Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Fallacy of Freedom

 America has been and will always be known as 'The Free World"  "The Land of the Free"  We love it, we think we live it, but  we don't really experience it.  Freedom is something that throws us.  Many have enjoyed coming here with hopes and dreams, just to find that the freedom they seek comes with a price, and it is always eluding them.  But still, we claim to be the land of the Free.  I get that our democracy allows us freedoms that other nations don't have, but it is more than that. 
  Freedom is defined as- ‘the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.’
Fallacy is defined as -'a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.'

We like to say that Freedom is not Free, and that is true,

but Freedom is not COMPLETE freedom either.


  The Fallacy of Freedom

The power to act speak or think like we want without hindrance or restraint, is a mistaken belief based on an unsound argument.  Consider this:
  • If we really had freedom of speech, a presidential candidate would not be in the hot water he is in now because of things he said years ago. 
  • If we really had freedom to do what we want, a man would be alive today because his neighbor would not have shot him because his music was too loud.
  • If we really had freedom of religion, an organization could choose to not advertise with same sex commercials due to their convictions, and people would not boycott and threaten to disrupt their business.
  • In fact, if we really had freedom to think like we want, racism would not be a problem, because you can think what you want, do what you want and determine on your own what is right or wrong.
Freedom is not what it seems.  We boast about it, but many never live it.   Try to tell someone they have freedom when they are stuck in jobs that don't provide, or neighborhoods that are not progressing.  Freedom to do what you want, think what you want, be what you want, and act how you want... that is fallacy.


 Last year I traveled to the Middle East, and as a Christian, I realize that I was going to a Muslim country. I always try to respect people anywhere I go, regardless to their religion, race or whether or not they accept me. So before getting on my 16 hour flight, I researched what to expect while traveling, I'm  glad I did.   When I found that I could not enter a particular store with my shoulders bare, I covered them.  When I was sightseeing, women were required to cover their heads, so I covered mine.  There were other things that I was aware of like not snapping photos of the natives or shaking hands with men.  Although this was very different from America, It didn’t stop me from being a Christian; I didn’t come home wondering if Jesus Christ was still the Lord of my life. I simply adhered to what they required in their country.  They had a standard, and whether you liked it or not... you were required BY LAW to adhere to it.  
One thing that bothers me about America is this:  (I say this with the utmost respect for our service men and women as well as all who are proud to be Americans..)

We don’t stand for anything, we stand for everything.

 Freedom has given us the unction that anyone can  boycott, petition and complain for a cause and as a result, we will change rules, laws and minds to fit what they want. People have lost jobs because of someone upset that an employee said or did something they didn't like, even when they were not on the job at the time.  Freedom is funny.  It allows for one by refusing the other.  A freedom to have unisex restrooms, takes away from those who prefer girls in one, boys in another.  It does not mean something is wrong, just not free.  What may benefit one, may very well disturb another.

 What do we require here in America? 

We are so busy trying to be sure everyone feels free, that we have not upheld the truths that this nation was built on.  We used to say “One nation Under God” but someone got offended, so we stopped emphasizing it.   We used to have the Ten Commandments displayed in a public place, but someone got offended, and we removed it.  We used to allow our kids to pray in school, but someone got offended, and we stopped it overall.    Yes, we still can meet at a pole, but we can’t stop and pray for a hurting student in our classroom, lest we offend someone.  Truthfully, even if we allowed prayer in schools...what prayer would we allow?  Because we are the land of the FREE, people who are atheists have the right to be in a prayer free environment. When you remove prayer, it infringes on the FREEDOM of those who want to pray- keeping it infringes on those who don't.   Typically, if someone feels their rights  or personal convictions are being undermined, we will CHANGE OUR RULES to accommodate them.  Freedom is not COMPLETE freedom.  Someone is not going to get what they want.

When I traveled last year,  I realized that even if I disagreed with the laws of that nation, at least I knew what to expect when I went there. That is what I feel is missing in America.  A basic standard that we are known by, that we adhere to regardless.  America is a great nation, our problem is not that we let immigrants in, we are ALL immigrants.  Our problem is that we hold no particular truths to be self evident. I grew up hearing that America was a Christian Nation.  I thought many of our founding fathers were Christians (not perfect) but believers.  But now we have no national religion  that we follow anymore, no absolute laws that God has given that we keep, so anything goes.


When the righteous rule, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2
God’s law is important because there has to be a final word.  In the courtroom, if a judge or jury has no law to govern how they decide, then their personal opinions rule.  We are subject to their thoughts, their mood, their morals or their hidden prejudices. When God’s law rules, we match what we think by what God has said, not what we feel.  God is the only ONE that has no respect of persons.  His laws and guidelines are similar and applicable to all.  But because of our FREEDOM, we have made decisions apart from Him.  Now we are subject to the 'powers that be.'


 Freedom is not Free even in the Church.   As believers we know that the freedoms we have today, were paid for by God’s son.  We understand that we were bought with a price.  Jesus paid it all… we understand that.  We sing the songs loud, not realizing that even our freedom to reject Him came at a great price. 
Though we still have the freedom to choose Him or reject Him,   God tells us to choose HIM.  He reminds us that there are consequences to our choice.  Life and Death are in the balances.  Wisdom says to choose LIFE.  You have the freedom to choose, but it comes with another price.
Once we have chosen Him, we think freedom comes for sure!   But this new freedom is only found in  SERVING.  Making ourselves a servant to HIM, serving others and laying aside our own desires.  We don’t like that sometimes, but in serving we find true freedom.  Freedom is seen in how we can release things that we don't need.  How we let go of things that try to stop us from succeeding.  How we release people who have hurt us, and how we choose to continue to love those that don't love us back.   Freedom also allows us to let people go while still praying for them, understanding that they may not be good for our life, and we may not be good for theirs. Agreeing to disagree, that is freedom.


True Freedom is found inside us.  Not what the government can give us, not what others allow us to do.  True Freedom is found in not holding on to anything that bogs you down, releasing whatever negative things have held you in your mind or in your heart and walking in your purpose.  Freely.
So when you think of the LAND OF THE FREE, remember it is your choice to be free.  Your choice to forgive.  Your choice to walk in your convictions and standards.  No one can take that from you.   True Freedom is found in Christ, He gives us the ability to be sure of our steps, to release those who have hurt us, to love those that don't love us, to reach out to others that might need us.   He makes us free.  Indeed.

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.   John 8:36



1 comment:

  1. WOW! you did it once again, you hit it on the head.... I am so in awe of what God is doing through you. This is so true and helps put a lot in perspective for me.
    Please remember me when you get big, I see you in high places doing great things...
