Friday, January 6, 2017

Reaching the World: CONTROVERSY

The bible says "He that wins souls is wise."  This task is getting harder every year.

I don't often comment about political issues, or jump in on controversy unless I almost have to.  I realize that my thoughts are different as a Christian, and my thoughts are different as a person.  I just don't always see stuff the same.  It does not mean I see it right, just not the same.

First let's talk about the issue with Kim Burrell.  First I will say, I am not a follower, so what I say is not in defense of my 'favorite' artist.  (no shade there Ms. Burrell , I also have never seen Purple Rain, don't know the words  and didn't know what songs George Michael or.. Michael George sang.)

There was a time that we could preach a message like she did and no one would record it and stream it to millions who would be offended.    Now, if you voice your opinion, whether it is spiritual or natural, you run the risk of losing endorsements, losing friends, losing respect and threats of losing your life.

Of course, if we pay real good attention, it only works that way if you go AGAINST mainstream secular America and all that we have recently allowed to be viewed as acceptable.  This generation has been raised believing some things are just intolerance and hate filled.  They don't know the standards of the bible, because we stopped preaching and teaching them. As a result, even the church is at odds as to what the standards of the bible are according to scripture.

If you think I have missed this... let me give you a REALLY controversial example.

MESSAGE: To the Church

Some of you may be supporters of President Obama's administration, and others not.  That does not matter to me.  But a few years ago, same sex marriages were approved in our country.  There was not a huge outpouring of anger or push back because MAINSTREAM America was happy.  The church however, was eerily silent- anyone who supported the administration clammed up.  Maybe not wanting to push back on the first black president that many loved.  Our protests were in personal conversations and pleas to pray for our country.  But we didn't really do anything about it, some fussed, but others took that as a push against the president. Now we are battling  bathroom access...

Now, Kim Burrell stands for what she believes (cries loud and spares not)  and some of the church, wants to support her while the world is jumping on her about the message.  Others in the SAME church want to say she is wrong and her words were not according to the gospel of love. (Which actually means God's gospel since He is love.)

What changed? Why don't we say what we believe ALL THE TIME?  It is easy when someone else takes the heat, loses opportunity and has to have their face on social media with all the comments that do not support their stance.  The real problem,  is not homosexuality, it is not intolerance, it is not hatred, anger or the lack of love.  We have simply moved a standard that we didn't set.

Our problem is and has always been a righteous God expecting us to lay aside sin, all sin...  Anything HE calls sin. 

But sin is not popular to preach about anymore because many of us are in it... at least a bit.  We moved away when we started caring what people thought about us.  As a result we... the Church of Jesus Christ, has lost ground.  We don't have a voice to 'cry loud' anymore.  When we do, even those who support us and know our hearts are in the right place, will run.  But really in God, we NEVER lose ground!  This is making us get back to preaching that does not cause fear or condemnation.  Even if you got saved with that message, it was never God's. There is no going back, we will no longer have the days of preaching hell's fire,  now we have to find a new way to reach the lost.  We will have to get back to God's way of drawing people. 


In God's eyes, we understand there are no big sins or little sins.  Lying is just as much an issue as killing or a rant on social media,  a thought or an internet search. We know that sin is all around us so singling out just one or two is no longer acceptable, especially to those participating in the top three. 

The world does not care what we call sin.  They are stating their own way be reached, they want tolerance and love.  Funny, that is what God told us to do anyway, to love people.  Love should always be our banner, no matter what the sin. Tolerance, however, is harder to do, it makes us feel like we are compromising a standard that we didn't set.

Of course, we understand that love alone will not save.  God still requires us to confess sin and accept the sacrifice He made for it.  Which means we have to admit we have sinned.  As Christians, we have been given new life, how we present that message  will require WISDOM.  Take time when you reach out to others to pray and ask God for wisdom.  What works for one may not for the other.  What you can say or preach to one may not work for the other.  Only God knows what seed will take root.  Pray and ask God for wisdom to reach the lost, who do not know they need Him.

MESSAGE: To the World

We have a gospel that we didn't write that we have given our lives to.
Unlike some religions, it does not require us to kill you if we disagree. 
Unlike other religions, we are not required to avoid our loved ones and commit fully to the religion without regards to others on the 'outside'. 
We are required to love you, but still speak the truth in love.
We are required to reach out to you and point you to  the One who made you. 
We will try to be wise in how we proclaim our beliefs, but we won't apologize for having them.
Even if you do not like what we say, please  don't think it means we don't love you, we do.  We are not perfect, we make a lot of mistakes and even sin on occasion.  But even if we sin we are still  subject to admitting it, repenting  and going back to God.  The same process we would tell you about.
If you don't believe what we do, that is really okay.  God has a lot of ways to reach you and we have to trust that as we pray for you, He will help you see Him.  But the beauty of it all is this, you don't have to.  God honors the freewill He gave you to choose Him or not. 
We are not a threat to you.   If you want to marry who you want, you can according to the laws of the land.  If you want to drink or smoke, you can. (some of us do too)  The laws of the land allows you to do that.  If you want to divorce, remarry, live together and sleep with whoever you want, you can.  The laws of the land allow you to do that. 

Just  remember, as Christians we live in this world and can be moved by the laws of this land, but we are no longer of this world and have to respond and live by the laws of God.  That is our religion as you call it, our conviction, our belief.  We have chosen by our own free will to serve Jesus Christ, today.  We choose to follow Him and obey His laws, even if it is not the same as the land we are currently in.  If you feel sorry for us and think that by chance we are wrong about this whole 'Religion" thing, at least you have had the benefit of us loving you, trying to be our best, praying for you and believing the best of you... Hopefully we can point you to Jesus as your Lord as well.  If not, we will continue to serve Him....


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