I recently had the privilege to be
surrounded by a group of successful people from various walks. It is good for me, who does not get out much
to take time to see success in everyday settings. It is
great to be around people who know their purpose and are going forward in
it. At this gathering, everyone was kind and
focused, they seemed to genuinely enjoy meeting and being in the company of
others. Except for one.
There was a person
present who put a last minute damper on the event for a colleague I invited to
attend with me. For some reason they
decided to tear into my friend for really no reason at all. They didn’t like something my friend said
earlier (something that all of us got an icebreaking laugh out of) But without
knowing who they were talking to, they took it upon themselves to berate her openly when she reached to greet
them. We were shocked. We found out later that was normal for them
and they had this type of reputation and has done similar things to others at
I always tell people “God knows who
to allow to go through things like that, I am so glad it was you and not me.” Even though I don’t excuse that type of
behavior, I try sometimes to understand.
I really try to understand what makes someone think they are high enough
to talk down to someone else, especially someone they do not know.
I read a book once that talked about
the many hats we wear. When we are at
home with our kids- that is one type of hat.
We have another hat among our friends and peers, and another one we wear
to work. Many people have toiled to perfect their work
hat. Some have fought through getting an
education, sleepless nights and missed promotions to get that hat. They may have
battled with discrimination and gender bias to get that hat. Some have been misunderstood and ridiculed by
coworkers, but maintained their hat. So
when I think about this person and the role they now have in our city, you can’t
help but think they EARNED that hat. They
probably are respected at work for their hat and often may need to deal with difficult
situations to maintain that hat.

I get it, but this is a word of
wisdom for all of us who have a hat that causes us to be firm, stern or
When you get away from the grind at work,
Too many
of us keep that same hat on and try to deal with our spouse, our kids, our neighbors
or strangers at a meeting! That hat has served you well when you have to
collect funds from a client that is past due.
It may have served you well when you have to reprimand a worker that has
been lax in their performance. But the
world is not your staff. We don’t get
the benefit, or understand why you are waving that hat in our face. Take it off, and enjoy the benefit of people
that can actually help you, or you them.
The bible says in Hebrews 13:1-2:
Keep on loving one another as
brothers and sisters. Do not forget to
show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown
hospitality to angels without knowing it.
We never know who it is in our
midst. Someone who has a key God has
given them to your peace. Meaning, a
simple word of encouragement from a ‘stranger’ may make a difference in your
day, your life. The scripture talks
about ‘entertaining angels unawares” Meaning, they know the blessing they are, what
they have to offer, you just don’t know it.
God has placed treasure in earthen vessels. He has blessings and words of encouragement
for us and it is hidden in PEOPLE. You
may never know the angels that you have passed up because they seem to not look
or talk like an angel. We walked away
from that meeting knowing that they really didn’t know who they were in the
company of, because they could not see beyond the rim of their own hat.
So all you professional go getters….Thank you
for serving well, for sacrifices you have made, for taking your job serious and for causing a change in the
world. But at the end of the day, your
accomplishments pale in comparison to what we think of YOU as person, how you
treat everyday people when you get off work.
So next time you gather at a family reunion, or a company luncheon,
maybe you are at a PTA meeting or ball game;
we know you have fought corporate America to wear that hat from work,
but you are with everyday people who want and deserve the best of you. Feel free to take the hat off, and CHILL!
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