Wednesday, August 15, 2018

"Predator Priests?"

Because of my personality, I tend to notice things that don't belong together, or things that match without even trying to.  So while driving, I may see something in a license plate that makes me remember it; at church I have been drawn to people who are dressed alike without really thinking about it.  I also tend to notice words that should not be used in the same sentence,  like 'homeless vets', 'abused queens' or now 'Predator Priests'.  

In the news today they are talking about over 300 priests who have been accused of abusing children while in their churches.  Some abuses were reported, some not, hardly any were acted upon- leaving the children to suffer in silence.  This is not something that should be named in the world, much less in the church.  Lives have been broken and emotional connections ruined because of something very natural being used in an unnatural way.  This is not the only instance that we have heard of this behavior; there are youth pastors, counselors and many who accepted the call of God on their life, who have walked in a way that God's word would never condone.

As a Christian, I understand that people are people.  I understand that in every profession (including the church) there are those that are good, and those that are horrid.  We have seen this with lawyers, CEO's, we've seen it in politics and unfortunately we have seen it in the church.  The problem with seeing it in the church is that it goes against everything that we teach. Yes, it goes against God, but honestly it goes against  being human.  


The hardest thing for us as Christians to do is to live down the discrepancies, injustices and outright sin that each other does.  Our reputation as believers is connected whether we want it to be or not. I know this to be true of myself as well as those I have come in contact with, none of us is exempt from leaving a good or bad impression on someone else. 

People get an automatic reference when you tell them you are a Christian, and it comes from people they have met, heard about, read about or consider a Christian. So what we post, say, do, how we handle our debts, treat others or even how we look and live becomes part of the reputation that others believe for all of us.  Then there are countless people who consider themselves to be Christians, but do not adhere to or even try to live out what the bible says- all of these become part of the reputation you and I carry without our consent.  So when we add ministers, pastors, or priests who are accused of actions that go the opposite of the word of God or common decency, what do unbelievers think when we reach out to them with the "Love of God"?  


Before I can really look at others and what they have done, I have to bring the mirror of the word to myself, knowing that I too have given the church a bad reputation in one way or another.

I can't speak for anyone other than myself to say 'I repent'.  I repent of all the times I knowingly or unknowingly confused someone about God, His word His people, and His love for all mankind.  I repent for any time that my words, actions or opinions made people feel or think that God is not real or they do not matter.   It is easy to say, but repenting is more than feeling remorseful or sorry, it also includes turning.  Turning away from the behaviors and habits that you say you are sorry for and replacing them with behaviors and habits that are good.  That means trying harder to do what is acceptable first to God, and beneficial for people. 


On behalf of all of those who think that Christians are racist, hypocrites, judgmental liars or predators... we have to do better.  We can't change how the world sees us, but we can change it in our own individual worlds.  That means literally treating others the way we want to be treated, considering everyone no matter their race, lifestyle or belief as important to God.  Being able to talk to people who you disagree with but still love them and trying to win the person, not the argument.  We have a long way to go to get our reputation back on track, and honestly it may never get there.  In the last days the bible says things will get worst and people will be lovers of themselves instead of lovers of God.  If we genuinely love God, we should also love those that He loves, those He died for which basically is.... well everyone; and that love should not include violating, abusing or taking advantage of  any of them.   

The church has so many great things that we do, helping and feeding people, ministering, counseling, establishing foundations to bless communities and building hospitals and homes to assist those in need.  We do so much that is good but in an instance, the actions of a few can destroy or hinder the work of many.  My commitment is to work to build the reputation of Jesus Christ in my personal world, to be aware of the reputation that I leave you with when I encounter anyone and to help build the body of Christ, not to tear it down.  Selah.

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