Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Embracing All The Parts of Promotion!

I was talking to a friend the other day and the topic was a project that their team was working on.  In our conversation, they mentioned a team player that was experiencing frustration behind having to redo something that they were not very skilled at.  They were promoted to a new position and the things they did well, they did great... but the area that they were struggling with was frustrating to them.  That was when my friend told them "All that is a part of the promotion."  My mind went wild. 

How many times do we pray for promotion, believe for promotion, but don't count the cost for promotion?  Promotion is defined as 'the act of raising someone to a higher position or rank; elevation or advancement.'  It sounds great and many of us want it, but are you willing to pay the price?


The bible tells us in Luke  14:28, to 'count the cost.'  That basically means looking at what you want and making sure you are willing and able to do what is necessary to obtain it.  Sometimes the price is simply more work.  Most of us would understand that and we are willing to do it since we think we work hard already.  But sometimes the price can surprise us;  it may include longer hours, awkward relationships with those who didn't get the promotion, and it can include disrespect, hurt and you might even find you now have to manage people who rebel- just like you used to.  The price of promotion may also reveal an area in your life that was less prepared for this new venture.  Sometimes seeing this can make us back up and believe that the promotion was premature, and we really should pack up and go back to what was more comfortable.  


I would like to encourage you today, whether your promotion is seen in your relationships, at work or even in your personal purpose venture... stay in the game!  A little difficulty should not be enough to make you back away, you are made for this!  Where you are may not be where you will be a year from now, but today take advantage of everything you can learn right here, right now.  Some positions are not your destination, they are merely steps towards knowledge you will need when you reach that place you desire.   Every place you go should teach you something about you, about people and about processes.  If you get too caught up in how it feels or how bad you think you are doing, you may completely miss the lesson... and the lesson alone is always worth it.   If you get too focused on the people and how they receive you, you may forget to follow the process, but if you focus too much on process and forget the people.....  you missed the greatest lesson.  

I encourage you today, know that your promotion has many parts, don't be discouraged by the parts that you didn't plan for.  Elevation means moving higher, going to a new level.  Promotion does not mean we have it all together, but it does mean we have the tools necessary to move up, they just may need a little sharpening.   So encourage yourself, put on your learning hat, count the cost, pray for grace and favor and jump in the game!  This is your time! 

By the way....Congratulations! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

"House Cleaning!" What is Your State?

Have you ever heard it said that the PRIVATE state of your life is reflective of the actual state of your life?   I have found that to be true to some extent.  Many times we are not aware of what we leave to be fixed later because we are so busy doing what we think needs to be done.   It is easy to drop your shoes somewhere, or leave your jacket or backpack sitting in a place where it doesn't  belong.  I have located keys on the top of a refrigerator and other items in weird places, because of being in a rush.  I remember the first time I heard that saying, it had me walking through my house looking at all the things that were out of place and then had me cleaning up!  I figured even if my house was clean to the first eye, what would the second eye see?   


I have been to houses that are filthy.  In the early 80's I visited a home that literally had roaches dropping from the ceiling in the kitchen.  I was not hungry that day and politely excused myself from eating.  The bathroom had a ring around the collar of water... that was dark and FILTHY.  The carpet in the rooms could not be seen at all - due to the clothing, paper and food trash.   After getting home, I took a serious shower with WAY too much soap, and devised a plan to never have to go there again.  Hoarders are not the only ones who live like this.


Then there is the house that is dirty, but not gross.  It needs attention because it is on the verge of getting nasty; but every so often the owner takes time to clean up and put things away, usually before guest show up or on days when they are fed up with the mess.  By taking some time to clean and organize some of it, that makes it manageable... for awhile or until the next cleaning. 


I always believe there is a place for everything and everything should be put in place.  Some households are messy but not dirty.  Meaning due to moving and doing so much, things get left out of place.  A few dishes left in the sink that will be cleaned as soon as time allows and clothes that are clean but need to be folded and put away. Beds get kind of made, or at least the sheets get covered by the comforter. This house  has a clean bathroom- it gets cleaned as they go, but needs a little time to really clean the places that take more time.  They may often have a set time to do those chores so they don't get overlooked, but it is still not always company ready.


Then there is the house that is cleaned regularly, always ready for guest and thing are seldom out of place.  This house is fresh, smells good and is welcoming to anyone almost anytime!  Their floors are swept, bathrooms smell fresh and even the outside reflects what is on the inside. This house is great, but like all the others, it still requires maintenance or it can fall. This is the house we want, but  we have to work to get. (or get a maid)


Believe it or not, there are some houses that are really uncomfortable to be invited to.  The owners are so particular that you are not sure if you can stand, sit, sneeze or move.  You are scared to use their restroom and feel completely convicted every time you go there knowing your house is not nearly as clean and orderly as theirs.  In this house, there is an appreciation for the freedom from bondage that you have at your house and you may leave there appreciating your own little mess  simply because this house takes too much to maintain!  You would rather live with a little dirt than to not be free to live at all.


As you can see, no matter what state you are in, we all need help!   If we are in a filthy state, we may just need help getting it together.  If we are messy, we may need to clean up and make habits that help us avoid being messy.  If we are cleaned and maintained, we need to continue to maintain it!  Just a day or two without paying reasonable attention can throw us into a messy moment.  We can recover easily from a messy moment, but don't allow messy to be a habit.  For those too clean to live in, we call that "Self Righteousness."  Every house has areas that need cleaning and everyone should be comfortable around genuineness; trying too hard make us difficult to entertain guest or make it difficult for others to be around us, especially if we judge their every move.  We are what the bible calls 'temples of the Holy Spirit".  We should care about the parts of our life that no one else may see unless we invite them in.  After all, as believers, we have invited the Holy Spirit to live within us.  The Holy Spirit acts often as a live in maid, an honored guest that cares about how we look to others and is ready always to work in us to present us to God the Father. 


Like I am doing now, I encourage you to take some time to examine your physical house, but then examine your spiritual house.  Understand that just because it needs cleaning does not mean God has rejected you.  He is the one who is encouraging us to be ready at all times.  Some of the ways we 'clean' our house is through prayer, forgiveness, attending church, reading and studying the word, time with God and worship.  No matter what state you are in today, there is always room for improvement.  Yield to the Holy Spirit, He is willing and able to help us in the areas we need it most.

So if you are anything like me, take a tour of your house and see what is out of place, and take some time  to clean up, fill it up with God's presence and plan for better! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

"Predator Priests?"

Because of my personality, I tend to notice things that don't belong together, or things that match without even trying to.  So while driving, I may see something in a license plate that makes me remember it; at church I have been drawn to people who are dressed alike without really thinking about it.  I also tend to notice words that should not be used in the same sentence,  like 'homeless vets', 'abused queens' or now 'Predator Priests'.  

In the news today they are talking about over 300 priests who have been accused of abusing children while in their churches.  Some abuses were reported, some not, hardly any were acted upon- leaving the children to suffer in silence.  This is not something that should be named in the world, much less in the church.  Lives have been broken and emotional connections ruined because of something very natural being used in an unnatural way.  This is not the only instance that we have heard of this behavior; there are youth pastors, counselors and many who accepted the call of God on their life, who have walked in a way that God's word would never condone.

As a Christian, I understand that people are people.  I understand that in every profession (including the church) there are those that are good, and those that are horrid.  We have seen this with lawyers, CEO's, we've seen it in politics and unfortunately we have seen it in the church.  The problem with seeing it in the church is that it goes against everything that we teach. Yes, it goes against God, but honestly it goes against  being human.  


The hardest thing for us as Christians to do is to live down the discrepancies, injustices and outright sin that each other does.  Our reputation as believers is connected whether we want it to be or not. I know this to be true of myself as well as those I have come in contact with, none of us is exempt from leaving a good or bad impression on someone else. 

People get an automatic reference when you tell them you are a Christian, and it comes from people they have met, heard about, read about or consider a Christian. So what we post, say, do, how we handle our debts, treat others or even how we look and live becomes part of the reputation that others believe for all of us.  Then there are countless people who consider themselves to be Christians, but do not adhere to or even try to live out what the bible says- all of these become part of the reputation you and I carry without our consent.  So when we add ministers, pastors, or priests who are accused of actions that go the opposite of the word of God or common decency, what do unbelievers think when we reach out to them with the "Love of God"?  


Before I can really look at others and what they have done, I have to bring the mirror of the word to myself, knowing that I too have given the church a bad reputation in one way or another.

I can't speak for anyone other than myself to say 'I repent'.  I repent of all the times I knowingly or unknowingly confused someone about God, His word His people, and His love for all mankind.  I repent for any time that my words, actions or opinions made people feel or think that God is not real or they do not matter.   It is easy to say, but repenting is more than feeling remorseful or sorry, it also includes turning.  Turning away from the behaviors and habits that you say you are sorry for and replacing them with behaviors and habits that are good.  That means trying harder to do what is acceptable first to God, and beneficial for people. 


On behalf of all of those who think that Christians are racist, hypocrites, judgmental liars or predators... we have to do better.  We can't change how the world sees us, but we can change it in our own individual worlds.  That means literally treating others the way we want to be treated, considering everyone no matter their race, lifestyle or belief as important to God.  Being able to talk to people who you disagree with but still love them and trying to win the person, not the argument.  We have a long way to go to get our reputation back on track, and honestly it may never get there.  In the last days the bible says things will get worst and people will be lovers of themselves instead of lovers of God.  If we genuinely love God, we should also love those that He loves, those He died for which basically is.... well everyone; and that love should not include violating, abusing or taking advantage of  any of them.   

The church has so many great things that we do, helping and feeding people, ministering, counseling, establishing foundations to bless communities and building hospitals and homes to assist those in need.  We do so much that is good but in an instance, the actions of a few can destroy or hinder the work of many.  My commitment is to work to build the reputation of Jesus Christ in my personal world, to be aware of the reputation that I leave you with when I encounter anyone and to help build the body of Christ, not to tear it down.  Selah.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Which Side Are You On?

There is a battle going on in this world of sin,
A battle if good and evil, and everyone’s in.
From the richest family to the poorest man,
From the seas to the mountains, all over the land.
The captains are satan, and God’s Only Son.
And we are the warriors, WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?

This battle is raging from our mouths to our minds,
It’s a constant battle from which many are blind.
Many people are trying to play in between,
But there is no middle, only one boundary is seen.
So you’re either for satan or God’s Only Son,
There is no middle, SO, WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?

Jesus is saying, “All for Me on this side.”
But people are wrapped up in ignorance and pride.
They think by not choosing they sneak in at the end.
But only winning soldiers, the true soldiers get in.
The loser is satan, the winner, God’s Son.
Are you winning or losing? WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?

The battle cry has been made, He’ll be here with a shout.
If you’re straddling the fence then you’ll be left out.
You’re either on your way to heaven or on your way to hell.
You’re either for Him or you’re not, only you can tell.
It’s satan or Jesus, God’s Only Son.
But the choice is still yours, WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:15

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

God's Treasure Chest!

Poetry by Jacqui Hill Goudeau 
I openly display my treasures, 
The things that are precious to me.
I don't put them behind concrete walls,
Bound by lock and key.
I display them with grace and with pleasure,
So the whole wide world can see,
The treasures I have in this vessel,
Are the gifts that God has given to me.

We shouldn't seek for earthly treasures, 
The things that can rip and break.
Things that are eaten with moth or rust,
Or thieves can break in and take. 
We should earnestly seek for the treasures,
So priceless no money can buy.
These treasures are gifts of the spirit,
They can't be purchased, though many may try.

If you want to have precious treasures, 
You must invest your life wisely.
You must lay up treasures in heaven,
Where Jesus is the door, faith the key.
Your life must be lived for His glory,
You must seek always to give Him your best,
Then you will find your life precious and valuable,
And find YOU are in God's treasure chest!

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, 
that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."  
2 Corinthians 4:7

Excerpt from Jacqui's book: "Goudeau Gumbo for The Soul"
Available at