Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"Give God What He Gave You!"

Before I got on social media I had a talk with God about what my purpose in it was. I knew that it was not to be grand or run after followers.   I'm was not on here to buy followers, or to like and attend every event.  I am not here to talk bad about churches, or government. (even if it is trending)  I'm not on here to shame people, to ridicule them, or to make them feel like they're not pleasing God.  I am also not here to figure out every algorithm, and plot to be successful in social media, I'm trying to be successful in life!   Deciphering all the secrets of social media is a job I didn't apply for, and a waste of my time and talent. 

My purpose is really to encourage people to live for God, to follow Him in their every day life,  to seek wisdom daily in His word, to treat others right, work towards healthy relationships, honor and trust God with their finances, and to enjoy this life while preparing for the next one.  My job is to seek God about what I post, and trust that He will let the person or people see it that needs to.  

Recently I started to question my presence on social media because I noticed that I am not really 'out there' like so many are.  I have a simple platform that comes from who I am, not who others think I am or want me to be.   The things people are doing seems fun and cutting edge, but I am not that person.  Without realizing it, I had begun questioning my purpose and wondering if I needed to do more.  I'm grateful to God that He reminded me that I'm doing what I am called to do, and that's all that He requires of me. 


In Matthew 25:14 the bible gives the parable of talents.  I know there are so many theological ways we can go with this, but I am keeping it to the simple interpretation God gave me the other day while I was reading it.  I love that God's word is living, powerful, and pertinent.  

In the story a man gave talents to three people.  To one he gave five talents, to another he gave two, and to the last person he gave one talent.  Then it says  "each one according to his ability."

When the man returned, the person that had five talents, gave him back five more.  The person with two talents gave  back two more, and the person with one talent only brought what he had been given before.  The men who came back with more were rewarded,  but the one who hid his talent was cast out. 


Each of us have been given talents 'according to our ability'.  We are not required to work outside what we have been given, but we are required to do something with what we have been given.  God simply wants us to give Him what He gave us. The man with five gave back five, the one with two gave back two....

After my talk with God, I sat and wrote down all the talents that I have.  I came up with ten things that I absolutely know that I do well.  Most I am doing now and continue to do, one is pending and another one was on hold because fear gripped me! (which led to my video series on overcoming fear)  Allowing fear or insecurity to grip us is like having the one talent and deciding not to use it because God can get the glory without our input.  It is time to recognize that every talent, every gift given, is to be used!  

I encourage you to make a list of what you do well and first thank God that He has made you so awesome!  Then see how you are using your gifts for God's glory and to help people.  Every talent is based on YOUR ABILITY, the ability that God has already given to you.  You are not called to compete with anyone else. Your gift may not be for social media, some gifts are to be used at home, with family, one on one, or even on the job, but every gift given, should be used! You don't have to join a group, a club, you don't have to buy followers or be a social media guru.  Just trust that God equipped you for a reason and for this time.  Pray, keep His word in mind, then you just have to give back to God, what He has given you... God will handle the rest!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

"Facing the New With Your Normal!"

Normal is defined as 'the usual, typical or an expected standard.' 

When we hear people talk about a "New Normal" they are basically referring to the fact that something around us has changed, and that change may have a lasting or permanent affect.  Those changes can be financial, socially or even in physical areas. When that happens, we need to be able to adjust if we want to survive.  Covid19 has made that kind of an impact.  Social distancing, financial strains and the fear of sickness or death has made many look for a new normal.  


Life holds drama.  We have become accustomed to seeing what happens in life, and we adjust ourselves to fit it.  If things happen that are out of our control, most try to make practical changes that can help us to cope; if we don't we may find that we are always victims to circumstances.  As I was thinking and considering this New Normal, it felt a little backwards to me as a believer.  Why should we have to adjust to everything that happens?  Yes, I understand that things change, and sometimes it throws us.  Even as believers if we want to make it, we will have to do something, but what if we built ourselves up to the point that things had to adjust to us?  Sounds far fetched?  Keep reading...


What if instead of adjusting to everything new, we learn how to handle the NEW with our NORMAL?   What that looks like is, in every situation that we find ourselves in, we learn how to bring our normal to it.  The only way that is beneficial to us, is that our normal is always able to handle the new in a positive way.   If our normal is knowing that God is with us through any circumstance, if our normal is  being able to see the good in people, and trust God's plan even when we don't see the good, if our normal is to live content in every state, knowing that our security is not in the things that are seen, but in the things that are not seen.  If our normal is the ability to pray,  and seek what benefits everybody involved without taking things personally...  If we truly know that our life is in God's hand and we don't have to fear death, but don't have to tempt it either, if this is the mindset of our NORMAL we can deal with  every NEW. 


To embrace this NORMAL requires a level of maturity that we actually have to grow into.  It is not easy dealing with relationship hurts and not falling into the "norm" to cope.  It is hard to have financial fears and not try to find short cuts to overcome them.  It is not easy to be hurt by people you trust, and still trust folks!  Just because it is not easy does not make it impossible.  We may not all be there right now, but we should seek to grow to the point that God's word and what He says about our responses to life is our NORMAL.
I encourage you to have a set standard ahead of time that tells you how you will deal with situations and how you deal with people.  That standard is given in God's word, we should study it for ourselves and develop guidelines instead of waiting for someone to preach it before we decide to do it. 

If you feel fearful, or anxious when things don't pan out the way you thought...find your NORMAL spot.  Find the peace that God promises, and find the 'God triggers' you need that will remind you that He's got you! God is still in control, He still has a plan for you, and you are not forgotten in the midst of all of this.  I pray that during this time, your NORMAL- 'your usual, typical and expected standard'  response will be one that is full of faith, one that God enforces, and one you will use to rise and conquer all the NEW things in your life! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

"Using God's Name In Vain!"

We've heard the phrase before about using God's name in vain. Growing up we automatically assumed that using His name in vain was connected to cussing or using bad language. Basically that is true, whenever we speak evil of people, or speak ill over them, that can be considered cursing them; especially since we have God given power in our tongues to bless.  Somehow we thought if we didn't use the name of 'Jesus', or say 'God', then we were okay.  But truthfully every day we can hear someone who is NOT cussing, use God's name in vain.  

Vain- means producing no results or useless...
Taking a name in vain- means using someone's name in a way that shows lack of respect...

Based on this definition,  perhaps taking God's name in vain is not just cussing.  If we use His name in a way that is not profitable or does not produce, we have used His name in vain.   Taking his name in vain could be anything from the prayers that we pray- that are against His word, to the  things that we say that God is doing that has nothing to do with Him.  How many times have you heard someone say "God told me to..."  and you and everyone knows that God was not in it?  Anytime we use the Name of Jesus for our own reasons, to benefit us without His written permission, that is a form of  writing a check, it results in "spiritual forgery". Those prayers are left marked as 'insufficient."  


If we really want to get the benefits of His name, we have to know the benefits of His word.   The Bible says that God has  exalted His word above His name, which means that His name is only as good as His word.  We see this in business every day.  

If someone tells you that they will be there and contribute to a project, and they never do... after awhile, when you hear their name, you roll your eyes.  You don't wait on them, and you don't count on them after understanding that they don't keep their word.  Their word has given their name a reputation that says "Unreliable".  In the same way, God has shown us that He means what He says.  What He has written is what He will do, so when you use His name towards what He has said, in the context that He meant it...  scripture says "He hastens to perform His word".  Sufficient funds.   

But when we apply His name to what we want and we have no word to back it, that is an insufficient prayer. It produces no results, and is useless.  To continue to pray insufficient prayers in the name of Jesus is disrespectful to His name. God is only obligated to what He said in His word that He would do.   After years of "name it and claim it",  "believe it and receive it", and "Blab it and Grab it!"  We need to realize God is not moved by any of that.  As Believers, we have disrespected His name by showing the world prayers prayed in His name,  that never get answered....

Christians, we may still get upset when we hear cussing, or when we hear God's name being taken in vain in a movie, but instead of trying to get the speck out of someone else's eye, see that there is a HUGE plank in our own. Every prayer prayed in fear, God is not obligated to answer.  Any pray prayed for revenge on others, God is not obligated to answer.  When we ask Him to do anything outside His word, we are using His name in vain.  Be encouraged to read the word of God, ask Him for understanding and balance so when we encounter an opportunity to  use His name, we do it with power, and according to His word.  That is when we will see the POWER OF HIS NAME!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

“What Is Easter To You?”

What is Easter to you?
Is it coloring Easter eggs bright orange, yellow and blue?
Is it Easter egg hunts or a bunny or two?
Is it going to church that one time every year?
It is buying nice clothes for the ones you love dear?
Is it hats, is it ties, is it flowers and bows?
Is the meaning forgotten, does anyone know?
Has the blood been forgotten have the scars been erased?
Now stories of Easter bunnies, my Lords been disgraced
As my mind goes way back to that day long ago
The memory of Easter, the real story I know

As my Lord was convicted and unjustly tried,
For your soul and my soul He willingly died.
But thank God today that my soul He has cleansed,
He has loved me, and kept me and forgiven my sins.
I thank Him, I love Him for the blood he has shed,
For without my Jesus, my soul would be dead.
On the third day He rose with the keys in His hand,
With the victory completely, my Lord is so grand!
Since He has the keys to death, hell and the grave
Now we who He died for can surely be saved

To me Easters the victory, the joy and the love,
To me it’s the Gift that God sent from above.
To me it’s the blood on the cross that He shed,
To me it’s the raising of Christ from the dead.
To me it’s the knowledge of God’s love for me,
To me its just knowing He set my soul free.
If you still think Easter is eggs and fine clothes,
You need to be talking to someone who knows.
So lets send our minds to that day long ago,
The memory of Easter, the real story we know.

He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,
Luke 24:6

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Essential Church

In the midst of this pandemic it's interesting that certain words just stand out, words we haven't heard before in this context.  Words like social distancing, or essential businesses.  Here in America, we are kind of spoiled, and we basically feel everything we need or want is ... well essential. I have heard so many talk about their hair, nails, eyebrows, etc..   As a result of the stay at home order many businesses were hoping to make that list.  Included in those holding out hope was the church.

As a church we seem to have gotten a little offended because we weren't considered one of the  essential businesses, especially since liquor stores were.   It seems that during difficult times, the last thing we need is a bunch of drunk folks stuck in their homes with their families,  although some feel it might help them.  But I digress.....  Whether we think the church should be open or not, is not the question.  The real questions are...   

 WHAT is the church? or WHERE is the church? 


In short, the church is a building not made by hands, so this question is really not WHAT?  But WHO?   Church is a body of believers that make up the body of Christ.  When Jesus talks about coming back for the 'church', He is not lifting buildings.  He's coming for me and you.


If you are part of the body of Christ, the church is wherever you are.  Whether you are in a building where we gather to worship, you are the church.  Whether in  grocery store, a park, driving on the freeway, or in your child's school checking on them, you are the church. Wherever you are, the church is. 


If we are the church, then no one has the power to close us. They can inhibit our gathering together, but they can't stop our reach or purpose. That is a lesson we understand from countries where believers are prohibited from gathering, yet they are the church.   Today the church is just as  open as you are, or plan to be.  Our reach is to those who live in our neighborhoods, those we friend online, and those we do business with.  So instead of tripping because the building is closed, find out what your assignment is during this time. God is not surprised by any of this, though we are.  If we are so busy complaining about everything that is going on, we will miss it.  Do what you need to do to be safe and to care for your family, but don't forget that we are NOT our own.  We are part of a much bigger picture that requires all of us doing our part.

So check yourself to see if your door is open, see if you're full of love,  if you have a mind to pray for  the hurting, to comfort those who have lossed so much already.   People are open to hearing a message of hope, be the church and give it to them. 

Yes the church is essential, but if we  refuse to do our part to help people, and encourage them with our new wine, they may as well head for the liquor store.