Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Nevertheless Challenge!

NEVERTHELESS…Most of us have heard a message or read the scripture about Jesus’ time in the Garden of Gethsemane.  It accounts for the final prayer before His trial and crucifixion.   Jesus is tired from lack of sleep, He has been left alone by His disciples, and He fully understands what comes next.  In the midst of His time with God, the bible says :

“And going a little farther He fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; NEVERTHELESS, not as I will, but as you will.”  Matthew 26:39

I have heard some of the most profound messages around this passage.  The moment when you know something bad is about to happen, but you give over to what God’s will includes instead of what you prefer.  It may be seen in giving the last of something that you know you cannot replace, knowing that you just might lose in the end.  It may be seen with family members that are about to pass away and it is hard to let go.  Learning to allow for what we know is inevitable is a true life lesson we should embrace.  It is not easy, but it says- "Lord, I trust You anyway." 

Another NEVERTHELESS life lesson is found in Luke 5:5

“Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But NEVERTHELESS because you say so, I will let down the nets." 

This account was a little different.  It didn’t have to do with a pending trauma, but with being told to do the opposite of something that they had expertise in.  As fishermen, they knew their best efforts had not been fruitful thus far.  This ‘nevertheless’ can teach us a  quite a bit. Sometimes God has us doing things that simply does not make sense;  we don’t understand WHY we need to forgive someone who has shown they are not changing, we don’t know WHY we are still working on our business idea when the trends have changed, WHY are we trying to make this company successful when they have shown you there is no future in it.  This nevertheless reminds us that God holds the end of things we only have a glimpse of, it also reminds us that obedience is key when serving a God who requires it!

I was thinking about some things the other day pertaining to my relationships, and a pending faith project.  I told God “Lord, you know what I need, you know what I want, and today I yield this all to you. I admit I have preferences, I have thoughts and ideas, but NEVERTHELESS… I want what You want.   I do this Lord, knowing that my thoughts are not like Yours, and I am truthfully kinda scared that You might mess me up with something unexpected… But I REALLY DO WANT WHAT YOU WANT!  So right now, I choose to choose Your way, and not mine.”


Saying nevertheless can seem easy when we are juggling something bad that may happen anyway, but sometimes we are juggling something good and we really want it to go well.  Kind of like giving over to God when it comes to a relationship decision.  You know what you want, and if you are older like me, you know more about yourself and you have definite preferences.  But are you willing to trust God?  Can you look at all that is good in your life, all that is pending in your life, and all that you already have success in and say… ‘Lord, Nevertheless….. not what I want, but what You want’? 

I know it can be scary because faith like that can seem irresponsible to some and like a cop out to others.  But we are trusting that God knows WAY better than we do what will be successful, what will make us happy, what will bless the people we are called to reach and ultimately,  what will give Him glory.   I know that God loves me and knows me better than I know myself, so here it is…
Will you accept the challenge of trusting God?  I am going to try it, I accept the challenge! Will you?

Lord, I trust You!

I trust You with what I know, what I don't know and everything I prefer...  Lord, I realize that every time in life that I choose to say "nevertheless", Your response is NEVER  THE  LESS!  So thank You in advance for all that You are doing in my life!  I give You glory for it!

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