Hard to live with them, hard to live without them.
The role of a father is one of the most meaningful relationships
you will ever have.
For boys, you can learn how to be a man and how to treat
women. Good or bad, you will learn from
him. You can spend your life trying to
please him, or you can find solace in knowing he is proud of you. He will be your toughest critic and your biggest supporter.
For girls, your identity and self-worth can be curled up in
your relationship with your father. You
will determine the type of man you will marry (or try to avoid) based on your
father. Even when he was not the best, you
may by default land someone with many of his attributes. He will be the first man you ever love.
We are quick to talk about the deadbeat dad, the absent
father or the one who spends way too much time working and not enough
bonding. The one who is emotionally
vacant or has very little to say.
We have seen enough bad father examples. Sometimes we have to be grateful for all the men
that do rise up in the face of criticism
and are there for their families.
We honor today, all the fathers who are present, those who
rise up and do their job well.
We honor the man who tries to stand in for a kid that needs
a little guidance.
We honor fathers that step into a home with kids that are
not his and treats them as if they were.
We honor fathers that don’t mind cooking or cleaning,
changing a diaper or two.
We honor fathers that take
responsibility for their households, whether they understand how to do
everything or not, they still find a way.
For every father that has been criticized
and broken because of a reputation he didn’t build, we honor you.
For trying to listen when you
really just want to fix the issues and go on, thanks for the effort.
For really loving your children
and wife, even when things were not the best.
But you have stayed there.
We honor you for getting back up
every time you fall, knowing that you may.
We honor every father that tries
hard to hear from God in the midst of so many voices, you may not always make
the best choices, but at least you are still trying.
We honor you for being “a
man” when your heart hurts as much as everyone else’s.
We honor you for feeling the hurt
when you can’t fix everything for us, because that means you would if you could.
Mainly, we honor you for taking on
one of the most difficult jobs given to you by God, which is to lead and guide
an entire family, with various personalities and present them to Him- not in His
absence but with his guidance. Today we honor you for allowing His best in you!
Happy Father’s Day!
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