Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hurricane Harvey- Thoughts

Hurricane Harvey:  A storm that will be remembered as one of the worst in US history. The images of people being rescued by boat in chest deep water, children being carried by strangers and cars completely submerged, will stay in our minds for days, months and more.  As a non-swimmer, the thought of waters rising around you with no escape is frightening at best.  I have had a lot of time to think and pray for those in harm’s way, those who literally lost everything except their life, and those less fortunate.  It really makes you thankful for being able to watch and be informed, not everyone had that luxury.  Some people were too busy trying to survive, so they didn’t hear all the controversy.  I heard much of it, and had many thoughts -some I want to share with you today.  


I am a news junkie but this hurricane came quickly.  Within  a week, and before we knew it, it was a CAT 4 and about to make landfall.  The orders to evacuate were primarily for those who were in the path of the landfall.  In Houston our warnings were for heavy rain, and flooding,, but the slow pace of Harvey after he was downsized- left us with way too much rain, much more than we were expecting.
I don’t believe officials waited too long to tell us to evacuate, but I think they were caught off guard like we were.  We tried mass evacuation before and it was horrible.  Not to say we should never do it again, because we may need to, this was just a quick turnaround and a slow storm. To think that people who also live in the city would intentionally not give us the benefit of evacuating is extreme;  they too have family and friends here.   Which brings me to this… For the future, we need to think for ourselves.  I heard of some that didn’t want to evacuate because they could not afford to miss work, or their jobs would not give them the time off.  We have to make decisions for ourselves when we know who is in our home and what risks we have in our neighborhoods or the section of town where we live.  I would rather make the call unnecessarily than to wait for a call and regret it.


My ex-husband worked with us at the church and was known as “The Colonel”.  He alone could organize and pull together volunteers, rebuke disorderly evacuees and lift twice his size.  You may not love him for the moment, but you would appreciate him for a lifetime.  Not everyone has someone like this on their staff.  Choosing to open as a shelter is more than having a heart to do it. It takes 'in the moment' organizational skills, being able to put a flow together for people coming in and questions being answered. There are differing mindsets, people with medications and criminal backgrounds, some children who are undisciplined, people who may not treat your facility like their own, and most of all, hurting, scared people who need help and don't know what to do. This is not something you want to be responsible for outside the government agencies that specialize in meeting needs for hurting people.   I’ve been the contact person on a few occasions for our church to be considered as a Red Cross shelter.  It is not as easy as opening the door if you want government agencies to be there.  These agencies spend time and money preparing in ADVANCE.  They evaluate the needs of the city, review possible shelter locations, have them fill out applications and they inspect the property.  If you have issues like we did with a public school and day care attached, you had to consider those things.  What happens when school starts and the shelter still has evacuees?  You can’t them in the same facility using the same restrooms as the children.  That is why we are currently not listed as a shelter.  There is also the question of kitchens, bathrooms and location.  Any place can be available for people to get out of the rain, if someone is there and can open the doors and in case of extreme circumstances, they can add locations as official shelters.  Thinking a church is not fulfilling their role by not immediately opening their doors is error.  Plus staff may also be in need and trying to be rescued.  


When we think of people being stranded, we think often of just the elements.  Being in the rain, or heat, possibly covered in water, in the dark without food or drink.  We may tend to forget about how they use the restroom when on a roof for two days, or how do women attend to personal needs.   We forget about changing diapers or a sickly child. Unless we have been through it, we will never know how horrible the conditions may be.  When we pray, pray with an understanding and compassion that we can't really imagine the needs that are not spoken. 



I am a grateful kid today.  I realize that the storm was not sent by God to rid Houston of the disobedient people that are here, or I would probably be gone too.  See not one of us is perfect.  To insinuate that somehow God has His favorites and those that were hit hard are lower on the totem pole of grace, is foolishness. The bible says it rains on the just and the unjust, we are in this together.  The only difference is seen in how we handle it overall.  What we think of each other and of God when we make it through.
For true believers, real Christians… not just the ones that check a box when asked, but those who really meant to accept Jesus and knew it meant a lifelong commitment to change as needed…. We are the body that will show  HIM to the world.  How we love each other in the body  and how we reach out to love others outside of it will tell a story about God.  There is still no greater love than to lay down our lives for a friend, Houston has let us see a natural manifestation of that truth. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Supremacy- God's Word in Black and White

I've always thought that supremacy for people was weird. 
Having studied and observed people over the years, none of us got it that way!
How do we become supreme when we all are subject to the same thing?  We all have to eat, discard waste, we all get sick and  we all can experience wealth, poverty, stupidity, happiness, loss of loved ones,  and pain.  Yet, today we are dealing with one culture v/s all others trying to define supremacy. The desire alone to be supreme shows a deficiency or need.  It is almost like having to hurt you or ridicule you to feel better about what is wrong in my own life. 
SUPREME is defined as: of authority or an office, (or someone holding it) superior to all others
I realize that many do not believe in Christianity....what some call the "White Man's Religion" and that is fine.  I trust Jesus and have governed my life by the bible for over 30+ years.  I have examined other thoughts and beliefs, but this is the only one that has helped me lay aside stuff and grow into who I am today.  I don't expect everyone to accept it, but I know for myself and  I am not guessing or subject to being offended by others thoughts about my bible, or Jesus. The funny thing about calling it a 'White Man's Religion' is that if you read the bible and see what God requires of everyone who follows Him,  it is an indictment against racism all together. It is as plain as black and white.


Matthew 23:11
The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
The bible is very plain about who the greatest is.  It is not found in a group of people, nor is it found just because you seek it.  The greatest is found in serving.  If you  really want to be thought of in a high fashion, it requires serving people. (but if your motive is wrong, you still miss it!)   Reaching out to those who cannot do for themselves, abolishing homelessness, feeding the hungry, loving others as Christ did, building hospitals, establishing things that can benefit everyone.  If we were serious about serving, we would make sure everyone who has the capacity to help also had the education and opportunity to.  It is about the task, reaching and touching people.  Only God should get the glory for the task being done.  If you want to be great in God's eyes.....SERVE.


Matthew 20:20-28
Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him.“ What is it you want?” he asked. She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.” “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”  “We can,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father.”  When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers.  Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
This story in the bible is interesting to me.  This mother really just wanted the best for her sons.  Somehow she thought that the two seats that were available should be given to her sons.  I don't know what her sons had that was so precious or powerful.. except that she was a mom who wanted the best for them.... but what about everyone else's sons?  Were they that much better than everyone else? No, many went on to serve in a much greater capacity than they did.  Again we hear, if you want to be great, be a servant... a slave.   Jesus Himself didn't come to make a name for Himself, He came as a servant,  for mankind. He took on sickness for our healing, poverty for our riches and made Himself of no reputation.   If you want to be supreme, stop trying to force it, learn to be a slave to others, (voluntarily) .. humility grants us our own seat, instead of trying to take one away from others.


Some things don't need narration, so I will end this right here.....In Black and White!
Romans 12:9-21
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.  Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A Family Feud- Our Nation Divided

This is one part of three that will talk about our Nation and the divisions we experience. 

Disclaimer:  If we will ever understand why we have opposite sides that are so adamant about their stance, we will have to find common ground to look at it.  We are a family, so if you can for just a moment, let go of your own thoughts, your upbringing, your race, religion and gender.  Go with me on a simple journey called: A Family Feud.

JOHN works hard for his money, he had a chance to make more and his DAD helped him. Now he is making a lot of money and doing good.  His brother BRAD didn't get the same chance because DAD thought he was lazy, so he didn't give him the same opportunity.  Instead of encouraging BRAD to further his skill and investing in his education, DAD wants John to help support BRAD. This had angered JOHN, he does not think it is fair since it seems BRAD is now comfortable and seems content to just get help from him.



Another brother MATT is skilled and working hard to make it, he refuses to take advantage of JOHN- although DAD told him he could.  Somehow when he works to get ahead, John blocks him as if he is asking for a handout.  But MATT is willing to do the hard work, he just needs a little help to get in the door, just like the help John got, but every time JOHN'S friends see him coming... he is refused.  This angers MATT, he is getting more and more resentful of JOHN, and DAD.  He is also angry at BRAD because he knows that it is his fault people feel the way they do about him.



In all of this we also find LEAH, she is the only daughter.  She has always had to work hard because DAD mainly pays attention to the boys.  She worked hard enough to prove  herself to be efficient, trustworthy and successful.  But somehow because there is more emphasis on the men, she tends to not be able to benefit as much from DAD because they think what she does is not the same as what the guys do. She is angry because she has great plans that she can't afford to invest in.  (NOTE: BRAD is not really doing much of anything, but even if he would try, he may surpass her... just because.)


The final family member is RACHEL.  She is BRAD's daughter.  Everyone feels sorry for her because she really has little chance of advancing but she desires to.  So DAD has allowed the colleges to consider her first so she can attend with discounts. They may even allow her a little loan to help her if she pursues a business, but the pay back is crazy!  The purpose is to stop her from becoming like her father, BRAD, but JOHN is getting more angry by the second and so is MATT, they are paying part of the bill and are not afforded similar opportunities for their own kids.  Yes, they have opportunities, but they work to support their kids.  JOHN is just tired of feeling like he is footing the bill for everyone.  Of course no one cares what he thinks because everyone knows that he is where he is because of the privilege DAD gave him that the others have not been given. 

 We are this family...  How do we fix this? 
Families are hard enough without special treatment for one or the other.  We see it every day, no one wants to know that their sibling is Dad's favorite or that one is not considered when plans are made.  This is the feeling I have when I think of America.  Regardless to how any of us got here, we are here now.  We either respond as humans to each other, or we will continue to have divisions among us.  Much like families, we are different.  We may not be able to live in the same household anymore, but we can at least acknowledge that we are related and we should believe and work for the best for each other.  That is what family does.

It takes a lot to change a family. In many cases it seems impossible because once we are grown, we have already lived our experiences and it has molded us.  But if we want to at least make it better,  it takes a commitment from every side.   It takes understanding that WE the children, are NOT the enemy, the system is. 

DAD is the system that has left every child where they are- against each other.  If we work together and make DAD see that what he is doing is dividing the family, maybe we can work together to do better. 

This not a reflection of your leadership as fathers! But how we parent and lead does determine how the kids feel about each other.  Thanks to all the wonderful DAD'S out there!  ~Jacqui

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

"The Bachelorette"- How to Choose?

Before I get started...let me explain for those who do not know, The Bachelor/Bachelorette is reality television where one person goes through a group of men or women to find their true love! There is unnecessary pettiness, jealousy, hard break ups and WAY too much PDA with a lot of different people.  I don't normally watch the show, and I am not a supporter of this type of dating. However about a year ago, my marketing team (I still blame you)  suggested I watch the show to find out about dating trends since I was releasing my book "A Shopper's Guide to Dating" (for Men and Women).  They felt it would ensure I was 'in touch' with dating trends and mindsets while promoting my book. As a result, my son and I recorded one season of The Bachelor and ended up watching the Bachelorette later. After a few agonizing weeks of total drama and  shock, I was weaned from it, until yesterday when my news finished and the finale came on.  Like any recovering TV addict,  I thought I would watch it just for a moment.   


In this final episode, the  Bachelorette - Rachel had a choice between three men, one was young but really sweet, one was challenging but clear and the third was perfect in her mind, but unsure about making the commitment she wanted.  What should she do?  What would you do?
Well Rachel eliminated the young guy and that left her with two choices.  The Mr. Clear and Mr. Unsure.  You could feel her distress as she tried to convey to Mr. Unsure what she needed and why she kept him on even though he was unsure.  It was not really fair to MAKE him make a decision that he was not ready for, so to the dismay to everyone who loved him, she released him. 

Some would think she was settling for less because Mr. Unsure seemed to be everything she wanted.  He even told her if she didn't give him an opportunity, she would settle for a 'mediocre' life.
What a dramatic break up!  Most of us would not go through all that if we ourselves were unsure, but she held to her stance because she was sure about what she wanted at the end of it all-  a commitment, a ring! After a dramatic exit,  Mr. Unsure was gone,  and she went to meet Mr. Clear.  It became pretty clear that perhaps she made the right decision... I don't know cause I don't follow the show.  But let's apply this show to our lives.....  



In life we can run into opportunities that are hard to choose between. Sometimes the opportunity that seems the least beneficial can be the best.  Other times the one that can challenge us the most is the least desired.  Typically we will lean towards what seems to fit right and what looks like the most desired, but if we are not careful, we can end up selecting something that looks the part but does not deliver. 
If you have a bottom line requirement governed by your values and your beliefs, then at the end of the day you should be able to see where your decision lies.  If you are contemplating a business deal with someone and they want to cut corners and pat numbers and you have a conviction about being honest... your decision has been made for you.  No matter how lucrative the deal looks, ultimately you can't change a person in a moment, either they will regret doing business with you later, or you will be haunted by making the choice in the beginning.  The same applies in relationships and friendships. It is important to hold your standards when making life's choices.


Sometimes the things that challenge us in life or business can intimidate us.  But every life experience should allow us to grow and be a better version of ourselves.  Over the years I can recall accepting numerous job opportunities that scared me.  I knew I was unqualified for the task and I was certain that I was gong to prove to be a great disappointment.  But every time, God gave me what I needed to be successful, I worked hard and was teachable, and each time I was promoted to a higher rank than I was qualified for.  Don't let the challenge fool you. that may be the very thing that helps you grow.
In conclusion, remember that once a difficult decision has been made, that is not the end.  Now you have to put in the work.  The decision is huge, but your willingness to do what is necessary to make it successful is still on the horizon.  Many opportunities are good ones, but sometimes our secondary decisions can ruin what was a sure success.  Just because Mr. Clear seems to be a good choice, he and Rachel will have to put in real work to make it.  It can't be a grand show just to make the choice  then they give up on living it out.  Real disappointments will show up, real battles and disagreements will follow.    In the live recording of the Bachelorette Rachel ensured all that after being told she would be settling for mediocrity, she was enjoying her "Best Life."  REMEMBER: To live your best life, you have to first make the best choice, then you have to give your best to make your life the best!  


The best choice we ever make will be to choose the One who gave His life for us!  It might be difficult for some, depending on what they think or have heard about Him.  But overall, we know He is the ONE!  He is everything you need and then some, but once you choose Him, don't forget to put the work in.  Every relationship requires communication, requires time together, requires understanding what works for the other and coming to a  place of pleasing each other. 
God requires faith to please Him. Choose Jesus!  You will never regret it!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Body Shaming? Shame on us!

If you follow the news, you have probably heard of the young Ex-Playboy model who captured a nude photo of a 70 year old woman in a gym.  She shared it on social media with the caption: "If I can't unsee this, you can't either." 
Since then, she has not only had to endure the backlash from social media, she has also had to endure death threats, hiding at her mother's house and has been sentenced for breaking the law.  All this because a moment of poor judgment went really wrong.  When it comes to this incident of 'Body Shaming" I'm not interested in revisiting her error, or trying to make her pay again for what she did, I am more interested in wisdom for life... what can we learn from this?


As the middle child of five, many times I stayed out of trouble, not because I was such a great kid, but because I would pay attention to what my siblings did, and I would try to learn from that.   It has been said that we can learn by experience or by revelation.... it is often up to us. Experience is the hardest way to learn a lesson, especially if the consequences are hard.  Revelation requires being teachable and being willing to admit that what has been revealed is accurate- whether we like it or not.  Some lessons seem like common sense, but in a world where so much has changed so fast, common sense is not always common.  So what does this have to do with us?
Most of what I write and encourage people with is aimed at the "Body" of Christ.  I realize that if we can do our job, the world will take note. If we learn to love like Jesus did, we will be able to draw others, after all scripture says "They will know us by our love."  Another goal of mine is to help us learn to handle life better, knowing that God promised He would be there for us and we can trust Him even when it hurts. 


When I heard about this body shaming incident, I thought about two things, first my own mother, second the Body of Christ.
I couldn't imagine how horrible anyone would feel after being ridiculed for how they look on the outside, especially if your body been through 70 years of life.  My mother at 75 was not frail, but life and things she was fighting took something from her.  Time took her youth, but life, responsibility and eventually chemo took more. One thing it never took was her love for people and her keen mind that kept her in the game until the day she left it.  When you have lived a full life of ups and downs, the last thing you need is someone who decides to shame you on the one part of you that didn't fare as well.   Body shaming to me can't take anything away from you physically, it is what it is; but it takes something away mentally.

If you manage to make it through sickness or depression and your body holds the scars from a fight, the last thing you need is for someone to try to take the one thing that might still be intact. That is what body shaming does, it robs you of your self respect and hinders your chances to love and be loved.   People may see what you look like on the outside, but those that ridicule you may not pay as much attention to how you look on the inside.  If you are someone who has endured this, don't allow people to hurt and discourage you in the part of you that is the most important.



The second thing I thought about  was the Body of Christ.

SHAME is defined as something that causes someone to feel ashamed, humiliated or embarrassed.

You may wonder how does body shaming work with the church?  Well, many times we look on other ministries that don't look like ours and we ridicule them.  We look at believers who have been through difficult times and wonder why they don't look stronger, why are they not prospering or on top of the world.  We blame people for the trials they are going through instead of praying for their strength to make it through them.  Yes, we may make mistakes and have to deal with consequences, but who doesn't?  We are the Body of Christ... we should be encouraging, strengthening and loving each other- not shaming each other.
A second definition of SHAME is
a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by recognizing wrong or foolish behavior

As the body of Christ, we should learn to understand what brings shame.  Any behavior we exhibit that is contrary to the word of God, can cause shame or embarrassment.  So when we attack each other on social media, or we jump on bad wagons about leaders or believers who obviously have struggles that they need intervention... shame on us.  The world sees us and they refuse to believe that we are genuine.  They realize that if we will shame each other, we may do the same to them.  We are past using experiences to teach us how to deal with each other better.  It is time to get the revelation that our hope in God allows us to not live in shame.

A Final Thought

We are the Body of Christ.  We all have to do what is necessary for us to be well. We work better when the body is whole and every joint is supplying and doing their part.  You don't have to do what I do to be part of the body, in fact, if you did... something would be missing.  We owe it to every believer  to pray for each other, to correct each other in a  loving way and to support each other.  We owe it to the world to look like The Body of Christ even with our flaws we can be healthy. God has promised to cover us and to strengthen us.  When we ridicule, laugh and taunt each other because of differences, that is BODY SHAMING and the world sees it, and.... 

"If they can't unsee this, we can't either."