So many times we look and see faults in one another,
Then we lift up our eyes and whisper, “Lord, change my
You see how you didn’t agree with all that he may do,
But have you ever stopped to think of how others may see
We’re so quick to find the many ways others could be wrong,
Sometimes even knowing we do the same things all along.
But if we’d stop, look at ourselves and really try to see,
We would lift up our eyes and whisper, “Lord Change Me.”
Change the things not like You, things I say and do.
Change my mind, change my heart and my motives too.
Change the way I see my brother and the life he may lead,
So I can look past what I see, and only see his need.
Help me be the man or woman you want me to be,
Lord I yield my all to You, Lord please change me!
When we reach the place we see ourselves and the mess were
really in,
We’ll see the motive of our hearts and see all of our sins.
We’ll see were not perfected and not living all right,
We’ll see we have many faults that show under the Light.
So when you look at your brother, trying to see what you can
Remember, then lift up your eyes and whisper, “Lord Change Me!”
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but
do not perceive the plank in your own eye? Luke 6:41

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at