Years ago my daughter and I were watching the Olympics, and a discussion ensued about the various host countries. We talked about how beautiful the presentations were, the color, the history and how the countries celebrated their culture. It was obvious in their presentation what they stood for, or believed in. Then the topic turned to the United States of America. We celebrate with just as much cutting edge, color, lights, music, flair and it is often evident that Freedom Rings! It seems that though we are considered a Christian nation, we only have our flag to uphold or represent what we believe in. FREEDOM. I come from a very patriotic family, we love America and respect this country. We have family that have served, supported our veterans, served in government, and law enforcement as well. Many people have died for the freedom that we stand for; but in the midst of all this freedom ringing .. something doesn't ring right.
It's been said, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." I recently came back for the UAE, a place that I have had the privilege to visit a few times over the years. Aside form the beautiful architecture, good food and interesting sights, I always leave with an appreciation for this culture that I have nothing to do with. See although I am Christian and the native religion in the UAE is Muslim, I appreciate the fact that they hold to what they believe in. It is evident when you google travel to that region, they will give you the ins and outs of their culture. You may not agree with them, but you gotta respect them. If you walk in a mosque, as a woman, you WILL cover your head. There are places you cannot go with shorts on, though it is considered open to the public. During their holiday, NO ONE eats, or drinks outdoors until a set time. They have prayer time that is evident anywhere you go, they even have special places where you can go pray if you are out and about during the day. If you are looking from the outside, you may think that is too much, or that they have no right to impose their beliefs on anyone else. That is what people who are used to 'freedom' may think, but truthfully, it is their land, their religion, and it's your choice to go there or not. They will not make you believe what they believe, but you will not be allowed to disrespect what they believe. Therein lies the great difference... "When in America..."
America is known to be a Christian nation, but you don't really see it much because the thing we hold dear is our "Freedom". See we almost can't have a standard if Freedom is the standard. That means whenever someone comes here, they are FREE to do their own thing. They are free to practice religion how they want, free to speak how they want, free to have an opinion that does not make any kind of sense, and establish things based on that opinion. Free to speak, smoke, drink, sleep with anyone, post crude thoughts, sue, etc...
We are the only religion in America that is supposed to be a foundation of America, but we get flack for trying to uphold it. Other religions can say something is against their religion, and we acknowledge their right and freedom to not do it, and adjust. But in the same vein, if we use the name of Jesus in a prayer, or a valedictorian speech, we may be asked to change it, because it is offensive to others. Freedom is not ringing true for us as Christians. If we are going to stand, we may really have to stand alone, but still we stand. The world and this system that celebrates Freedom, is not celebrating you as a Christian. I am often told that I need to let go of old thoughts and religious boundaries... even when my boundaries are relationship driven, not religious. People are intimidated by standards that they don't want to keep, or if they feel you think you are better than them. Often people intimidated by your standard will call you a hypocrite if you miss it, and call you self righteous if you try to keep. Don't be moved by people, remember we serve God. He is the standard maker, He is the one we are trying to please not people. If your living for God convicts them, that is between them and Him. Don't be a Christian willing to dishonor God just to make others not feel convicted by your convictions. True Freedom is not granted by the guidelines of a nation or by our own thoughts. True freedom is choosing to live under the banner established by the only One who can really make you free. In the end, His banner, His freedom, will ring true.
We are the only religion in America that is supposed to be a foundation of America, but we get flack for trying to uphold it. Other religions can say something is against their religion, and we acknowledge their right and freedom to not do it, and adjust. But in the same vein, if we use the name of Jesus in a prayer, or a valedictorian speech, we may be asked to change it, because it is offensive to others. Freedom is not ringing true for us as Christians. If we are going to stand, we may really have to stand alone, but still we stand. The world and this system that celebrates Freedom, is not celebrating you as a Christian. I am often told that I need to let go of old thoughts and religious boundaries... even when my boundaries are relationship driven, not religious. People are intimidated by standards that they don't want to keep, or if they feel you think you are better than them. Often people intimidated by your standard will call you a hypocrite if you miss it, and call you self righteous if you try to keep. Don't be moved by people, remember we serve God. He is the standard maker, He is the one we are trying to please not people. If your living for God convicts them, that is between them and Him. Don't be a Christian willing to dishonor God just to make others not feel convicted by your convictions. True Freedom is not granted by the guidelines of a nation or by our own thoughts. True freedom is choosing to live under the banner established by the only One who can really make you free. In the end, His banner, His freedom, will ring true.
Being a Christian today, is going to require holding a standard set by God, and disciplining yourself to want to keep it. God will help us, but if we are not even considering it, we won't try. You may be called old fashioned, judgmental, self righteous and more, just because you have a desire to live a life pleasing to God. Don't wait for this world to embrace your Christian lifestyle, it won't. In fact, the pressure makes it so much easier to go the opposite direction. If you like many of us, have had hiccups in your walk, don't be discouraged. This is not to condemn anyone, just repent, get up and keep walking with God. Just understand that the path will not always be easy, but with God, it is doable!