Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"Disrespect and Disobedience"

Recently I entertained a thought about the process of raising children and all that it entails.  As a result of these thoughts I began to ponder the various challenges we have when raising our kids or even children that belong to others.  As parents, teachers and care givers, there is always some issue that we have to endure, today I want to shine some light on two of them.


Any parent knows that various levels of disobedience is normal!  This is where we test the boundaries of rules and authority, we see if there really is a limit to what we can do.  It is seen when we touch something intentionally after we are told not to, or when we purposely step over a line that has been drawn. As adults we have to admit that we ourselves have been found in places of disobedience when we were growing up.   Disobedience is an underlying issue in our society, our prisons are full of folks that disobeyed the laws of the land.  But the funny thing about disobedience is that it can be fixed.  Obedience is still an option when you have been caught in error.  Though you may still have to endure a few consequences, it is understood that your actions can change.   The bible says that obedience is greater than sacrifice, God would rather we obey Him than to try and impress Him.  All the things we do from day to day that we believe is impressive, it is not to God if we are still in realms of disobedience. . 


When dealing with disrespect, it looks different than disobedience even though it might involve some.   When you don't respect someone, their words can seem humorous to you.  You have no feeling of disappointing them by your actions or your words.  You really don't care.   I have found recently that if I had a choice of which to have to endure, I would rather it be disobedience!  We unknowingly teach disrespect to our children as a coping mechanism for battling authority figures that may misuse their power.   We often tell our children that NO ONE should tell them what to do, or we choose complete groups of people (like law enforcement) to target so that our children will not be naive to the ways of the few that do wrong.  This can cause a natural tone of disrespect for not just law enforcement, but for authority as a whole, and that becomes a recipe for dysfunction.

It has become increasingly difficult for people,men especially, to volunteer to work with children and youth nowadays  because our society is dripping with disrespect. 


God expects obedience from His kids.  But if we disobey God we will have consequences, and those consequences may cause us to examine our ways and realize that His ways are always best.  As a result, it can make us consider Him more as we grow in Him and can help us choose better in life.  Sincere repentance and turning from our ways  is the plan that God put in place to deal with  our wayward ways.  Repenting and turning is always a way to get back in good standing with God after our moments of disobedience.

But when it comes to disrespect, that sounds a bit like blasphemy.  Having disrespect for God leaves us making jokes and saying things that minimize who He is and shows a lack of faith or knowing who exactly He is.  The bible says that He will not always strive with man, and I believe that disrespect is one of those things that causes Him to turn His face.  See, God does not require RESPECT per se, He is God all by Himself and how we think of Him does not affect His glory, it does not change His power.  What it does do is show that we really don't know Him.   I am careful as to how I talk to God in my personal prayer time. Though I am very honest and true to our conversations, I often will speak what I am thinking and literally tell Him what I don't mean to imply when asking Him something.  God is not moved by our honesty with Him, He wants that.  What I believe we should be aware of is a tone of disrespect.  The bible says that those that go to God must believe that He is and that He is a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.  That requires faith, and respect.

So in conclusion, when it comes to kids... you don't know what thing they may struggle with, but our patience and time can work through it. Personally, I would rather deal with disobedience, than disrespect.  One is just easier to overcome.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

God's Border Control!

We all know the topic of the year is BORDER CONTROL!  Whether to build a wall or not, and who's gonna pay for it.  We can't turn on the television without hearing about this wall.  Recently I saw a news story about a man who had a sign in his store window that said, "Even heaven has gates."  I really couldn't help but laugh, it was funny and very true.   After getting my giggle on, I thought about it from across the aisle and this is my conclusion...


Let's be honest, Heaven does have gates, not walls- but that's because no one there is intending evil, so walls are not needed.  The wrong intentions that people may have had, have already been dealt with.  Even though Heaven has gates, remember that gates are not just used to keep people out, but sometimes they are to welcome people in.  Pearly gates are not for security issues, they are for glory issues.  It shows the glory of God welcoming His obedient kids to the place He has prepared for those who love Him, and He loves.  So using heaven's gates as a reason to build a wall, falls shy of the intent...but that does not mean our borders should be wide open! 


When we talk about allowing people in, or keeping them out,  heaven has a way.  Many who may be all for border control on earth, may be against it in heaven, but God has open borders to everyone here on earth.... BEFORE they get to heaven; meaning everyone is welcomed!  The problem is not if we are welcomed, it is whether or not we want to go through the process.  So, yes we should have a process that requires that people follow it if they want in after all. God does.  Many may think God's process is too strict, or it is exclusive instead of inclusive, but He has set the process.   Some may feel that God is judging their actions and often ask "How can He be a loving God if He does not let everyone in?"  Well, here we are...  Many of us understand it in the natural, but we are against it in the Spiritual.  No one really wants an open border, because we know what it brings.  We are all for helping people, but not allowing evil intentions in our neighborhoods, we don't want to lose opportunity to provide for our families because someone has illegally stolen the opportunity.  Since God is the God of heaven and earth, He can make the rules and have us follow them, or we do not make it in, in America we can and should do the same.  But don't forget that with God.... EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE.


Since we know that God loves people, and gives people a chance, even hard core people - then perhaps we should think about border control like He does.  Everyone is welcomed to apply, or accept an open invitation; but you will be required to follow the process and guidelines to get in.  If you don't follow through then no one has put you out, you put yourself out.  If your INDIVIDUAL life is riddled with activities that are deemed unacceptable, and there is no signs of repentance, then the border remains closed.  But, even if you have had a rough start, you still have a chance based on your ability to turn from your previous ways, and that is also what God offers to us.  But even today, accepting HIM and HIM ALONE is too much of a process for some people, so they back away because the process seems wrong.  But like God, America can set the process that is open to all.   See it is very hard to use God's plan next to our own... because all of us have sinned and come short of His plan, none of us should have been allowed in anyway.   But God through His love sent His Son to pay the price for our entry.     So for fallen people who are redeemed, to tell other fallen people they are not acceptable and don't stand a chance,  is sad and wrong; just like an immigrant who made it good, telling another immigrant that is struggling that they cannot, and should not have a chance. 

I know this is a difficult topic, it is hard to stand on both sides and be open to people and try to be safe at the same time.  But we are not talking about policies, we are talking about people.  Maybe we should make the expectations stricter.... God did.

So yes, God has border control.  Earth is the waiting station, and the gates of heaven are not to keep us out, but to WELCOME US IN!  Instead of hindering each other, and judging each other,  let's help each other study to show our selves approved!      #tryingtomakethecut

(BTW.... Jesus paid for the gates!)      

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

"Birthday Gifts!"

I love birthdays!  Each year I take my birthday week off and just enjoy it.  I use it as a time to reflect on who I am, where I am, and what I have pending for the next year.  I know that might sound boring to some,  but I have never been caught up on having to have parties, gifts or people flood my phone with birthday greetings.  Don't get me wrong, I love the people who decide to celebrate me and take time to share kind words or gift cards; but I have always felt that I am the gift on my birthday.  I am the one who was born to make a difference in the generation that I was born to, and each year, I should have someone that I have touched or helped to celebrate.  

This is not a new thought to me, I found the same thing in the lives of those we read about in our bible.  Here are a few of them and the lessons I take from them: 


When Moses was born, it was in response to the cries of the Children of Israel who were in bondage.  He was born, saved, kept and empowered to fulfill a purpose and promise of  God to His people. Though he felt unworthy, God had a plan for him, and ultimately, he fulfilled it.  REMINDER:  Even if you feel unworthy, you are not the decision maker of that!  God made each of us to be a precious gift, how we are seen, what we do and how we do it, is designed to be a blessing to others!  If we stick to His plan, He will bring it to pass! 


Joseph was born to a woman who was barren, but God had a plan.  Through his dreams, he gained a bit of confidence after being raised in a bubble.  See his parents protected him so much, that it caused division with his brothers.  Soon after they heard about some  dream he was having, his brothers began a plot that not only caused him to lose years with his family, but it unexpectedly catapulted him into the dream itself!  He was not only a dreamer, he was born for this purpose... to provide for his family and save them in the time of drought. REMINDER: What is in your dreams? Just because the path has been filled with jealous people and hard circumstances, does not mean you are off track.  The  distractions and side roads can actually be keeping you ON track!  Don't despise the difficult process, stay connected to God and ride it to the end!


Esther was a woman who was thrown into the midst of a tug of war between the powers that be and the people of God.   The beauty she was born with was used to position her for favor and opportunity beyond her looks.  Many of us would love to look that good, but even if you feel that was not your portion, don't forget that who you are, how you look and so much more about you is intentional.  You are created to solve an issue or to fix a problem in this earth. All of who you are fits with what you are called to do.  You like Esther were made, for such a time as this! Walk confidently in it!


Each of us are born with a DNA to serve and to meet a need in this earth.  We are gifted differently in every area because the needs are different.  Everyone is not made to reach every body, so I need you to ZIG where I ZAG.  The more we realize we are the gift on our birthday, the more we  will focus on who we can help and how.  We will be less upset when someone forgets our birthday, and more in tuned to remembering our purpose as we meet needs.   

The final example that I will give is of course Jesus Christ;  He was literally born to die.  His birth came as an answer to a need , His birth and death was to give us opportunity to be reconciled to God.  He was and still is  the ultimate gift for us.   

As you go through this year, remember that everyday is a gift to you, and every day you too should be a gift to others.  By the time your birthday rolls around, there should be many  people who are blessed and touched by your PRESENCE!  If by chance I miss you this year... Happy birthday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"The 'Dirt' on Christians!"

I know as a Christian, when we talk about being washed, being clean, being saved, being fruitful... the last thing we want to be identified with is dirt.  The scripture lets us know that in the beginning, God created Adam by the dust of the earth.  Basically we were created from dirt.  If we pay attention to the various colors of dirt, you will find every color of man.  Brown, white, black, red and yellow- God created us from the dust of the earth, we are basically.....DIRT.

I love gardening, I don't do it as much in Houston because of the heat, but as kids we learned how to grow plants, nurture them and benefit from the fruit of our labor. Every seed that I have ever grown was planted in dirt and that is where this thought sprouts from... 


I have an avocado seed that I keep thinking I am going to plant. It is not the first one that I have tried to grow. See whenever I find a good piece of fruit, my temptation is to instantly want to plant that seed, believing that it will produces after it's kind.  I used to think that a seed needed to be dried out before it could be planted, basically it needed to die.  So this seed like it's previous counterparts, has sat in a designated 'drying' place, doing nothing. A seed full of potential has sat dormant in my house.  As of today... it is still drying out and not producing ANYTHING.  Sometimes we put so much emphasis on drying a seed, or dying to our past that we forget that the plan is not just DEATH, but GROWTH.  The plan is that we are fruitful, that we can produce and that the world benefits from our lives.  God is not just interested in us dying, that is just one part of the process... His ultimate plan is that we live! Living testimonies of His goodness.  Don't get stuck in one part of your process, trying to be so sure you are dead to sin that you forget that He died to bring you life.  If we are not focused on the entire plan, and the differing processes, just  like my avocado seed, we can be wasting valuable time and may one day discover that we are no longer able to produce according to the original plan.  


Another thing I have found recently is that I could actually get my avocado seed ready to produce, by first planting it over water and letting the seed root before planting it in soil.  This completely changed my thoughts about that seed!  I now have plans to try and see if I can get my little tree going since now I have 'a revelation' that the process I was using, was good, but there is another way that produces the same results, possibly quicker.   I like many, love to see results.  It is encouraging to be able to watch the seed get roots and a bud, that alone will help me gather all the other things I need to ensure it is successful.   
If you are someone who has been planting into the lives of others by trying to work with the dirt in their life... try the water.  Trying to be productive by always addressing the flesh, doesn't always allow you to see progress.  The best place to set up roots is not really in dirt, but it can be in water.  Sometimes you have to jump in the water of the word of God, and begin serving in His house, even though you have not dealt with all the dirt.  The roots you get in the word, will help you deal with the dirt, and help you grow even when you are surrounded by dirt. 


We already talked about how God formed man from the dust of the earth.  He knew  that one day He would plant His seed in us, and we needed to be able to grow, and to be productive.  Every seed needs dirt, even God's seed.  Our strong roots need to be generated by the water of the word of God, so  it will grow in us.   We are the dirt God needs to grow His purpose in.  Once we begin to grow, dirt drops off.  Before we are served to others, we are washed, cleansed, then presented.  God grows us up to be productive and a blessing to others... But don't despise your dirt! 

I want to take a little twist when it comes to talking dirt... don't let your dirt define you... your flesh or the deeds you have done in your flesh.  Yes, we are made from dirt, and dirt is needed to grow a seed, but whatever you have been through in life, all the little dirty things.... lends to a testimony, a ministry or at least a heart that understands what someone else is going through.  That same dirt will allow us to care a little more about someone else, it will allow us to be touched by the feelings of others pain,  and it will help us not to judge those who are struggling in the same dirt we were delivered from.  That same dirt that made you sin, is now being used by God to grow a seed of righteousness.   Allow God to grow in you and to do His perfect work through you, and allow for the same in those you encounter!