rest of us. Which means, He would not be a lamb without spot or blemish, He would be a man in need of a Savior. That would disqualify Him to be the Lamb of God.
The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she bore a child. Since our bloodline runs through our father, Jesus' is now the Son of God. His blood is now from a Holy God, and He was born without spot or blemish! He is now qualified to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Mary was simply a vessel that God used to fulfill His plan of redemption for us. He already committed to send His only Begotten Son to die for the sins of the world, the process of getting Him here legally was the only thing that had to be decided upon. So Yes, it may be hard to believe, but God has a purpose even in things that seem unbelievable.
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said,
“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
John 1:29
Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but don't forget why it happened. You may not be able to get everything you want, you may not be able to do everything you want. This time of year might even be a bit difficult for you... but remember:
Your greatest need was met through something hard to believe. The most wonderful story of love and acceptance began with something that was quite... UNBELEIVABLE. Hang in there, your miracle, your change and the thing God has promised you will happen even in the face of those that think it is impossible. God will work around the traditional plans to bring His word to pass for you. Legally!
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