Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Saying "Goodbye" to DRAMA!

You have seen the movie where a couple in love are standing at a train station or in an airport.  The camera zooms in to catch their teary eyes as they attempt to say the words they are avoiding.  After a long hug, they simply say “see you later”- even when they know this may be the last time they see each other again.  These scenes get us every time because most of us know the difficulty in saying “Goodbye” to someone or something we love.  Whether we find ourselves at an airport, a graduation ceremony,  or when moving from one city to another…  It is hard to say goodbye. 


Yes, saying “Goodbye” to things we love is hard,  but we don’t really think it means it is difficult to say goodbye to the difficulties and challenges in life.   Saying goodbye to DRAMA should be welcomed and encouraged, b   I recall a young woman that I literally have talked to and helped off and on for over 17 years.  One day I sat with her and she seemed to confident and sure that she had made a turn that was for the good.  I was convinced as well.  She showed me her paperwork from the doctor, notes from her counselor and one other thing I had never seen before- a Goodbye Letter.   When I first started to read it, I thought she was talking to me, or to life.  The way she talked about how much she had depended on this individual, and how much she got from them, how they helped her manage life and how happy she was when they were together.  She then took a turn and  said things like “I thought we were good for each other, but now I realize you used me and left me hurt.”  As I took that turn in reading, I realized she was talking about her drug use. As a once young intelligent woman who had the potential to soar, her drug usage kept her from doing so much.  Her hand written letter was powerful in that she admitted for the first time that she needed help, she was in bondage and her life would be better if she had not shared it with ‘them’.   She spoke of opportunities she’d  lost, family she hurt, connections and promises broken,  and dreams that were left starving as she feasted on ‘them’.   To say the least it was powerful… and of course it got me thinking.
ut sometimes it is not so easy.


How many times do we neglect to say goodbye to those things that hurt us?  When we see things are not good, people are not true, situations are not beneficial, instead of saying ‘goodbye’ many times we simply say ‘see you later’.  I don’t think we plan to not say goodbye, because we are genuinely tired of the DRAMA, but because we keep going back, because we don’t close doors and we don’t cut off communication to the toxic things in our life, we basically are just putting it on hold for later. 

I am not going to pretend that it is easy to say goodbye, if it was, many of us would have already done it... but we have so much emotion and dependence on things that are not good for us; and it is not just people, there are jobs we should be finished with, habits we should have dropped, entertainment choices that keep our mind reliving the same mess.  If we are going to say “goodbye”, we need to do more than just say GOODBYE!  We will have to make plans to not see or visit that thing ever again.  To do that we must find a new core to hang with, and find something productive and pleasing to do instead, otherwise we are setting ourselves up for failure and a "See you Later." 

The bible talks about cleaning house.  Basically, when you evict an evil influence, and house is swept clean.  That is good, but you must fill it up again, occupy the space with good things, because when the prior occupant comes back, (and they will come back) they figure it is still available!  Swept up and cleaned just or them!   So they move in along with all their family who are worse than them, and it will take much more next time to evict them.   (Luke 11:25)

If you are struggling with a bad habit or the habit of saying “See you later” to your habits, hurts and struggles…  get help, connect with good people who mean you well and can help you get on the right track.  When you are tempted to return, remember the pain from the DRAMA and the peace from the RELEASE… which would you rather have, then choose.

Remember-  Your life has only one showing.  You will never have a second chance to live it again.

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