Sometimes as believers, we try to find God in BIG ways. We look to see miracles, signs and wonders to prove that He is moving. There is definitely nothing wrong with signs and wonders, the bible tells us that they will follow the word. But for many of us, if we don't see something that moves our emotions, we think God is not in it. For those of you who are discouraged, I hope this blog helps you.
I love when God reveals Himself to my kids. I can recall years ago when my daughter (very young at the time) ran to me with fear in her eyes. She jumped in my day and said "Mommy Zoe has a bump on her side!" My first emotion was concern, then it waned when I realized we were talking about a dog. "Mommy, it is not a little bump, I think something is wrong with Zoe." When I reached for the spot that she showed me, my heart sank a bit.
"I don't know what that is, but you know where I stand right? If I don't have insurance on you and your brother, I will not spend a lot on the dog." She looked at me kind of scared, but we have had that conversation many times. Taylor looked at me and I told her, "We will have to pray for Zoe". Taylor shook her head in agreement and walked away with Zoe behind her wagging her tail. The next morning, Taylor ran into my room.. "Mommy! The Bump is Gone!" My daughter said a simple prayer from a place where need and faith connected, and God answered her.
"The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.
And after the fire came a gentle whisper."
1 Kings 19:11-12
We often looks for answers to prayer in the obvious. The things that we can't miss if we tried. But sometimes God bypasses all of those things and speaks in a gentle whisper. He reveals Himself to us in a simple way. If we are always caught up in the boisterous world we live in, we could easily miss Him. When Jesus was born the Jews were looking for their Messiah, they didn't expect Him to show up in a manger, born of a young girl. They expected fan fare and theatre. But sometimes if God uses those means to reach you, it is easier to believe, so it calls for less faith. Take Naaman, when he asked Elijah about healing- he expected something grand something big. But the prophet's response and instruction was so simple that Naaman almost missed it. Don't miss God when He speaks to you in a simple manner.
Have you ever thought about how simple salvation is? Yes, it is complex, His plan was divine, the end result powerful...but to receive, it is simple. Confessing with your mouth- Jesus, believing in your hearts that God raised Him from the dead, and there you go. It is simple, but has such huge results! Life changes forever after salvation! We have a guarantee that God who has begun work in us will continue it. He will never leave you or forsake you and He is available to us 24/7.
Many of us have been messed up by looking for God in only BIG things. He is with us every day. While washing dishes, while driving in Houston traffic. I appreciate a God who can handle the world and still pay attention to a simple cry of my heart. Some of my greatest answers to prayer came when I was simply 'talking' to God. I didn't really think of it as prayer, just a small chat. Who I am today is because He heard my heart and answered. Love God and trust Him with the big things and the small ones. A simple, genuine relationship can produce more than our hearts can imagine!