Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Out-thinking God! "When He Gives You What You Say."

I know the bible tells us that His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts, but sometimes we can think we have arrived at a place with God that we can figure some stuff out on our own.  It may not be intentional, but if we are not careful we can find ourselves almost out-thinking God!  Let me explain...


After my divorce, I got to thinking.  It was an innocent thought but this is how it went.  I realized that in the circles I frequented there were men who loved God, but I was not really interested in any of them.   Since I have my own relationship with God, I figured that if I was to marry again, I was not really looking for someone to help keep me saved... that was not changing.  I knew that a life with God was good, He is faithful, meets my needs, and cares about me beyond my own understanding.  NO one else can do that, so if I was to marry, I didn't need him to hold a title or any role in a church.  Yes I wanted him saved, but if he was not as 'learned' as I was, it was okay, he can do what he does,  I will do what I do.  It was an innocent thought and I shared this with God - believe it or not.  Mind you I know what the bible says about being unequally yoked, and all that, but  somehow those verses didn't have the same impact that they did in my early years.  It was almost like those directives were really for new believers; or so it seemed. 

So off I went on my new venture to meet people and meet them I did.  I found that there were really nice and successful men who were not as faithful in church as I was, some were caring and honest and even lovable.  On occasion I would see something that was slightly troubling, but I would remind myself that they were not on the same journey that I was, and I should not judge them.  Until the day God  finally interrupted my thoughts and spoke. 


God reminded me of His goodness when I ran into someone who actually had a role in the church.  He is outside all the things I told God I wanted. He is further along than I am spiritually, and more given to serving God than others I have spoken to.  The conversation brought life to me, it brought about more of an awareness of God's love and mercy, it brought back conviction and joy at the same time! I enjoyed the easy banter about the word of God with someone who actually understood my jokes and scriptural puns I couldn't help saying!  I had almost forgotten  about the JOY OF MY SALVATION, when God reminded me of it through this encounter.  As a result, I saw where I was, how off I had gotten in my thoughts by changing what God has said in His word to fit my reality.  The TRUTH always trumps REALITY, no matter how real something feels or how much we can make it look like the truth.  My lesson going forward ... I will be aware of leaning on God's word and not mine.  


The scriptures remind us that our ways are right in our own eyes.  We may not be trying to deceive ourselves, and we may actually think God is in agreement with our thoughts or conclusions.  But the scripture stands sure.... His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  His ways and His results are MUCH better.

If you have found yourself unknowingly compromising God's truth in your life, look again at what God has said.  It doesn't always make sense, but He says it for a reason that we may not be aware of.  It is better to realize it before it is too late.  Don't wait until you have lost the result He intends for you.   God will give us what we want, or rather allow us to walk in what we think is right.  I am thankful that He will also deal with us whenever we are straying away from His word.  Whether through a friend, a message, gentle nudging from the Holy Spirit, or even circumstances that remind us... "This is not God's best for Me!"   I know now more than ever before that  I want what God has said for me, His ways and His thoughts are always best.  I now have a greater appreciation for the things God has said, and I realize that He really loves me and the boundaries He sets are always for our good!    Thank You Lord for Out-thinking ME! 


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