Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Licensed to Drive Your Life!

On my way to work this morning I was admiring my own driving skills.  I was gliding between drivers that were going slow, making way for those that were moving too fast, and avoiding issues by looking ahead all the while still using my blinker and driving safely- all with ease and confidence!  However, that was not always the case... 


I was in my mid 20's before I got my drivers license, until then I walked everywhere or bummed a ride.  I recall all kinds of encounters while walking that I would not have had to deal with in a car.  In an attempt to not inconvenience someone who was taking us to church,  I remember waiting in the middle of the street for them - just so they didn't have to pull into our apartment complex.  Walking meant rain, road kill, predators and heat; they were all part of the elements that I dealt with minus a car.  I was fine, I had learned to function in life without driving.  
Until one night as I was prepping to walk home,  I was changing my shoes and about to walk off into the night across a busy street towards my apartment complex when I saw a young woman jump in a pickup truck and drive off.  It dawned on me... 'she is not scared!  She is younger than me, more timid, but she just jumped in a pick up truck and just sped off... what is holding me back?  I think I can do this.' That began my plans to be not just licensed to drive, but a licensed DRIVER.


Do you remember the first time you drove on the highway?  I do.   As fate would have it, I have a good friend who had a car and he was trying to help me with my driving fear.  He would let me drive around a bit to get over the fear, this was fun and kind of helpful until one day, things got really UGLY.  

While leaving his residence to take me back home, he went out to the car ahead of me and jumped in the passenger seat and locked his door.  I was a bit confused and thrown by this because it was around evening drive time and we needed to get on the freeway fast.  I like a good joke as much as anyone else, but he would not get out of the car, he basically told me that I was driving myself home!  For those of you familiar with Houston, that meant from Greens Road to Fuqua, during Houston's drive time!  My heart started beating heavily and I felt faint. I didn't think I could do it, but my friend (who is just as hard headed as I can be) wouldn't budge.  So I slowly made my way into the drivers's seat  and started the car.  Obviously we lived, although we talk of the terror we both had that day; his was well hidden and mine didn't matter to him.  As much as I really hated him that day, I thank him for helping me jump on a road that today, I have conquered. 


We have been licensed to live, but it is up to us to get behind the wheel and drive our life.  Many of us are frightened about what might happen, what could happen, what has happened to others or who we may encounter out there.  But the truth is those issues will be there whether you drive or if you allow someone else to.  Getting over the fear of highway opportunities will help you get where you are going much faster.  There are places you want to go in life that are no where near where you are today and it will take a leap of faith, a driving force in you to trust God that you can do this. We can't be limited to the 'back roads' of life and arrive at our destination.  The unnecessary frustration and time alone can ruin your journey.  In life we need good friends and mentors that will remind us that we can do what we are avoiding.  We have all the skill, the know how and opportunity to do it, we just have to do it.   So, BUCKLE UP, this ride is going to be challenging, but soon you will be looking back and admiring how far you have come, how skilled you are and how quickly you reach your destination! 

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