Wednesday, January 8, 2020

"Introverts in Ministry"

“What’s the matter?” - “Nothing, I was just thinking.”  
“What’s wrong?”  -“Nothing, I was watching those people over there.”
“Are you okay?  You seem distant.” - “l'm good, I was thinking about what you said.”  

I don't know about you, but this has been happening to me since grade school!  I have gotten past most of this intentionally by talking more (sometimes too much), and doing more to be engaged with others. I have tried to be sure people feel loved and heard, and many times it works- other times not so well.  Some people don't believe that I am an introvert because of the job I have, the fact that I love teaching, and I am active on social media.  Being an introvert does not mean that we don’t like people, we are shy, withdrawn, or that we don’t genuinely enjoy company or going out on occasion.  It simply means that it takes a lot out of us,  and we may need time away from folks to gather ourselves.  Working in ministry people may think that everyone should be outgoing, and when they don't see you, it is assumed you are being 'anti-social'.   Though some may use being introverted as an excused to be antisocial, for most of us, that is the furthest from the truth.  


If you are an outgoing person that dreams of your next "girls trip", or if you can't go a week without "hanging with the boys", then you may not understand the drain that social settings can have on those who are energized differently.  We love people and will be around them and really enjoy it,  but after a certain amount of time home is sounding real good!  Since every person is uniquely different, I can't speak for everyone, so I will have to use my life as an example.  When it came to social gatherings, I used to have a rule, "arrive early, leave early."  That way I would have time to speak to everyone, be sure I've connected with everyone, then when I have touched and spoken to those there, I could go home.  That wouldn't work for some events, so I would focus my mind on when it was over- and that would help me stay present for longer times. 

I don't like crowded gatherings like ball games, or Black Friday. (who does?.. Oh yeah, someone does!)  I prefer watching a football game on television than in person, I don't really enjoy loud fast music if I can't understand the words,  so concerts are often out, unless I am very familiar with the artist.  I even signed up for Grocery delivery!  That could end my opportunity to be around crowds, so now I have scheduled intentional shopping trips,  just because!  I love painting, music, gardening, decorating, writing, reading books and cleaning my house!  I also like simple gatherings with insightful conversations, and good food with  friends or family.  (preferably at my house).   So as you can see, being an introvert does not mean we are antisocial, we just have to figure out how to be social and not be drained.  


Regardless to our personality type, ministry and purpose makes everything different.  This is where we have to admit who we are, find who God is making us to be, understand what sacrifices will need to be made, then when it is all said and done.... you can run home to replenish in His presence!   One thing I don't think is appropriate is to allow your personality to stop you from being who you needed to be in God's plan for your life.  We are created for a purpose, so who you are is great, but what you are called to do is greater and requires you.   Moses had a speech issue, he never saw himself talking to a crowd or even approaching Pharaoh on God's behalf for the people.  Yet God called him.  The Apostle Paul was different, he was out there, bold and boisterous, and God used him.  God also used John the one He loved, Rahab, Esther,  and even Jonah.  There are so many different personalities in the body of Christ, but the difference is the willingness to yield to God.  God knows what we need to replenish, and rejuvenate, and in Him, He provides rest for our souls.  

So if you are one like me, and you need downtime to empower yourself,  just be sure your up time is yielded to God.  Stay connected to Him and be open when He really needs you to stretch out.  Know that all the gifting in you is purposeful and needed.  You may still not attend everything event, and you may not look like a social butterfly, but the things you are involved in, MAKE THEM COUNT!  

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