Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Seeing Christ in Crisis

We woke up to the distant sound of thunder followed by cracks of lightning. For the next 10-12 hours we endured 9 emergency alerts, 3 tornado warnings, hail hitting our windows in the dark, huge amounts of rain bombarding the streets and a power outage that lasted 10 hours. The rain and wind were so ferocious that at one time, I watched the rain go sideways.  The trash can that was put out the night before, was in someone else’s yard, not sure who put it upright and brought it back to us in the early morning hours. (Thank you)  

The result:  Houston has experienced historic flooding.  Lives have been lost, property loss and hearts overwhelmed.  We have experienced these disasters before, but this one felt weird, almost unexpected.  Yes, we all heard that there would be severe thunderstorms and rain, chance of flooding….But I think when we get in the groove of life, we just expect each week to look a little like the last.   BUT….
This world is aching; it is waiting for all of this to be over.  Sin is a funny thing, it affects everything- our lives, our hearts… our world.  The earthquakes and droughts, tornados and extreme snow, heat, floods, all of this is a result of a hurting world.  This world is waiting for this time after the “fall” to be over.
For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.            Romans 8:22-25
I was talking to someone today as I got ready to combat the streets to get to work.  They told me when the rain first started; they began to pray because God has answered them before when it came to weather.  But God told him “I’m not going to answer this time, they need this”. 
Most of us could not imagine a God who says He loves us, not answering.  We can’t imagine that He would just sit on His throne and ALLOW us to go through this, again!   While talking to this man, his take away was that we become better versions of ourselves when we get out of ourselves.  When we see a crisis, we tend to become answers to problems, instead of creating them.  The images of community helping community will burn in our minds for a while.  (That is ….until we get past this and forget, then we are subject to start treating each other like enemies again.)   But somehow in the midst of tragedies, God can remind us that we actually care about these same people we talk about.  We actually have more in common than we have different.  We want to be loved, accepted, encouraged, and taken care of.  All of us want this.
I love the feeling of true community, especially when my family has changed so over the last few years.  My mom is gone, my stepfather gone, I'm single again, my kids are growing up and my dog is OLD!  But God has soooo many great people around… good people who I can care for and allow them to care for me.  That is how we can see Christ in Our Crisis… He is seen in our love for one another. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                        So this storm will pass.  We will recover, we will note the day it happened.  News channels will remind us next year and show us the images again.  But hopefully, we will remember more the images of community, people reaching out to each other, neighbors who have never spoken, checking on each other.  Remember those who allowed someone to charge their phone, or when someone lit the BBQ grill with everyone in the neighborhood’s meat that was thawing due to power outages.  Sharing and loving. 
That is how Christ is seen in Crisis!  The real question is:  Can He be seen through you?

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