Wednesday, May 8, 2019

"A Mother's Day Letter to Mom- From A Foster Mom"

As we near mother's day, This is a joyous time to celebrate the women who raised us and helped us to become who we are today.  I am still surprised at all the men and women who LOVE their mothers and would do anything for them!  I am not surprised because I don't think there are women who deserve that attention, it is just that in these days, it seems harder to find on occasion.

I can't help but think of some current issues that children are facing.  we have heard the news of young children left in the care of someone who does not have the same heart towards the child as the mother does.  We have heard about mothers who do not have a good heart towards their own children.  We have seen children hurt, abused, abandoned and left to fend for themselves.  This is not what we want to think about as we near Mother's Day weekend, and it certainly is not what we want for children who are functioning without their moms. So here is a short letter to a mom, from a foster mom.


I have fostered your three children for almost nine months, about the time it took you to carry just one of them.  I wish there was more I could do that would make a difference.  See providing a roof and food is one thing, anyone with funds to do that can provide that; but your children need more.  Their sense of security, identity and peace comes from those they love the most.  There are some things that I cannot provide for your kids because they will never see me like they see you.   I have been very intentional about making sure they know God, they know how to pray, (in fact, they pray for you every night)  I have tried to instill in them how a family should treat each other, and tried to make sure they know their value.  But even in the midst of all of that, there is still a great disconnect, a void.  To help with the deficit, I tried to connect with your kids by simply telling them- "I was hired by the state but I work for your mom."  I know that didn't set right the first time some heard it, but my focus was connecting with your children for their good, and to do that.... I had to connect with YOU, their mother.  I reminded them that you want them fed, to get them to eat good food.  You want them in their seat belts,  so I could transport them safely, and it was important that they get a good night sleep- when they giggle and ask me for a kiss on the forehead.  I really tried to keep you in the loop, because they really need you.  I know it must be hard trying to figure out who has your kids and what are they doing with them, what are they telling them?  But I want you to know that I have kept your children in the place where they can obey scripture and honor you.  I tell them to hug you and show you their school work when they visited you, reminded them to take care of each other because that is what you want.  I feel I have done my part, the kids have done their part, we just need you to get the help you need so you can do yours.  No one can do what you can do for them, even if it was not done for you.  There is a circle of people who will support you and help you get where you need to be. I know this because I am one of them. 

I will try to be creative on Mother's day to help them think of you and not feel left out on the celebrations.  Someone said, if you give the children what they missed, you can get them back on track.  I pray that during this time with your kids, I have given them something to help.  The main thing I cannot give them, that I know they need is YOU. 

Your Foster MOM


I salute every foster parent that is truly trying to make a difference for the children in their homes.  I salute every one that does not take advantage of the system, but tries to work within it to help these kids who may not have someone to celebrate this weekend.  I salute those that have not tried getting rich in this system, but try to enrich the lives of every child that enters their home. Fostering is not easy, but neither is being a mother.  

Happy Mother's Day!