Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What Did You Hear..."Yanny or Laurel?"

This discussion has gone viral and many are talking about the recording that says "Yanny", or does it say "Laurel"?  It seems that a room of people can hear the same recording and hear something COMPLETELY different.  I could understand if it said "Yanny or Lanny"  or if it was "Laurel or Pearl" even, but these words are completely different and yet people are hearing what they hear from the same recording.  Of course some are already trying to find scientific reasons for this phenomenon, whether through frequency or pitch etc...   But here is another twist to this conversation...


We have all heard and agree that communication in every relationship is important.  Whether with your significant other, your parent, kids, friends or on the job.  But we all know that there are times someone says something and we can hear something completely different!  I have sat in meetings and had to go back to get an understanding because what I heard  seemed off.  What often makes me go back and question, is understanding the heart of the person who is talking.  When we take time to know the people we communicate with, it can help us understand them when their 'Yanny' sounds like a 'Laurel'.   We have heard that communication is not just exchanging words, but it is exchanging meaning.   If we focus more on helping people understand what me MEAN, our communication will flow much better.


"God told me to ..."  As a person of faith- I have heard interesting things over the years; yet I never tell people that they have not heard from God, no matter how outrageous it sounds to me.  See I am not God, and I can't rule other people's lives with my mortal limitations.  But I will say that it still amazes me how many people will say that God told them to do something that is not good for them, not good for others and not a reflection of His word or good for God's kingdom.  They are sure that He spoke to them and told them to do what they are about to do anyway.   Before we blame God for our poor choices and are convinced that He is the one talking to us, remember 'Yanny' and 'Laurel'.  Maybe we are prone to hear certain things and if we don't talk to others to see what they heard, we may miss it all together.   That is why God gives us people for our lives, not because they are perfect and rule over us, they just bring a balance to what may be a frequency that we automatically lean towards.  Don't forget the scripture tells us that fools think their way is right, but the wise listen to others. Prov 12:15 and it also says  "In the multitude of counselors, there is safety."  It is worth asking questions and balancing what you believe you heard with God's word. 


It is easier to distinguish a breakdown in communication with others because they can explain themselves.  It is also not impossible to distinguish a mix-up in our communication with God, because He gives us people to help and His word to guide us.   But what about the talks you have with yourself?  The things you will hear and believe because the voice in your mind can sound just like YOU!  So when you tell yourself that you can't do something, or you will never connect with someone who loves you, you believe it!  You may think your business idea will not work even before doing the research to see that it actually could... if you do it.  But your frequency has already talked you out of trying.  Remember the same safety nets that you have when talking to others, or God, are the same ones for you when you chat with yourself.  Run your thoughts by others who are not going through what you are going through. If they are on the same frequency as you, or dealing with the same challenge, you both may come up with the same answer.  Test what you hear through people who are stronger or further along than you are. Research and test your thoughts by the word of God and the people He has given for your life, then you can close the mouth of your mind and have clearer direction.  

Communication is important but it is not just the exchange of words, but the exchange of meaning.  Knowing the one you are listening to will help you distinguish what they are saying, especially when it sounds different from who they are.  Keep the word of God hidden in your heart to filter what you hear from day to day, and remember, when in doubt.. just ask. 

SIDEBAR:  I heard "Yanny!" 

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