After 40 years of serving God, I recently discovered that I am no longer just
a believer; I have made a shift. This may sound shocking to many of you, as
I still go to church, I still love God, and I'm still serving Him. But something happened to me recently while I was driving and talking to God. The day before this revelation, I did my morning acknowledgment of Him, reminding myself that He would direct my path when I did, then I continued in my daily routine. Later that evening on my way to church, I was reflecting on the days outcomes. I was very aware of how He'd answered my prayer. While thanking Him I said "Lord I really believe that you
answered my prayer!" but I stopped mid-sentence and said, " NO... I don't BELIEVE you
answered my prayer, I KNOW You did!"
Something happened to me over the years to where I made a
transition from being just a believer to being a know-er. The Bible says "That we
may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death." There will always be times in our life where we are believing God for something. We have to have times that we are trusting Him, because the just shall live by faith. Somethings we won't see yet, we won't know, but there should come a time in our lives as a Christian or a Believers, that we have a vast amount of things that we KNOW about God that no longer requires believing. When you believe it is different from knowing. Believing is when you choose to accept something as true; or you confidently put your trust in something or someone. Knowing can be a state of being aware and informed, or doing something with full awareness of it so you are deliberate in your response. If I KNOW a chair can hold me up, I am not at all timid about sitting in it. If I believe it will hold me, I may find myself looking for weak spots just in case. Do you only BELIEVE God or have your learned to KNOW Him?
Life can bring circumstances that make you examine God like a chair you want to trust, but you have to examine more. If you have been living for God, and He has shown Himself strong to you, you should KNOW that He is faithful. When you know God, this world and circumstances don't shake you. It's kind of like the Hebrew boys in the bible... while faced with a fiery furnace they said
"We know that God is able to deliver us from this fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of your hand O King, but even if He does not, Let it be known that we will not serve your gods, or worship the golden idol you made." Daniel 3:16-18
Where are you today? Are you only in belief stage where things come to challenge your heart and thoughts towards God? Are you still moved by people and all the religions and thoughts that say your Christian faith is not complete? Are you challenged to think differently because someone else sounds smart in their criticism of your beliefs? Or are you at a place where it really does not matter what people say, what circumstances arise, what challenges you face, do you KNOW that God is God and what He says is truth? I pray that we can all grow in our faith in a God that we know. That we can swear to our own hurt and not change our faith in Him because the times have changed.
I will say loud and clear, that I am no longer JUST a believer! I know God is good, I know He hears my prayers, I know He causes all things to work for my good and His glory. I know that when this earthly body dies, my spirit will go to where it came from, and God will have the last words about my life. I know I love Him and will serve Him 'even though'. Yes, I plan to hear Him say "Well Done.", I live to see His face.
That is what I KNOW...