Some people are naturally gifted with plants. They have what we call 'A green thumb'. It seems like whatever they touch grows. That is not my testimony, I don't pretend to have a gift with plants, but I do okay if they are not finicky or fussy. I have taken some plants that were almost dead, and worked to bring life again.
I have a standing rule for my plants. While talking to them, I remind them that I will do my part to care for them, but I am subject to forget to water them, I may not pay close attention to the soil or notice pests chewing at their leaves. So in my attempt to have an understanding with my plants, I remind them to connect with their Creator. (I really have this talk with my plants). See I realize even though I have taken on the responsibility to care for them, only God can really ensure they grow to their full potential. Outside food and water, He is the only one that knows what they need, when they need it. Needless to say... I have lost a few plants over the years; as a result, I have learned to pay better attention to which plants I place under my care.

So when dealing with plants, there are other similarities with people. People require care and room to grow much like our plants do. When it comes to watering plants, it is harder for me to remember those inside the house. When working outside, we have so many automatic ways to water; sprinkler systems are the norm, especially in Texas. People have gotten used to using them to do all the watering, but it basically benefits the grass and any plants in the ground, the ones that ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. But like a plant, if you are a person that has more PURPOSE than staying on the ground, or if you have much fruit inside is going to require special watering techniques or better yet, rain! A sprinkler system is like showing up to church on occasion, or on automatic, you will still grow, but not like the growth that natural rain brings. I have watched my plants flourish in the past few days, just from the rain. Spiritual rain is the word and instruction we receive straight from God, it is not filtered, it is not full of chemicals or things that can harm you. Even though churches are there to do their job and to water you every week, that is good, you will grow but don't miss out on the fresh rain from heaven.
I recall recently trying to repot a plant that I wanted to put in the ground. It was beautiful in the pot, but it was not blooming as well because it was restricted. Repotting it was a hard process. The plant was root bound in a large pot on my patio and it didn't want to come out! The pot was heavy, the dirt was heavy and there were other little plants that had conjoined themselves to it.
Being a plant, it didn't know the great plans I had for it's growth, so it seemed to fight me! The roots were intertwined with some of the conjoined plants roots, and even when I removed the dirt from around them, they somehow held on in a pattern that caused me to have to break some off just to get the plant out. After finally freeing it, I noticed the broken pieces and blooms that didn't make it. I also noticed all the pricks and thorns that were on my arms- showing the extent of our fight. Even today, I still have the scars.
Being a plant, it didn't know the great plans I had for it's growth, so it seemed to fight me! The roots were intertwined with some of the conjoined plants roots, and even when I removed the dirt from around them, they somehow held on in a pattern that caused me to have to break some off just to get the plant out. After finally freeing it, I noticed the broken pieces and blooms that didn't make it. I also noticed all the pricks and thorns that were on my arms- showing the extent of our fight. Even today, I still have the scars.
Some of us have been planted in temporary ground and God wants to move us to a better place, a bigger place, a place where we can grow beyond where we have been. We have done well where we are, but we are root bound. We may be tempted to fight the process because where we are is familiar. We forget that God always has a good plan, a bigger plan for us! The process of repotting or repositioning may cause us to lose some of who we were, might even cause us to lose some around us who have conjoined their roots to our roots, but let God reposition you. When you are tempted to fight the changes God is making in you, remember the thorns and the scars that He took to pay for your repositioning, He still bears those scars. Allow Him to remove dirt and things that have you bound so you can go further than you ever thought possible. Until you allow the change, you will only produce a portion of the potential in you.
Once my plant was out of the pot and placed in a better spot and a bigger hole, in just one week's time, it has grown far beyond the confines of the pot. It has brand new blossoms and the branches are reaching much further than before- they look like they are reaching upwards. (praise) Sometimes in the evening, I go to my window and look at it and smile. I know the pain was worth it, the process was worth it and I am pleased with the results. Oh, as for the cojoined pieces that were broken from the plant during the fight, they are now in their own pot.....growing. God has plans for all of us, not one is left behind.
NOTE: Many assume moving means from their church or job, but sometimes it is just from our current platform or from our circle of comfort. Don't over spiritualize what God may simply be doing just to get you to grow. You may need to move UP in a position at church, or move into a position of serving. Either way it will require movement that may not be comfortable, and for some it may require much more.
Some of us are doing the opposite of the plant described above. We have not grown much but have looked at the prosperous land around us and want to get out of the pot! We have very few roots and it is so much easier to move us. Only problem is: we are not ready. We think we are, but we are not. Time has not proven us, God has not proven us and the seasons of life have not proven us. We have not been faithful over the 'little pot' but we want to be ruler over a 'big pot'. (Matt 25:21)
My sister has a 'green thumb'. She has a plant that was given to her by a mutual friend. That plant was grown in a pot in his apartment. She received one of the broken pieces off his plant and took it home to nurture it. She has cared for that plant over more than 20 years from place to place, house to house... in a pot.
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My Sister's Plant |
When she purchased her home, she took it from the pot and planted it in the ground. That plant has seen hurricanes, it has been through floods, drought and freezing temperatures. At times it looked completely DEAD. I thought at one time she was going to have to dig it up and get another plant, but guess what? It has grown great roots. Deep roots. Strong roots. That plant has come back with a force after every challenge. It survives more than we think and does not look like what it has been through. That is what good roots do for you. If you are tempted to move around from church to church, relationship to relationship, job to job or house to house.... find some roots and stay where you are planted. Allow the experience of every season to show you how strong you are, to make you stronger than you are, and prepare you for future storms. God's word holds nourishment for us, but the best nourishment goes to the roots. We are destined for greatness and we are made to be a blessing to others, we can't do that if we are not planted in Him.
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take, or sit in the company of mockers, but
their delight is in the law of the Lord, and His law they meditate on day and
night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its
fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do will prosper. Psalms 1:1-3
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